I wish this was written by somebody who knows how actual programming works.

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Somehow LeBron is an even worse actor than Michael Jordan.

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My favorite part of the movie was the Michael B. Jordan, Friday Night Lights scene.

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To be honest I enjoyed the film. While it's nothing like the original Space Jam that's to be expected with 20+ years between the original and this sequel. However this film does have a few issues that really bug me, from the awful tech jargon used in the movie from the son to the poor acting and straight up dislike of LeBron. LeBron comes across as an awful father who forces his own ideals and opinions onto his children than letting them being individuals and that Basketball isn't fun and is solely just work. Also despite all the cool television and movie references throughout (felt very much like Ready Player One) it did feel a bit over the top at points and felt more like a big advert for WB content.

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A very bad sequel, Lebron is not an actor just a bait for the people.

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My kids turned it off to watch the original. I imagine they just told him to parent like normal and he's normally a total dick.

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Why they did to Lola is unacceptable. Also is so family safe that nothing left from looney toons.

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This is missing all the charm and magic from the original. The music is trash. I've never watched a more soulless movie in my life.

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I'm gonna be honest, this movie was just... eh? I watched it around 3am on release day and idk if this is just the blur talking, but damn this movie made me fall asleep.

That Rick and Morty scene was kinda weird.

5/10, good for the family, terrible for the critic.

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A little corny as expected. Tunes are solid and Lebron wasn’t bad, didn’t see the AI storyline coming

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The long awaited sequel, Space Jam: A New Legacy, is a crazy mess. The story follows an A.I. computer algorithm that kidnaps LeBron James and his son, taking them inside the Warner Brothers computer server, and gives LeBron a chance to get his son back by winning a basketball game with a team he’ll have to assemble from the different worlds within the server. LeBron’s “acting” is pretty bad and his vanity is out of control. Then again, the film’s all about vanity with its “you do you” theme and making the basketball game all about style. But what’s most disappointing is the missed opportunity to really do something with all the Warner properties instead of just having Looney Tune characters inserted into a few scenes of Warner Brothers movies (The Matrix, Mad Max, etc.). Still, a lot of the jokes work and there are some exciting moments during the game. Yet while it’s entertaining at times, Space Jam: A New Legacy is a total trainwreck.

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I thought, oh it can't be as bad as everyone says. Well it is. Which is a shame cz it could've been great.

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I know I am getting myself into a (space) jam here but this wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t laugh out loud funny but it wasn’t a painful way to spend a couple of hours. And that’s all I have to say folks!

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Horrible. Too much futuristic and not funny. The first one was incredible. The thing I hate most was the Looney Toons trasformed in 3D

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10 screenwriters... TEN. And that's what they came up with. Too many cooks gets a whole new meaning.

The visuals are good, but overwhelming, the endless parade of characters from the Warner Bros. catalogue is in poor taste, the story is poor and the acting at best passable, even Don Cheadle gives only a halfhearted performance. One thing is sure, LeBron James won't make an acting career after he retires from basketball.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-09-03T13:52:11Z— updated 2022-04-20T19:03:41Z

This movie cost almost as much as Dune (2021) to make.
And yet, this movie looks and feels like a Disney Channel movie from the 2000’s.
There’s gotta be money laundering involved here, right?

Besides that, the acting is fucking garbage, the jokes are cringey and insulting to the target audience, it’s too long, the soundtrack’s ass, the dialogue sucks and the effects look like crap.
Worst of all, it feels like Warner Brothers jerking off to itself.
You can make that type of film (Ready Player One, Lego Movie, the Oh My Disney scene in Wreck it Ralph 2), but you have to do something interesting with the things you’re referencing.
This is empty and really, really dull.
It honestly feels like a 2 hour long HBO Max commercial.


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After all the leftist bs surrounding Lola and Pepe this movie was hard to watch. LeBron, who’s just terrible (can’t really blame him, the guy’s not an actor), didn’t help that cause. It might’ve been a bit better if they didn’t cram in so many references just for the sake of it. Like this, that doesn’t add anything to the movie. I guess it’s fun for kids, which is okay, it is a kids movie after all.

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Dont like it. Bad acting

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Are you kidding me…Batman vs LeBron and LeBron wins. Get the fuck outta here. This movie is trash just for that alone.

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Actors, Directors and every staff should be disappointed in this dog's breakfast of a movie. From the terrible acting and the horrible looney toons scenes, people should stay clear of this train wreck.

