Shouts about...

Sucker Punch 2011

This movie is really dumb. In the opening moments of the film they set up that the brothel is all an imagined reality, and everything that happens there had no meaning. We then spend the entire movie in this space, except for a few moments when the main character dances and enraptures everyone somehow (I have no idea what this translates to in the asylum). These moments look cool, but again they hold even less meaning to what is happening. So then at the end of the movie they reveal that it was an asylum the entire time and we are meant to be shocked by this, even though the movie told us at the beginning. None of the story is interesting or makes any sense or holds any meaning. The only good parts of the movie are the ridiculously stylistic action scenes, however they are only mildly amusing. This movie was a big disappointment, as I was expecting mind bendy reality dream like story telling but I only got a meaningless drivel with over the top action scenes connecting them.

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It pains me to give this movie such a poor grade because it really is so well done. Zack Snyder has such a firm grasp on his look, he's carved out his own genre of movie. He's also proved that a movie cannot survive on looks alone.

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Shout by Mi

great soundtrack. awful movie.

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Shout by Deleted

A plot would be nice to accompany all the moving and running around with cool music!... Also some god performances.

Plain bad, stick to the trailer.

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Under the surface there was a good movie, but hints of it only emerged every so often.

The twist of the side character Amber this all being her story should have been more mindf--- but the haphazard way of getting there weakened the impact. Also must be mentioned that soundtrack can't recall it being the case at the time but certainly that watered down rendition of a well known song has become ten a penny these days, horrible.

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Feels like it would've been a lot better executed if it was a TV Show. Some sections of the movie are way longer than they need to be. The movie in general feels like it could've been 20 minutes shorter.

Not going to lie, the execution is pretty cool (props to the first one with the robot samurai). But doesn't compensate for how exhaustive it is.

Lastly, I know the idea is to be a metaphor but It felt more complicated than it needed to be. I shouldn't need to watch a review or re-watch a bunch of times.

The way the movie ends is pretty cool thought :)

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Not what I expected, but a good concept. Unfortunately, it suffers from poor storytelling. This could easily have been a brilliant movie, but Snyder muddles it up. The pacing is horrible with more focus on elaborate special effects than on telling the deep story that is present, but under developed.

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Hands down the best film of the century, the way this movies totally looked at the wrong way and deeply portrayed not realizing this has a super deep meaning shows sometimes anyone can ignore the plot but overall without looking into that the movies amazing.

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When main character 'Babydoll' enters her dream state the images are impressive and the combat is fun to watch. In fact it's often jaw-dropping. When she's in the real world it's not only confusing but boring.

This is an amazing looking movie but the story is non-existent. It's nothing but a long but pretty music video.

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"For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the sheltered will never know."

Snyder once again shows he knows how to pick awesome color grading palettes and do creative shots for his films. My issue has never been the visuals, just the storytelling. While it is creative, it just didn't flow well for me. I will say though, his destruction and fire effects always look amazing.

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Good story, fantastic visuals like all Snyder flims, soundtrack is great. twist ending is very interesting and leaves you guessing. Has some problems but overall a very enjoyable entertaining movie.

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I really like the analogies to a series of music videos poorly strung together. There's a reason why music videos are mostly not an art form. Action sequences are disorientating and poorly choreographed. I was wishing the movie would either surprise me (it did not) or end sooner (it did not). It was less fetishist than I was led to believe, but it's clear how the movie still relies on gender as a crutch to exploit stereotypes, and I honestly cannot condone that.

Also, was it just me, or 80% of the movie is recorded in slow-motion? For good action sequences, I recommend movies like Children of Men or Dunkirk.

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Deeper than the ocean, if you understand the movie completely.

The movie works on 3 levels and one is deeper and more rewarding than the other.
I was pleased even with discovering the 2nd level of the movie while watching it, but the 3rd level is what makes it a masterpiece.
I only discovered the 3rd level through reading the top review on Trakt and it blew me away.

It's hard to discover the hidden beauty, but those who do so awaits heaven.

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The visuals are stunning, the soundtrack is awesome, the action scenes are great! The plot is where things get tricky... Not because it sucks, but because this is not a straightforward action movie. It works in metaphors, analogies and assumptions, not everything is what it appears to be. In a sense, this may actually be an action movie which requires some thinking from the viewer. So, by joining brains and brawns together in the same movie, no wonder it tanked, since it failed to cater to a specific wider audience (becoming some sort of a niche movie). Regardless, the top comment around here gives some wonderful insight about the plot.
Even if you can't fully grasp what is going on in this movie, Sucker Punch is still one hell of a ride!

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One of the most underrated movies I have watched. Came for the titties stayed for the story which hit closer to home than expected.

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Style Over Substance: The Movie

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I dont care what you call me, a sadist or fetish whatever, but i actually really liked it. it is a movie with the concept of a music video, and it's exceptional in many ways, other than just it's dazzling visuals, but it's not easy to see through the deceiving fancy pulp wrappings, and the director did so on purpose no doubt.

