So Bad, its good :)
Sci Fi, Kung Fu, Action, Super hero, Ninjas, Robots, Cyborgs, Aliens, Dystopian Future, Other Worlds, Spaceships, Western, Time Travel, Cops, Lone warrior, Big Guns, Swords, Bikes, Synth music.
mostly from the 70's to mid 90's.
No Horrors.


Movies to watch with the gang.


Listing stuff as I watch it. Here are all the sci-fi shows/movies.


Listing stuff as I watch it. Here are all the RiffTrax movies.


Space Opera is a sci fi subgenre that largely favors colorful spectacle and sweeping melodrama over hard science or any speculation on the effects of technological progress. These films tend to be inspired by pulpy adventure novels and comic books, often featuring brash interstellar cowboys, a destiny-fulfilling 'chosen one,' exotic alien races, and epic feuds between galactic dynasties.
