Personal Lists featuring...

Strange Days 1995


UPDATED: July 10th, 2020

In case you need some ideas for a movie night. Or just something really stupid/amazing/both to watch. All sorts of genres represented here, but with a skew toward action/horror/sci-fi and some comedy.

Note: This isn't strictly BAD movies, there are some (underappreciated) greats in here, or maybe just some movies you might have forgotten about. At the very least they're all interesting.


Spanning the length of Roger Ebert's career as the leading American movie critic, this book contains all of his four-star reviews written during that time. A great guide for movie watching.

Taken from external source. 64 movies missing from original.


Excludes superhero/supervillain movies


A collection of Hard Science Fiction, a sub-genre emphasizing scientific accuracy, even if highly speculative, or at the very least, featuring relatively realistic themes.

The goal of the list is to collect thought-provoking films tackling a wide gamut of themes, whether AI, space travel/exploration, extraterrestrial colonization, first contact, futuristic societies and social issues, and so on and so forth.

Some liberties will be taken, and the list may stray from these general guidelines, but not much.


This is a complete list of every movie that has ever been included in the various editions of 1001 movies. Given that I only own one edition of the physical book, this is a easier way to keep track of what has been (once) considered essential viewing.


Science, time, space and advanced technology - either real or imaginary.


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian nightmares.


From a critic poll published in November 2019.
Olympia is one entry.



In chronological order


Cyberpunk is a postmodern science fiction genre noted for its focus on "high tech and low life."It features advanced science, such as information technology and cybernetics, coupled with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order.

Cyberpunk plots often center on a conflict among hackers, artificial intelligences, and megacorporations, and tend to be set in a near-future Earth, rather than the far-future settings or galactic vistas found in novels such as Isaac Asimov's Foundation or Frank Herbert's Dune. The settings are usually post-industrial dystopias but tend to be marked by extraordinary cultural ferment and the use of technology in ways never anticipated by its creators ("the street finds its own uses for things").Much of the genre's atmosphere echoes film noir, and written works in the genre often use techniques from detective fiction.


A list of the movies covered on the podcast Blank Check with Griffin & David, in the order by which they were covered. (Note: Does not include Patreon content)
List is updated 06/27/2020
