I had to get a rewatch in before I saw the new one tonight! Yes, it’s still incredible. It’s everything Spider-Man is and should be. The live action films are great, this is better. I can understand the appeal to live action to people in a general sense, but this is one of the film that transcends typical live action vs animated tropes. The visual style, soundtrack, action, it all works together to create my favorite movie of 2018.

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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Mid-2000s animation with an early 90s filter. It's nothing like the comic artstyle except for some text boxes and panel references.

Lame jokes.

Radioactive spider randomly in the sewers as Miles' origin.

Peter's origin was that he was bit in the room they were experimenting on radioactive spiders. This origin was even in the movies. Why? Because it made more sense than a radioactive spider randomly in the sewers.

His first super power is that it makes him hit puberty and grow taller one day later. Stupid.

Shit death for Peter. He didn't even stop the machine, it was Goblin who dragged him into it. Stupid.

Unlikeable protagonist in Miles, who wins after 2 days being Spider-Man. Stupid.

Unlikeable stupid older Peter character.

Stupid spider-gwen introduction with nonsensical throw away time travel.

Annoying boring alternate versions of Spider-Man.

Music is nothing special.

It's a usual generic disney animated movie that is just above average.

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Good for what it is - but it's still just an animated movie.


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I absolutely loved the animation style, never before seen a movie in that style.

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ce film d'animation est vraiment bien construit ! le scenario est bien ficellé et je conseille particulièrement aux cinéphiles avertis de ne pas louper ce petit chef d'oeuvre et de surtout le visionné en VOSF !

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anyone noticed devil may cry 5 cinematic effects

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-12-14T03:59:29Z— updated 2018-12-28T22:19:58Z

This film is gorgeous. The best looking animation movie I've seen in a long time. The story is great and flows really well. It has a lot of heart and is really funny. It explains things quick and doesn't focus on anything for too long. Seeing all the other universes' Spider-Mans (Spider-Men?) was a lot of fun. The voice cast is stacked with people that I recognized but couldn't place right away, except for Nic Cage, I recognized him right away. Go see this and enjoy seeing the closest thing to an actual comic on the big screen.

Edit: I caught a lot more the second time and loved it even more. This easily is one of the best of the year and one of my all time favorites.

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Great animation, mind blowing visuals, tremendous story arc, amazing humour and pays homage to the late Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. The post credits scene was funny as fuck.

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Not just one of the best animated movies of the last few years but the best Spidey film ever. A brilliantly visual style and great story. A must-watch for any animation or comic book fan.

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A great origin movie that is super bold for focusing on Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker. The animation is a beautiful, the way the plot develops is exciting, my only problem is the villain, he's mediocre in all aspects but at least all the other characters leave me satisfied.

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Alot of heart and snow crazy animations and at design that made this a fun one to watch.

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Wasn't too sure on what to expect when I watched this as I usually stray from animated superhero movies but my god this was amazing!! I was hooked from start to finish, I literally couldn't keep my eyes off it! Miles was great and I adored Gwen Stacy. I highly recommend everyone to watch this especially if you're looking for something to keep you hooked. 10/10

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Spectacular. Stunning. Surreal. Shocking. Spiderman.

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By far the best spiderman movie ever. In all live and animation. Funny, entertaining great one-liners. Amazing after credit scene, so deserved!
Really this is a must see even if you do not like animations any more like me, i used to watch all PIXAR and DISNEY but over the past years i do not feel the need to but this is a masterpiece in that sector. A multiverse done right and deserves all the praise.

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Watch - if u haven't

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Just an unbelievable achievement for cinema. Glorious all round. People are saying the sequel is just as good and I'm admittedly skeptical about that but excited nevertheless.

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a love letter to spiderman and comics

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Watched for the first time since watching "Across" and noticed that spider 42 "glitched." Nice little detail foreshadowing a major plot point in the sequel. Gonna have to keep my eyes open for more.