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So much better than I thought it’d be. Great message built within the film that made he just think…blend between animation and live action was very good!

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Dumb, I shouldn’t have to say anymore. Stop making sequels to movies that don’t require one! FU Hollywood!

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Is it a great movie? Maybe not. Is it a great sequel? Maybe even notter. But oh boy, did I have fun with this one. With the original Space Jam being the first movie I ever watched in a cinema as a kid I was fully pumped with nostalgia. In no way I expected to SJ2 to be much fun and for the first 20 or so minutes I was kinda stumped. The tech babble was a bit too much and I guess LeBron is not really that much of an actor. But the good thing is: After those first 20 or so minutes he doesn't have to, anymore. I won't spoilt anything because there was a lot that caught me of guard and I absolutely LOVED the assembly of the team.
So I guess if you liked the first movie and you're in the mood for a goofy loony movie, you might want to dust off that old tune squad shirt and move your ass to the cinema.

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There are higher moments than there are in the original. The 2D animation is great, there's a better sense of the Looney Tunes gags, the voice cast is generally stronger, there's bigger stakes, Don Cheadle is more than the movie deserves, and there is way less horny ogling of Lola. But good god, the lows. Every time I'd almost buy in, there'd be a 'What in the Matrix hell?' or a 'Winter, I say, Winter is coming!' reminding you of the vapidness at the hole of this, the monopolies consuming film and all media, and the obsession with IP intensified in the wake of the MCU. There is no removing that context, you cannot ignore it. Rick and Morty.

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If this is where movies are going, then I'm deleting my account.

When Martin Scorsese said Marvel movies are theme park rides, this doesn't just apply to Marvel, but movies like this that throw in characters from different movies and put them in the background, as a way to advertise Warner Bros. World theme park and HBO MAX. I spent more of my time looking at the background just to see how many characters the studio put in, while I wasn't watching the actual game. Very distracting.

I nearly fell a sleep watching this.

It will be interesting to see people try and defend this horseshit.

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It's "Remember This: The Movie" all over again. As if Warner Bros. had some references left over from 'Ready Player One' and off-loaded them onto this movie. There's honestly more throwbacks to 'The Matrix' than there is an original story here, at one point they truly get lazy and simply reuse actual footage from various other movies.

It's almost 2 hours long yet the pacing is so breakneck fast I couldn't keep up with it, I couldn't even remember the first half of the movie by the time it was over...

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:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:EXPECTATIONS CAN MAKE OR BREAK THIS MOVIE::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: This is NOT Space Jam 1.

If you’re in it to have a good time, and/or to watch it with family, it is very enjoyable.

LeBron is not an actor so you should already have that in mind as seen by MJ in the first movie.
The script and acting can get very cringe at times as well as some very dry and awful jokes. Don Cheadle carried the movie as best as he could.

However, the movie is a really great time where an older nostalgic audience can enjoy many Easter Eggs and children can enjoy the Looney Tunes doing what they do best. Amazing visual effects hands down.

:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:Moral of the Story::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: Don’t take this movie serious and enjoy the wackiness.

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The best part of this movie was trying to see what characters where in the crowd during the big game lol.

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Lola Bunny isn't allowed to have boobs anymore and Pepé Le Pew wasn't welcome in this movie because the character is "aggressively" flirty. I'm sick and tired of this kind of bs...

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Ugh. I knew it would be bad, but I didn’t expect to cringe so much. All the ignorant tech garbage was too much.

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Athletes acting... That never goes well.

LeBron James spitting facts.

I'm not gonna assault this movie the way it assaulted classic cinema by ramming Bugs Bunny into Casablanca, The Matrix, Mad Max: Fury Road and other Warner Bros properties.

What I will say, though, is that the theater was as silent as a funeral for this franchise.

Oh, and a computer baddie named Al G Rhythm? Like Algae? Or Ali G? When Al Go-Rhythm was right fucking there?

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writing was soooo bad even looney toons couldn't save this.

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If this doesn't make the bottom 200 hundred movies of all time, there is seriously something wrong with viewers. I would watch a sequel to Superbabies before I even thought of sitting through this movie again. One - Lebron is no Michael Jordan. Two - He is a complete idiot trying to push his ideas on everyone around him and living like a hypocrite in the process. Don't waste your time go watch the water circling in the toilet as you flush is more entertaining.

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It just feels tired. So tired and uninventive despite all the IP plugged in.

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The best parts of this movie involved actual actors. Well, just Don Cheadle.

