Shouts about...

Sorcerer 1977

A movie that gives no fucks on all levels

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Not quite my kind of movie, macho manly adventures, but the attention to detail made it for me. So many tiny fleeting touches, small socio economic accents that are barely present. Backstories that are just enough, nothing excessive anywhere. And some sweet analogue tracks by Tangerine Dream.

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Just watched for the first time after seeing that William Friedkin had passed and Exorcist being one of my films thought I check this out and wow the story, cinematography and sound stage are amazing for this 1970s film. Managed to view the 4k version, and it is gritty and very contrasty with amazing detail, and the 5.1 soundtrack really helped push the film along nicely.

Massive thumbs up from me for this film.

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Didn't realise it was a remake until afterwards; I'll watch The Wages of Fear real soon.
Incredible film. Macho, human and subtext-driven. The lack of dialogue works so well, truly edge-of-the-seat stuff.
Glory be to Tangerine Dream too, wish they scored more movies.

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Like an old Camaro heading off road: glorious 1970s grit.

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We get the back stories for the main cast and then we get to the location where their lives intervene with one another, but this film really excelled for me once we get the job and the even more so with the journey. Not a bad way to spend two hours at all.

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So, this past month I was in Scotland visiting my Dad. One night when we came back from his local pub we stuck on the telly and the documentary 'Uncut Friedkin' happened to be on. We caught what must have been the last half of the documentary and the part about Friedkin directing 'Sorcerer' came up. Dad said that he loved that movie. After seeing what it was about, I recalled that 'Sorcerer' was almost exactly like one of my favorite movies called 'Wages of Fear'.
Turns out that 'Sorcerer' is the remake. Dad never saw 'Wages of Fear' so I highly recommended it to him. In return, he highly recommended this.
Amazing that I never heard of this movie before!
Now, 'Wages of Fear' and 'Sorcerer' are both favorite movies of mine.
By the way 'Uncut Friedkin' is a great watch too even though I only saw that last half.

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The rare case of a remake that adds value to an already great film without taking from it at the same time. An absolute master class in tension and wordless character development. I love just about every moment of this movie.

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The second adaptation of Georges Arnaud's 1950 French novel "Le Salaire de la peur".

Wages of Fear (1953) is certainly considered a film classic and the first adaptation. Sorcerer is widely regarded as a remake but Friedkin certainly does not.

While receiving mostly negative reviews at time of release this film has been gaining much praise over the last few decades. The Tangerine Dream soundtrack certainly adds much to the overall mood of this film. I can only imagine the tough logistics of filming this.

I find this film lingers in my thoughts for days.

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Overlooked at the time of its release - thanks to a little film called Star Wars - this is deserving of your attention. While dramatically inert at the start of the film, it picks up pace later on, with scenes that are dangerously tense (the actors did all their own stunts) and thrilling. Not quite a seventies classic, but close.

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