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Shout by PaulKael
BlockedParent2023-09-04T05:58:47Z— updated 2023-09-17T15:19:26Z

Into the Spider-Verse does have some amazing animation but the out-of-focus effects were distracting. I also felt, aside from Uncle Aaron, that the villains were weak. I did appreciate the humor, the other spider heroes, and the comic book text.

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Innovative, that's a perfect word to describe it. They have set the bar so high with the new found style of animation which is honestly really really good. This is as close as we can get to comics in motion. Such a beautiful journey this was.

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The storytelling is really good, awesome origin story for Miles, really fun, the arc evolves super well.

The reason it is not a 10 for me, and maybe that's because of the new one, is that it feels like it slows down too much on some parts, which makes it feel like the pacing is a bit off place. Still awesome, already watched multiple times and would still watch many more times.

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Excellent entertainment, clever direction, references and humor, but fairly conventional emotions and storyline.
The energy of the film is very youthful and sometimes lacks a bit of restraint, especially in the action scenes which are sometimes a bit psychedelic and suddenly lose clarity.

Nevertheless it is clearly an audacious animated film well above average, we feel that there is passion behind it.
It's a solid 7,5/10 but not an 8 for me.

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All Gold
With Sony/Marval
Confirming that
A live action
Miles Morales
Spider-man movie
Is going to be made
and with the
2nd and 3rd part of
this movie out this year
and next 2024 I thought
it's time for a rewatch.
This movie is absolutely
Amazing with it's
Sensational vfx and
great story it's so much
fun and a joy to experience.
The soundtrack is
Awesome like totally
Frickin Awesome,
the pacing is perfect
with so much to tell
nothing feels rushed
or under sold.
The humour is spot-on
and very funny and when
it's time to get serious and
hit you in the Feels it
absolutely delivers.
All our Spidy Heroes
are outstanding and put
in a Stella performance.
it's one of the best told
Multiverse stories to date
What is not to Love.
I am super super stoked
for The Live Action
Miles Morales and Madame Web movie
along with a spinoff Gwen Stacy movie
that Sony have in mind.
Have made me care again
After Sony broke 1 universe
but finally joined a
Much Much Larger One.
(A Multiverse
if you will).

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I love the art in it

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Shout by Deleted

Mind blowing VFXs, a storytelling from another dimension and great jokes. Impossible not to relate with one of the spideys.

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Pretty good movie with some decent comedy at times. Wasn't a fan of how Miles skipped his training arc via a talk with his father. Was a fan of the authentic and seemingly realistic voice acting by some of the main cast, like Aaron.

Ready to see the next

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Shout by Pradipa PR
BlockedParent2023-06-13T15:49:47Z— updated 2023-06-18T08:59:42Z

Flashy visuals with some terrific work on the animation, dashed with a right amount of tasteful comedy, poking fun of previous Spider-Man iterations and common superhero tropes in general without dragging it down. The first half of the film has the story going well with coming-of-age drama and superhero team up; but the second half kind of resolved the conflict very quickly and just get done with it - including the film version of "who murdered the Uncle Ben" - which made the pace kinda abrupt and downplayed the tension, but still somehow worked. It's not the best story out there but still manages to give short bursts of emotional touch in-between the visuals and the multiverse concept. Certainly it did much better than Far Away From Home.

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Nothing against the revamped graphics, but let's face it, it's the same old stuff they've been feeding us for generations. Despite the commendable creative and productive effort into replicating the distinctive style of comic books through a unique amalgamation of techniques, the film is continuously brought down by the lazy writing tropes of average superhero flicks and antiquated coming-of-age drama narratives. The humor, for the most part, falls flat, while the character relationships barely scratch the surface. Overall, it’s a passable film, especially for a younger audience. Perfect for those who want to see their beloved heroes faithfully transposed on screen for the umpteenth time and point at every easter egg.

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Heartfelt, quality production with a decent enough script and story that allow the characters to grow without undercutting all the emotion with comedy like MCU. Neat style and character relationships, but pretty forgettable otherwise.