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Probably the longest TV commercial I'll ever watch in my life (until WB try the same thing a few years later). Made by committee filmmaking that's capitalism at its absolute worst

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"If we're going out, we're going out Looney!"

Would somebody please give Daffy Duck a damn hug?!?

Anyway, Green screening LeBron into Casablanca? How the hell did they come up with this? Never thought I'd see the day. They just used every bit of out of the Warner Brothers catalog they could. I even spotted the Animaniacs. WHY? And somehow I thought I remembered that I liked LeBron in Trainwreck but I can't remember his acting being this bad? Even the Looney Tunes feel underused and they freaking missed the opportunity to just use the theme song from the original Space Jam.

No, I was looking forward to this one but no. I feel betrayed. Using Daffy as a coach and under using him? What a shame. Michael B. Jordan joke? I give hem credit for that, the recreation of the most famous D-Wade/LeBron alley-oop picture? Alright! But for any slightly decent or good thing they just pull so many bad stuff.

No, Space Jam: A New Legacy totally let me down. Jokes about Anthony Davis's brow? GET OUT OF THERE.

No. Watch the original instead.

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It was ok, but only just ok. it was never gonna live up to 20 years of history 5/10

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LeBron join WB to advertise both. Not a sequel.

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To me, the true highlights of this movie were the visuals (God they’re fantastic!), the references to other projects made by Warner Bros., and Don Cheadle as the villain. That being said, everything else about it is pretty forgettable (yes, even the Looney Tunes characters). The acting (especially from LeBron James), the animation, the story, the humor, all not good. I guess if you have 2 hours to kill (yes, 2 HOURS), then this isn’t a bad one

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Dear Movie Producers, Alright, let's pitch a movie on how good is Warner Bros Media, and if we just can put Drogon again on a motion picture that would be totally nice since we paid a lot of money for the CGI. P.S.: Include all the characters you can, and of course... the references. Love, XOXO... Mr. Warner.

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I thought the premise - an algorithm wants to put a Basketball player in a WB project - was funny. That idea had lots of potential, especially given that the original shorts were so good at parodying popular culture of their day. But rather than run with that, all we get is "I got that reference" nods to those properties when it could have been so much smarter while still serving the kids. The original Stupor Duck short, for example, which is referenced here, isn't exactly the harshest satire, but it lands its visual jokes and puns and silliness in a way that Daffy dressing s Superman doesn't get anywhere near. It's such a shame, because it basically reduces the Looney Tune characters to very basic acme slapstick when the premise could have allowed those characters to do some really smart parodying of Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and the rest.

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The first act is atrocious and I was ready to hate the movie. But it picks up once they enter the computer world. It was fun from then on. The recruitment scene was a blast. The rap scene was hilarious. It's obviously a kids movie but it still entertained me at the end.

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Adults trashing this forget it's a family oriented movie intended for kids. The plot and acting were never going to be of high caliber, but thats not the point. Does it have good animation, visual effects, character references, easter eggs and several witty jabs at LeBron? Yes.

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Very disappointed.
Story was very bad
Acting was very bad
Animation was even bad, especially from Lebron's character.
Even Sonequa Martin-Green couldn't save this movie.

I don't understand how this movie got the green light.

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Awful film. Really really bad.

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If you kinda bored and got 2 hours to kill, take a nap instead.

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kids review - they sat through it all, 1 came out saying 'that was good'

my review-
It's essentially a remake of SJ with some additional scenes.

Much more loonieness. only about 3 laughs for me though

Like SJ, Half the spectators were On an animation loop, but im guessing as a spoof to that as loads (GoT characters, the 60s batman & robin) were on a 1 second loop ,in no way reacting to the game .
Most looked like stag parties in bad costumes.. particularly the penguin, jokers, valdemort & pennywise . Kong was just a big monkey instead of the expected GvK model..

Of course it's full of stuff that doesn't make sense, and winning plays that are only done once.

But it's WB and the Tunes throwing all your (geeky) fave stuff in your face .

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Makes Space Jam look like a masterpiece, utterly forgettable rubbish

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I have no idea who this Lebron is, but after watching this I learned three things. Apparently, he plays basketball, he has charisma and acting skills on par with a rock, and he must have paid for this movie, as I have never seen a movie so high up somebody's a** before.

Underused characters, pointless references, and cameos, almost nonexistent, very simple story. Part of the movie is on par with Scary Movies, and not the first one. I wonder when they learn that referencing better movies just makes your movie looks worse.

