Shouts about...

Strange World 2022

The amount of bigotry in these comments is disappointing but not all that surprising. I should be used to all these sensitive little bigots running around by now really but I'm not.

With that said the film just ok and a little on the boring side :thumbsup:

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Everyone in here talking about the gay son. When the real atrocity is making that dog only have 3 legs. What the crap is that, they could have easily added a 4th leg. This woke shit has to stop Disney

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I did not like this movie at all but unlike the other weirdos in the comment section, this movie not being good has nothing to do some characters being gay or people of color. Some of you guys need therapy

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Stunning visuals wasted on a shockingly uninspired screenplay.

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I was fairly surprised by the brave ending... which had no backpedalling to status quo. That is truly unlike Disney. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier I'm looking at you

Plot and themes of parenthood and cost of gas/oil for the environment were a bit too easy, but at the same time were worked in really well. I enjoyed all the family characters. For greater impression cartoon lacks... plotholes and one or two big mistakes in world building or character's screentime distribution. Surprisingly, lack of mistakes leaves behind more plain impression than with let say Onward that wasn't polished as well as this one.

I guess, I was already heavily indoctrinated into basic human rights support so I only expected to find complaints about two things:
- too much PDA for conservative folks;
- cheap sympathy with the dog;


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Shout by Lucas Chaves dos Santos
BlockedParent2022-12-26T16:57:30Z— updated 2022-12-28T14:11:15Z

ABOUT THIS AMAZING MOVE...! Very touching how the father and the son bound again, nothing matters if you forget that someone that you love!

MODERATION EDIT: You can't offend other people, no matter the reason.

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Despite all the very negative comments, as a movies I thought it was actually pretty good.
Good story line with great little creatures in the Strange World, especially Splat!

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Journey to the Center of the Earth meets Journey 2 the Mysterious Island meets Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Kids will probably enjoy it but adults will see the unoriginalality.
Those movies but politically correct doesn’t make it fresh. All the pretty colors aren’t enough either to keep your interest. The story is underwhelming and too familiar.

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Not sure why this did not get more attention when it was released, or more accurately why Disney did not promote it. There has been far worse recent Disney projects with better blessings out the gate from the house of mouse. While the story is very samey for this kind of movie, it is not bad. But what shines is the world building. Do not regret my time with this one

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it's an ok movie but the script NEEDED to be better. seriously, one of the most neutral (and cowardly) crew members at one point in the movie (approximately at the 1h17m28s mark), out of the blue, said he was going to break down an iron door by running towards it, this was done just to forcefully get laughs out of kids.
the story is good (predictable, but good) but it seems like it was written by amateurs. it has no depth, what you see is what you get: father and son reconciling and nature care aware .

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This might be the worst piece of crap I’ve seen this year. No villains, no stakes, no imperfect characters. Just a good looking AI written saccharine story about perfect people. With a sprinkle of ecological context. Avoid like the plague.

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The animation was beautiful and the characters were interesting. Unfortunately, the story was a mish mash of a lot of disjointed ideas (a child would never follow it). The ending did nothing to tie up all the loose threads. I give this animated film a 6 (underdeveloped) out of 10. [Animated Adventure]

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A predicatble plot twist, and honestly nothing new on the plate. Even the very first openly gay character in a Disney animated movie couldn't make this film memorable.
Lovely animations, tho'.

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The only thing I really liked about this movie was the world building ... until they made clear it's an actual organism and not just inspired by one. Kind of took the edge off of it for me.
Other than that, the characters are weak, their motivations change in the blink of an eye, and the general spoonfeeding is atrocious. I can basically feel disney breathing down my neck, whispering "do you get it? Let me explain so you get it". They really have to stop treating their audience like absolute braindead idiots.
I'd also like to talk about how they made the kid gay for no reason but then didn't even commit, poor guy didn't even get a kiss, but what did I expect, it's disney.

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great movie with Fun characters, compelling plot and beautiful visuals

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Beautiful but ultimately predictable. The writing broadcasts the plot twist so far ahead and then reminds the viewer repeatedly about it. Sorry, try again next time.

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[Disney+] There are so many possibilities in the creation of this world of bright colors and spongy floors that it feels disappointing to develop a story that seems unclear about its intentions. But the script is so lazy in the composition of the characters that it ends up being a boring and unexciting proposition, more attractive on the surface than on the inside. Visually it is a brilliant film in every way, colorful and surprising at times, but everything is too superficial and listless, even the music by the usually successful Henry Jackman.

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Not the best Disney movie, but also not the worst. There was some neat metaphors to be made throughout which provide insight to very real issues in todays society with how we treat others and how we treat the environment around us. However, most of the metaphors in the movie were very much overly apparent and rather surface level. The amount of morals and metaphor they crammed into this movie made it rather dry and difficult to stay fully engaged with if you weren’t a fan of the psychedelic visuals alone.