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Shout by NForcer

8.5/10 ; very enjoyable but I would have liked to see more of the backstory of the other spider-men/women

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I agree with those who say how good it is and that it is one of the best spider-man movies.

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Still one of the hardest soundtracks ever...

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Only spiderman movie I have ever cared for. I enjoyed everything about this - especially the awesome soundtrack. It has so many of my favorite songs.

The animation style is awesome. Others have tried to imitate this - it's highly stylized, so if you don't like it, fine. It's an artistic choice, and I think it's a great one.

The story was one I also personally enjoyed, and I have to admit made me emotionally invested - even cry. But hey... I'm like that.

I can't wait for the next ones!

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This the new best Spider-Man movie

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You'll hear me complaining non-stop on how I dislike when big studios roll all their IP into one thing, and yet see all the versions of spiderman working together was lovely.

It was entertaining and moving, totally worth watching, totally worth making time and attention for it.

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An amazing animated movie about one of the most beloved superheroes in it. The animation is gorgeous and the multiple Spider-Men in this movie all feel distinct and different from each other.

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It was so good actually like really great film. art is so amazing

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A revolutionary piece of filmmaking.

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I did not even expect a graphic novel movie. Yep. That's right. I know nothing about the Marvel universe. Guilty as charged. But, this turns out to be a very exciting movie. I like the story, the style and the score. Most traces of Spiderman's philosophical core (great power vs. great responsibility) are gone but like Spiderman the movie doesn't take itself too serious without being totally infantile. Is it made for kids? Yes, kinda but graphics style is mature enough, so that adults can enjoy virtually all scenes. It's maybe twenty minutes too long though.

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top tier animation cool stories nice rythme just some soundtrack that didn't click with me

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a literal masterpiece. genius. the more spiderpeople the better.

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YES YES YES is it’s a comic book come to life if you haven’t watched it yet stop right now and go watch it they will be some of the best 2 hours you have all year

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68 | The visuals and music are so perfect for the story and the characters introduced. No wonder Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse is loved by everybody, especially comic fans. Honestly, this film has an okay main story, it felt great just because of how many characters were involved who could make us hype to watch. It also had generic animation story diseases which are ignored physics and bland extra characters. Anyways, this film is the first one that successfully brought comic visuals into a moving picture. It better be more animation like this with a way better story.

Rating: 67.7


25%: 2
50%: 2
75%: 1.8
100%: 2

Favorite Characters

  1. Peter B. Parker / Spider-Man: 2.5
  2. Miles Morales / Spider-Man: 2.4
  3. Jefferson Davis: 2.3
  4. Uncle Aaron / Prowler : 2
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Before no way home, this was my favourite spidey film. It's now my second favourite but it still hols up after rewatch which I was worried that it wouldn't. All of the spider-people are incredible, Gwen, Miles, Uncle Aaron & Doc Ock are some standouts! I can't wait for the second film coming out next year.

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I don't have words for this masterpiece. 10/10

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Although I don't like the character of Miles Morales as a Spider-Man but this movie is pure genius. As a comic book fan, I was very pleased to see many universes together (multi verse) at the same time. The first MCU movie I've enjoyed in a long time. I'm angry at myself for watching this great movie so late, and at Marvel for making the universe so disgraceful and monotonous.

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A new, interesting approach not only from the story's side, but also from the way of creating the animation. A great combination of modern animation with comic book inclusions.

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Thoroughly entertaining film, uniquely presented, with stunning visuals.

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Though the film is fun with a lot of heart, I wouldn’t call it the best Spider-Man film at all. Which gets thrown around a lot. King Pin is too damn big and there’s not enough of the Green Goblin.
I also always honestly have to remind myself the movie exists. So it didn’t leave the huge impression on me that it did on everyone else. Despite it being quite clever and entertaining.
I actually found the multiverse story more memorable in the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series.

