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Strays 2023

I really enjoyed the movie, so funny.

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First 10 minutes were fairly good and amusing, then it went down hill more and more as the movie dragged on to it's conclusion. Can't believe I sat through all of this dogshit.

My theory always come through... in any movie that drops the F-bomb multiple time per minute, the writers have nothing of relevance and no imagination, so just swear - that'll round out the movie.
That holds especially true with this foul-mouthed movie that has to be in the 30-40 F-bombs PER MINUTE throughout it's entire 90 minutes. Gotta be a new record.

Story: 4/10
Overall: 1/10

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It is not great, but I really enjoyed my time with it. 90-minute comedies have one goal in mind and that is to make you laugh without overstaying its welcome. This movie accomplishes that goal, even if it isn't top of its class.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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this was a very cute and funny movie loved it

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How I laughed with these dogs, very good, in the end a good message... recommended.

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Didn't expect this movie to be so funny!

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Unnecessarily vulgar, but nevertheless funny.

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Quite funny, some solid jokes in there.

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For anyone that’s a dog owner this will be almost impossible not to chuckle at. If you go into this with a few to drink this is a fun time with some really funny moments. Worth watching but not necessarily in theaters

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It was nice and entertaining, but definitely don't watch it with your family. The movie contains adult content from beginning to end. I realized that the genre called comedy is now based on sexuality. It wasn't like this before. Anyway, thanks for your hazelnuts:joy::joy:

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It was nice and entertaining, but definitely don't watch it with your family. The movie contains adult content from beginning to end. I realized that the genre called comedy is now based on sexuality. It wasn't like this before. Anyway, thanks for your hazelnuts:joy::joy:

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It was nice and entertaining, but definitely don't watch it with your family. The movie contains adult content from beginning to end. I realized that the genre called comedy is now based on sexuality. It wasn't like this before. Anyway, thanks for your hazelnuts:joy::joy:

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It was nice and entertaining, but definitely don't watch it with your family. The movie contains adult content from beginning to end. I realized that the genre called comedy is now based on sexuality. It wasn't like this before. Anyway, thanks for your hazelnuts:joy::joy:

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It was nice and entertaining, but definitely don't watch it with your family. The movie contains adult content from beginning to end. I realized that the genre called comedy is now based on sexuality. It wasn't like this before. Anyway, thanks for your hazelnuts:joy::joy:

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Everything funny it is in the trailer, yes the movie is very vulgar but we knew that but it was a bit of disappointment. I expected more, the turds joke totally threw me off and nver like turd jokes. I think i missed opportunity.
My favorite line was the monologue of the narrator dog.

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9 year olds would love it. I wanted to sleep.

apart from the Will Forte scenes there's maybe four smirk making bits .

I can't believe that in all the years it's been since "cats & dogs" nothing changed in making animal movies. the effects are barely any better, just better fur, lots of forward , back and freeze shots to have them 'act'

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One of the funniest comedies of 2005.

I liked the part when the dogs said the word 'fuck' multiple times.

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It's a great movie to laugh at and leaves a good message.

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Not a bad movie. Storyline was going sideways at times. If you are a dog lover you will find this movie funny.

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A good and funny movie. For me a little too bloody, even if the movie wasn't THAT bloody.

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Didn't expect much of the movie going in, but had a few laughs. Movie is actually enjoyable, but nothing special.

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Bad dogs with dirty tongues and good hearts.

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Had a bunch of good laughs. I loved it.

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I found this movie funny, it’s a good adult version into a dog’s life and how they feel.

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This is amazing:joy::joy::joy: as a dog owner I laughed so hard.

The devil, the devil aka the mailman

They are collecting our poop and balls for chocolate

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The fact this movie managed to offend people with its use of language is good. Toughen up, people. If you thought this was some children's movie then you didn't do your research.

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They wrecked them balls man, they really wrecked em’ :’)

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Let's be real. You need to be in a pretty aggressively low or rough spot, and then this movie will have parts here and there that make you unexpectantly laugh fairly hard. It waffles between Naked Gun energy and whatever you want to call what Will Ferrell does in your least favorite Will Ferrell movies. It's firmly absurd and has literally every dog-pun-esc gag a middle school lunch table can conceive. I'm an addiction counselor, and one of my clients highly recommended this to me. That feels incredibly relevant to tell you if you're deciding between this and something else to watch.

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I really enjoyed this movie. We didn't expect it to be so funny but it was! Of Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx always bring the funny.:rofl:

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Has plenty of hilarious moments and the voice cast is what really brings this film to life, however it’s over reliance on gross out humour cheapens what could have been a genuinely great comedy.

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For the generation that grew up on Dirty Sanchez, Jackass & South Park, solid film.

Very funny overall with a gentle reminder that as humans we don't actually deserve dogs.

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Like me in junior high school: what I lacked in humor, I made up for in vulgarity.

Basically a lesser remake of Good Boys, but with dogs.

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Shout by Pete
BlockedParent2023-09-11T03:22:36Z— updated 2023-10-22T00:53:47Z

Heard some wildly divisive takes on this one. 1.5 level to 7.5 level.

It's not good per se, but I expected a vulgar low brow dumb comedy and that's what it is. Some whiffs and some jokes landed. Nothing great, but it's certainly nowhere near vacation friends 2 awfulness (which a friend had compared it to score wise). 5.4

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Some really funny moments but it should have been 60 minutes long so it wouldn't drag.

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Look like a Iggy from the anime and live action series of Jojo.:laughing::laughing:

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Didn't expect much of the movie going in, but had a few laughs. Movie is actually enjoyable, but nothing special.

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I had never in my entire life walked out of a movie... until Strays. When I had made it over halfway through the movie without laughing or even cracking a single smile, I knew that I had infinitely better options of what I could be doing with my time than watching the rest of this movie. I beg anyone considering watching this movie to save themselves the time, because I cannot get the time I lost back but you can still save yourself.

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This was vulgar, silly, and HYSTERICAL. Solid cast choice. Fantastic soundtrack.

It really was great. Disturbing but great.

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Bad writing. Crude humor that in some cases works out, it fails miserably in this movie. Better things to do with two hours.

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