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Things happen in this movie.

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Interesting, but could be better.

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The visuals were pretty cool, but other than that it was a clone of journey to the center of the earth and that one episode of Dr Who, but with a lot of unnecessary woke thrown in. Could've been really good but was just meh. At least they kinda said immune systems work?

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The film seems unfinished. The writers seems to have completely forgotten to include the plot background, and other plot holes show every now and then. A lot has been said on the LGBT+ couple shown, unfortunately this element has almost no relevance in the movie. It is really a pity, because with some more development there was a lot of interesting material here.

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Really, really good!

I knew nothing about 'Strange World' pre-watch, having only very briefly seen the poster(s) a few times online. The quick look I had at the character design from said poster(s) and the fact that I hadn't heard this talked about anywhere meant my expectactions were quite low.

Happily, however, what I saw across the 102 minute run time pleased me. I do think the characters and voice cast could've been improved, but both of those departments are still good. I wasn't immediately keen on the animation style, though honestly I very quickly warmed to it; the world comes alive nicely. The story kept me interested from beginning to end, all that is portrayed is enjoyable.

It obviously could've been greater, yet I still had fun with this. I felt way too much sorrow for Splat in that burn scene btw, it's always impressive how they can make you care for such side characters. Sorry to the little blue fella, Morph is still my guy though.

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Full Review:

This is a movie I want to love. The creative animation, fun music score, and adventurous spirit keep this movie from being mediocre. Unfortunately, the unoriginal, awkwardly paced storytelling and generic and underdeveloped characters made the movie feel redundant. It's a shame because I can tell the animators at Disney had a lot of fun making a colorful and creative world filled with creatures unlike anything seen in a Disney film beforehand. However, if the storytelling of generational trauma had been executed a lot better, it would have been a film I would have absolutely admired. I can see this film getting a cult following, but this is a case where the visuals are ambitious. Still, the narrative sadly can’t quite match the ambition similarly.

(Final Grade: C+)

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"Strange World" was a total letdown for me. I think it’s one of Disney's weakest offerings. It's like it came out of nowhere—no hype, no promotion, just BAM, there it was. And honestly, I can see why it flew under the radar. The movie was just plain dull. I found myself zoning out barely 20 minutes in. The characters lacked that spark that makes you care about them, and don't even get me started on the creatures, total snooze-fest. Overall, not one I'd recommend if you're looking for an exciting Disney adventure.

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Wokeness hits its apex with a 3-legged dog. No trans, Asian or Indian character in sight though, it is unacceptable to be so selective when representing minorities.

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The movie was visually great, but that storyline and dialogue were weak. They really doubled up on the "I don't want your life, dad" story arc. Also, how come what happened to the pilot was never talked about??

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The concept seemed right up my alley, unfortunately the execution was a bit lacking. It’s a fun “adventure” movie, but nothing remarkable compared to most of the rest of their catalog.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching

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Fantastic movie. Visually very appealing. Likable characters. Great story line. Awesome message. I really loved it.

Disney has done a disservice not marketing this movie. I know that must be in direct relation to the main character being gay. But with that, I have to say, it’s about time! If you’re going to be a bigot, don’t see the movie. You’re only hurting yourself!

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Visual: Really good, Disney Animation studios just keep pushing the bar for digital animation. I also liked the opening and closing comic book aesthetic.

World: I feel like they could have spent a lot more time world building to make this world make sense, I called the key twist like 5 minutes into their arrival in the "Strange World", but I feel like once they reveal the twist, they don't spend enough time exploring it's implications.

Story: Meh for me. The central character conflict is good enough, but I think resolves a bit too easily and the opening scenes of the movie are filled with pretty detailed characters that are immediately abandoned and never mentioned again until the epilogue, which makes me confused as to what the point of them were in the first place. Writing could stand to be vastly improved.

TLDR: Visually impressive and fascinating but underdeveloped world, but the writing is mediocre at best.

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Like a far left website, it touches on all the major talking points yet still feels a little made up.

Let's face it, if politics were a highway I'd be so far left as to be driving on the shoulder but even I found this Fantastic Voyage to the Center of the Earth a little pandering.

I'm all for a mixed race couple with a gay teenage son teaching me about climate change and the balance of nature, but couldn't this parade of PC be at least a little self aware?

Still, for all the shit Disney has caught for sitting on the fence about some social issues, at least here they took a clear stand.

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This is not a great movie. It is watchable, but not really all that good. The whole storyline feels beneath Disney. The artwork was too much. Too many strange creatures make it a little overwhelming. And for me, i couldn't connect to any of the characters.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I have nothing to add to what the other commenters have said - they were spot on. This is not the movie it could have been!

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