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Amazing all around. Quirky animation style, effortless humor, epic score and perfect screenplay to mention just a glimpse of its brilliance. The amount of synergy between characters, animation styles, score and dialogue is out of the world. Hands down one of the best animation movies ever made.

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Shout by Deleted

One of my favorite movies of all time. So good, from the animation, soundtrack, characters, and story. So so so good. Watch it now.

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I should've watched this way sooner. Spider-Man is my favorite super hero. Always has been. This movie is amazing. It gave some of the same feelings the original cartoon gave me as a kid. The humor, art style & animation and the story are all awesome. Only negative for me is that I wanted to see more from Noir & Pig in this and a bit less of Gwen Stacey. I just like those characters more. But man, what a great movie. I'm ready for a part two!

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Quite possibly my favourite animated film of all time, which is a lot down to the animation itself. I'm not breaking new ground by saying this, but it looks absolutely beautiful - espically the climax. Stunning stuff. Everyone who worked on this aspect deserves as much credit as possible. But a good film is notjing without a good story, and thankfully this film has that too. Miles Morales is an instantly likeable protagnist and he is backed up by a quirky, colourful and memorable supporting cast that ranges from a older, downbeat, depressed Peter Parker to a literal Spider-Pig. Also incredibly funny - laugh-out loud momments for all ages, guranteed. It even gets suprisingly meta at times! Also a film with heart, as while the film features many, many sub-plots, it always keeps the focus on Miles and his struggles to become Spider Man. Also the soundtrack's pretty catchy. Perfect family film.

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probably my favourite animated movie i've ever seen; i know nothing about spiderman in the comics, but this was still so enjoyable to watch! not to mention it is also incredibly animated, and the scripting and voice actors are great.

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I can see why this is highly regarded, especially if you have a connection as a comic reader. Alas, I do not, but I still had a good time watching this.

It was cool seeing every department of the story come together, while the animation is definitely one of its big plus points - I enjoyed seeing it. The voice cast all do respectable jobs too. I have no issues with this film, to be honest. I just guess there isn't anything I love about it either.

Shameik Moore is good in the lead, while Jake Johnson supports competently in his role. Hailee Steinfeld, Nicolas Cage and Kathryn Hahn, as well as a few others, stick out too. Away from the already mentioned, I also like the music - having already known about "Sunflower".

Evidently it didn't connect to me, someone who has zero attachment to the source material, massively. That doesn't, though, change the fact that I did find enjoyment with 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse' and I would certainly recommend it.

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Spectacular animation, hilarious jokes (with plenty of self-awareness), great voice acting, fantastic soundtrack, an inspiring message, amazing characters, this movie has it all! Not only is this the best Spider-Man film in years, but this is also one of the greatest animated films of all time. 10/10!

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This was unexpectedly great! Loved the comedy scriptwriting and the animation’s creative and mad gorgeous.

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The art was great in this and the story line was good.

Might be worth re-watching someday but probably not more than once.

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honestly, 9/10 because the story is generic. but a part from the story, this movie is awesome !

The visual are incredible, makes you want to pause every frame to admire all the details.

The soundtrack is fresh (in my opinion it worked very nicely with the vibe of the movie)

The reference are all over the place, and the jokes are on point.

I loved all those different version of spiders, it was really funny, just wished they aren't more into every single one of them, they just brushed lightly all of their potential.

globally, this movie is a blast to watch, and I don't, even like super heroes movie that much.

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Wildly overrated but still enjoyable even as a person who immensely dislikes superhero films. Not really keen for a rewatch any time soon, if ever.

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Great animation, mind blowing visuals, tremendous story arc, amazing humour

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Screenplay is too generic. Same old things and predictable. Our hero doesn't have confidence. Suddenly he become super duper and saves the day. People shouldn't give good ratings just because of the love of the characters. Story must be good and fresh.