If I take into account the "upgrade" redesign of the characters in the second half, this movie deserves a 0/10. They managed to make Loony Toones look creepy. That's really an achievement

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With all the cameos and Easter eggs, I don’t understand the bad reviews. It was silly, but it was a LOONEY TUNES movie! It was laugh out loud funny. Was LeBron a good actor? Of course not, but be honest - was MJ? Don’t come into this thinking it’s a sequel or expecting it to bring you the same feelings it did when you watched the original when you were 7 years old. And don’t go into it thinking it is about coding (with Acme physics you’re questioning the fact the coding story line isn’t accurate, yeah ok). But definitely DEFINITELY look into the background and enjoy all those WB characters. This movie made me nostalgic. Not for the original space jam, but for cartoons and movies of my youth. 9/10, a fun escape.

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The comments on this movie make me think those people were clearly not fans of the first movie.

To me this was an amazing follow up and much better than I was expecting. The build up, the lessons, the allowing the toons to do toon, the sacrifice at the end and such a great WB nostalia trip akin to ready player one.

As someone who as a kid LOVED the original I absolutely loved it!!!

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Not that funny and the storyline is kind of forced… but still it’s an nostalgic and fun watch but yeah zero real laughter or emotion, or even serious drama so it gets a 6 from me. Just a creative feel good movie by the end. Even though it’s not THAT feel good of a film. Nevertheless you’ll probably wake up by the end of the film. Which is it’s good part like okay overall it wasn’t terrible but it was kind of meaningless in terms of the emotions that can be brought about in 2 hours. The jokes don’t hit. But the graphics and nostalgia give it a boost. The excitement and level of enthusiasm is kind of dulled by subpar acting. The main boss only is in like two plays of the game and it’s just a mashup of familiar characters but by the end I guess, you might feel good about the watch so it’s not terrible but for a movie watching adult you’ll probably find it kind of very basic as far as films go. Like even to the point where it could’ve been a Disney TV movie if not for all the expensive cameos.

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This movie was bogus. After like 35 minutes I called it quits cause I was so bored.
10 bags of burnt, moldy popcorn

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Space jam: the ego stroke

Also no Bill Murray cameo, huge disappointment

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Lebrons acting is significantly worse than in Trainwreck. Also extremely cheap that he’s animated half the movie. The movie was fun though and the looney tunes brought me a lot of smiles and I enjoyed the wb cameos. Worth watching if fan of the first but not as good

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A millennials dream. My kids didn’t get some of the jokes.

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Space Jam 1: Has Danny DeVito
Space Jam 2: Does NOT have Danny DeVito

Verdict- Space Jam 1 is better

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It’s like going to watch a basketball game on the TV but first you have to sit through a really long and bad Warner Bros commercial until the boring CGI game starts.

Remember that scene on the original Space Jam when Daffy kisses the Warner Brothers logo on his ass? Now imagine that scene on a loop for an hour and you’ll get a movie called Space Jam: A New Legacy.

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While the premise is offensivly shameless, a handful of half-decent gags prevent this from being completly terrible.
A recommendation, absolutly not. A guilty pleasure / curiousity, egh, sure, you’ll at best half enjoy this.

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You can hate on Bron, he deserves that and more for his political actions and negative effect on the game of basketball, but leave Bugs Bunny out of it. Entertaining movie, funny, carried by the looneytoons. Lebron can't act, but didn't ruin experience of the movie. 6.5/10

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Still better than the emoji movie.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2021-07-16T16:02:12Z— updated 2021-07-17T22:25:24Z

Due to all the Warner Brothers movie references and cameos I found the sequel even more fun than the first film. Lebron is the least interesting thing about the movie though.
Michael Jordan had more charisma on screen. Lebron is a bit wooden and too much of a control freak father to be likable in it. As Lebron’s wife, Sonequa Martin-Green (Star Trek Discovery) seems like she is trying too hard to win an Oscar every time she acts, even in a Space Jam movie.
The Looney Toon characters are at least entertaining throughout. Even when the basketball game they are playing isn’t as entertaining as they are. The film loses a lot of steam during the basketball game.

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Pretty sure a 14 year old wrote this movie

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Omg this new version is AWESOME!! I always enjoyed the original (which is still watchable to this date) but this one is truly awesome. The effects the storyline and the throw backs to the old ones and everything WB is just epic. Every geek will love this movie. Remember ready player one few summers back well get ready for Space Jam a New Legacy 12/10 awesomeness bonus!!!

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Too Bad Lebron is in this! CREEP!

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