Personal Lists featuring...

Strange Days 1995


Cyberpunk is a postmodern science fiction genre noted for its focus on "high tech and low life."It features advanced science, such as information technology and cybernetics, coupled with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order.

Cyberpunk plots often center on a conflict among hackers, artificial intelligences, and megacorporations, and tend to be set in a near-future Earth, rather than the far-future settings or galactic vistas found in novels such as Isaac Asimov's Foundation or Frank Herbert's Dune. The settings are usually post-industrial dystopias but tend to be marked by extraordinary cultural ferment and the use of technology in ways never anticipated by its creators ("the street finds its own uses for things").Much of the genre's atmosphere echoes film noir, and written works in the genre often use techniques from detective fiction.


Watch / to Watch on Netflix


only the twisted and puzzling ones


A dystopia is a community or society, usually fictional, that is in some important way undesirable or frightening. It is the opposite of a utopia. Such societies appear in many works of fiction, particularly in stories set in a speculative future. Dystopias are often characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian governments, environmental disaster, or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society. Elements of dystopias may vary from environmental to political and social issues. Dystopian societies have culminated in a broad series of sub-genres of fiction and are often used to raise awareness of real-world issues regarding society, environment, politics, economics, religion, psychology, spirituality, or technology that, if left unaddressed, could potentially lead to a dystopia-like condition in the future. For this reason, dystopias have taken the form of a multitude of speculations, such as pollution, poverty, societal collapse, political repression, or totalitarianism.


June 2021-
This month we wade through the murky waters of 20th century fears and dreams of what the future may bring. The films in this series each grapple with the concept of a looming cybernetic world - robots, VR, surveillance, etc. This enticing world of computer tech evokes hope, desire, and anxiety. So we ask, ARE FRIENDS ELECTRIC?


As seen in


Stuff I've been meaning to catch.


unavailable films to watch for


Some of these works are among the best in their field, but are still mostly overlooked or rarely talked about. Some others may not be outstanding, but are still good enough to be more recognized, but unfortunately they are really underrated for some reasons.


WatchMojo, Top 10 Overlooked Gems from Well-Known Directors plus "Honorable Mentions",
May 31, 2015