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BEAUTIFUL ANIMATION, however it is a little overwhelming. I think this kind of animation style would work better in a comic book. There's just so many details and so many things going on at the same time, it's hard to keep up and gave me a little headache. SUPER PRETTY though, and would recommend. The story is also very cool, I liked the different take on the normal Spider-Man story.

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I'm honestly astonished how much I liked this, because before I couldn't be bothered with yet another incarnation of Spider-Man.

Despite a cliched narrative towards the end with "everyone doubts the main hero and he needs to prove himself", type of trope, and inappropriate song choices during dramatic moments - yet that didn't bog down the experience for me.

Still, I wished this movie came out during my childhood when Spider-Man was my bible, as I would've died and gone to heaven from the feeling of glee.

I think the message that anyone can be Spider-Man, no matter your race, gender and sexuality is powerful and empowering.

Some of the best animation I've seen in awhile. Refreshing to find little details that people may not pick up on. It's so creative and visually wonderful, it pops out of the screen. The action scenes are exciting and the comedy was generally funny. Every character is handed with care and it's clear that the creators understand the different incarnations of Spider-Man.

It's tragic seeing mass audiences overlooking this germ - 2018 is the year of the spider.

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It's the only movie in 2019 that I watched twice in a row out of pure joy and admiration. It's a fine hero story, a fine dramedy, and a fine work of art. Suspend your disbelief times ten, it's worth it. What a fun ride.

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The Good: Excellent voice cast, gripping plot, amazing animation, a touching cameo and tribute to Stan Lee, a fun post-credits scene, awesome action sequences, low profanity count...what's not to like?

The Bad: Well, two things: The violence was a bit brutal for a "PG"; I haven't seen a film with that rating that had such intense action since Prince Caspian or the first Percy Jackson flick. My biggest complaint, however, was with the soundtrack; this flick had some of the worst tunes I've ever heard, especially the one at the start of the closing credits. I still enjoyed it; however, better music choices would have made it even more of a blast.

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The only bad thing about this movie is that it ends.

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Beautiful film.... love the take on all the spiderman

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Shout by Deleted

What the fu**. I was expecting nothing. Just give it a try!

It's really fun.

I was confused from these multiverse idea. Pretty funny with all these Spiderman's. Spiderman in joggs . :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Shout by Deleted

great movie, amazing spider man!!!

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Sony launches another Spider-Man franchise with Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, a fun, though bizarre, animated film. When the nefarious crime lord Kingpin opens up a dimensional portal he accidentally transports several spider superheroes from alternative universes who then team-up to defeat him. Unfortunately the animation style is incredibly poor; having a rotoscope type feel that often seems out of focus with a mesh filter (likely meant to resemble a newspaper comic-strip). Also, the multiple Spider characters kind of diminish the value and importance of Spider-Man. Still, it’s interesting to see alternate universe versions of Spider-Man, and the action is pretty exciting. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is entertaining, but it’s also a real mess that’s constantly getting in its own way.

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This was the best Spiderman movie I have ever seen! I usually watch movies lately while doing other things. This movie had my full attention! I watched it twice back-to-back it was that good! Plus I wanted to catch things I might have missed the first time. I highly recommended this movie if you enjoy comic books on film, like Spiderman, enjoy great storytelling, respect beautiful animation! A MUST SEE!

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mano que trilha sonoro linda do caralho

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Shout by ronaldreis3000
BlockedParent2019-06-09T21:03:14Z— updated 2019-06-18T02:12:19Z

It's an explosion of creativity and art. I've never seen something like this. If you pause the video you have the sensation of seen a comic book page. I would like to pause every scene to contemplate the artwork. They should print the movie in a comic book format. Awesome story, music and visuals.

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This is simply a work of art. Watch FilmJoy's coverage of it to get a glimpse of why this goes beyond a normal film:

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Loved every second of this movie showing that there is many Spider Man And Spider Women Superheros ETC in the multiverse really enjoyed story line on points and voice acting and animation was on point too. My favourite character is Gwen Stacey voice acted by the amazing Hailee Steinfeld really brought the character to life and I really loved the hinted relationship between Miles Morals And Gwen Stacy really takes me back to being a kid watching Spider Man in the good old days especially the films and animated ones too.

