This documentary may not have been treading new ground regarding Michael J. Fox's history BUT the way it was edited and presented was outstanding. Wholeheartedly recommended.

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I loved this documentary. Watching Michael go from his early days of struggling to make ends meet to his breakout roles of Family Ties and Back to the Future and the heartbreaking discovery of his illness was fascinating, inspiring, and most of all, hopeful.

The editing in this film was superb. Whenever Michael would tell a story, we'd hear his voiceover and the scene would be a seamless combination of old footage with a current Michael stand-in, with music to fit the mood. The segments with his family and his physical therapists gave further insight into his life and relationships.

His singular wit and charm shined through the entire production, and I found myself feeling happier once the credits rolled. Highly recommended!

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This was a very interesting documentary. Especially since my father also had Parkinson's. It was interesting to see how they pointed out his left hand tremors in his movie and tv show work. He hid it all really really well.

This is definitely worth a watch for several reasons. Maybe you know someone who has Parkinson's Disease. Maybe you just want to learn more about Parkinson's Disease. Or maybe you're just a fan of Michael J Fox.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Brilliantly edited between standard doc style re-enactments mixed with Michael J. Fox film and tv footage while giving real insight to the day to day faced by the person behind it all.

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wow, just wow... heartbreaking from the beginning, much beloved Michael J Fox and his journey with parkinsons.

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Michael J. Fox gives off so much power in this documentary. I have a neuromuscular disorder and I have so much respect for how his naughty and frolic personality keeps him on his feet most of the time. But in the most powerful moment of this doc (no pun intended) we see that sometimes it's a facade and he thinks this is who he needs to be. No room for pain or sadness, people want to see Mikey J. I wish this strong and really special man all the best.

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The only thing I can use to describe this beautiful documentary is: heart breaking! Nothing but respect to Michael and his loved ones!

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My heart breaks for Michael J. Fox.

For years, even when I was a kid, I've heard about his illness, but after seeing his struggles in daily life, it's painful to see.

But Michael J. Fox's humour and charm manage to make light on a grim outcome.

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Whether a documentary works or not usually depends to a large extent on the subject. In this regard, 'Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie' benefits greatly from the fact that Michael J. Fox is an incredibly likeable person who had an exciting career until he got sick. And the presentation of the movie is also strong. Fox acts as the narrator, and what he says is backed up with numerous shots from films and shows featuring the actor. This is pretty effective and provides some variety. Overall, I would perhaps have liked to have learned a little more about Parkinson's disease itself, but as a very personal documentary about Fox's career, 'Still' is a complete success.

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I held off watching this because I dont like to cry. So I was pleasantly surprised that it only made me smile. :blush: Michael J Fox is still making us laugh and this movie will surprise and inspire you. So worth your time.

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Heartbreaking to be sure, but as Fox is a fighter, this doc is also inspirational.

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Watched this one yesterday (finally). I was aware of Michael J. Fox condition, but it was fascinating to put it all in context - and this movie/documentary does an excellent job in telling the story of the actor and the man behind it. The scene on the beach side, when his son holds his hand, shows that at the end of the day we are all humans. Yes, some are particularly lucky, extremely wealthy, and so on, but that shouldn't discourage us from being our simple selves. Some people struggle more than others, and it is our will and capacity to rise up again that make us stronger. Loved how the documentary is shot and edited, as other people have said here. It is inspirational and hopeful, and I can't imagine how difficult it could be for anyone to discover Parkinson (or any other permanent illness) in their late 20s. Recommended watch. PS: I even almost cried towards the end when the whole family is walking on the beach.

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Skip it, a waste of time. I want to know more about the real michael j fox, but instead a I saw a hallmark Bio, I bet out there a bunch of actors could contribute more to know more about him,directors, Who could tell us how he was, Who he is.

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Was very enlightening about Michael

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