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This movie is BOMB.com! Awesome music, funny, creative, human! Just an amazing job.

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My spider sense says that was a great film, well made animation, sweet style, a good message, a whole lot of amazing action, comedy and not forgetting a lot of fun. "With great power comes great responsibility" It deserved Its’ Oscar! XD

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The animation style looks great, the jokes land, Spider-Ham, Nicolas Cage as Spider-Noir, great way to tell the origin stories, MULTIVERSE!, Miles Morales! Amazing soundtrack, the action looks fantastic, a amazing Stan Lee cameo and I read that a sequel has already been green-lit!

So yeah, don't miss out on one hell of a fun film!

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So we'll put together. From behind to end this movie keeps you highly entertained.

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Not gonna lie...Got a lil choked up seein and hearin Stan Lee's character

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Filme muito bom e divertido top assistam vocês vão gostar

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Beautifully animated in true comic book style, this is one of the best Spider Man movies put on screen. Great to see the characters from the multiverse too, but they missed out on a few notable characters. Namely...

Spider Can - does what ever a spider can because he is...erm...Spider Can! Regularly opens himself up to Whoop Ass!
Spider Man With Van - available for weddings, removal services, and fly extinction.
Spider Tan - this superhero is hot hot hot!
Spider Fan - stalks his villains with eerie obsessiveness
Spider Lan - one for computer nerds only
Spider Dan - he's a spider and his name is Dan
Spider Gran - she may be old but she can knit you up a webby jumper in no time
Spider Pan - boils his enemies in 3 minutes
Spider Ban - that's it for the spider puns now

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This is truly a comic book come to life. The art has cell shading, crosshatchs, and moves from photo realistic to cartoony with ease. Even narration blocks come on screen and all this artistic flourish serves the story. Remarkable achievement. 9/10

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I really enjoyed this new fresh Spider-Man. I hope that they make a lot more movies with Miles. sign some of the other characters that was introduced in this one. I think the did a very good job with this moving and it deserves to continue on

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The commercials ruined it for me - I spent an hour waiting for the Spider-pig to show up rather than paying attention to what was going on.

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I wish all comic book movies currently out, would follow this style of animation. I thouroughly enjoyed this movie, and I would recommend everyone see it. It's so well done.

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The movie was amazing, when spider-ham was first introduced I immediately thought he'd be the stupid comic relief character who would ruined the movie; but that wasn't the case.

The art style and animation are both amazing, and I like how multiple spider-people all teamed up to take down a truley mega thicc Kingpin

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This movie is so freaking cool and creative. It's got so much heart and soul. It's gonna earn legend status for sure.


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Shout by Deleted

Super esprit Comics. Déjanté ce qu’il faut. Excellent graphisme et super musique !!!

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The definitive Spiderman movie, in my opinion.

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Was a good a movie and worth watching but I think it's overrated by comic lovers under the influence of nostalgia

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I laughed, I was on the edge of my seat and apparently there was a spider cutting onions near my face.
I really enjoyed it.
Please let there be a sequal or a parallequal or something.

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Shout by Deleted

mediocre. Best spidey shows is still the one from the 90s. there are madame Webb and multiple spider-mans too. plus the look is odd here.

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Shout by Deleted

Peter Porker for the win

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Feels so fresh (considering i'm not into Marvel movies).

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A really, good movie!

the 1 negative- the out of focus background is like a double exposed image or a 3D version without glasses.
(it took a few minutes to get used to that)

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Loved it !! It's like I am reading a comic book but in a movie :D Besides that Animation and Visuals are Amazing.

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Amazing movie for adults, kids and everyone!

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Gözəltərin Spider-Man e Mümkün!

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