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Shout by Rafa Felipe

Sensational movie for those who have the imagination to the thousand and can not live without daydreaming. It has a rather complex plot and is not for those who watch scattered, attention to detail is crucial in this film. Questions will be recurring throughout the long run, but do not let them overshadow the whole exciting adventure that is Sucker Punch. This is a fan's opinion, so watch and draw your own conclusions!

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Sure some elements of the movie are bland and cringe-worthy. But for me the familiar faces and especially the soundtrack make it the best Zack Snyder film. And as others have mentioned, only on closer look it is more complex than the action-spectacle it make seem.

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I was happily surprised! It could be better of course, but it's a good story and it kept me guessing until the end. Very entertaining.

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This movie tries hard to win the critics by giving us a puzzled nonsense, it tries to emphasize geniusness in a mess. However, critics have seen through it and gave a horrible time, while muggle were drugged by a fake facade and thought the movie was good. It was not, I bet even the director doesn't exactly know what he was doing!

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It's not a movie, it's a video clip

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I've watched this movie just now. I noticed the underlying story halfway through the movie, though i love the story it portrays i cant help but rate this a three. it felt like a b-movie visually which distracted me horribly away from the story. if there is a movie i wish there would be a remake for it is defiantly thisone.

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Such a great and talented cast should have resulted in a far better movie.

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Fantastic review. I 100% agree.

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@awake brilliant review man. I totally agree!

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Awesome movie, specially after you take a little time to really understand it. I didn't get the bad reviews.

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An action-extravaganza that is haunting, beautiful, polarizing, and brilliant.

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I like the imagination and creativity that went into this movie. Top notch, almost thought Scott Glenn was Leonard Nimoy at first too. LOL

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I feel like I like it but I don't want to

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Shout by Deleted


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I thought this movie was terrible. In the first 15 minutes the main character's Mom dies. It's revealed she's likely been being raped for a while. Her step-dad (rapist) tries to rape her after her Mom dies only to decide to rape her little sister instead. So she actually tries to do something - fight back. Of course she's punished for that because she accidentally kills her sister while trying to gun down her step-father. Then her rapist gets her put in a mental asylum where she is fucking lobotomized. I only kept watching this movie in hopes that there would be some kind of turn around. I was wrong. Not a single positive male character until the last 2~ minutes of the movie. Almost every women is a victim and when they try to fight back they are almost across the board punished for it.

I did not like this movie. It bummed me out.

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I would highly recommend this movie. I watched it when it first came out and to this day I remember about it every once in a while, I believe all the negative reviews it received by so called "critics" come from the fact it's not easy to understand.

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2nd movie of Zack Snyder I really liked, and his best work so far. Great visuals, dark interesting story with lots of deeper gloomy psychological themes. Man Of Steel did a better job on the story, but I prefer this movie in every other aspect.
And really, that soundtrack! Wauw.

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Shout by Don't call me Ash...

Entertaining and beautiful, great action scenes and an interesting take on storytelling.

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the trailer & marketing drew a wrong picture of the movie to me. i expected a overly colorful action movie but got a very good action/fantasy picture. The cinematography is on a level you don't get in a lot of other movies and makes up for a lot of the flat fight setups. All the different levels of storytelling do a good job at putting the viewer at doubt about his perception of the movie and his own judgement. The viewer sees a whole movie but almost never sees whats happening in reality. He has to make his own version of reality never knowing if it's true or not.
All in all a great surprise to me after watching the trailer!

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Shout by zarischka

I find it very sad that people judge this movie, based on misunderstanding it completely.
I loved it and was surprised with how deep and thought provoking it was.

I don't interpret it quite the way ikendel did (for instance, I believe that all the girls are in fact real, but that the adventures are not - but stand for an internal struggle, visualized through monsters, obstacles and enemies of various kinds), but I admire the analysis and I agree with a lot of what he said.
Especially the last part about iconography and clichés, being used in SUCH a brilliant way.

(However, the last part with the busdriver? Love how it leaves "reality" open to questioning!)

I just hope that people will give the movie a chance, despite the (unfairly, if you ask me) low grades it's been given here.

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Shout by Deleted

it had potential but crashed, in my opinion. I gave it 4/10 for the action and pretty ladies in pretty clothes, because that's what it felt like to me.

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It HAS everything to go right. Great visual effects, great soundtrack, hot actresses, but what fuck is that history? where is the sense?!

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Hot girls and action :) the story isn't that great but the way it is filmed is just assume! I really love the 'fantasy' parts. If you like movies like the matrix just check this one out for the 'fantasy' parts.

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If i wanted to see half naked girls Id go to my local strip club.

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Shout by MuffinTop ;)

Rain.Man, I think your Description of the movie is really great! I really liked this movie and I also feel it's immensely underrated.

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Now those were 4 incredible videoclips! Too bad it was supposed to be a coherent movie, so as a movie it's terrible, but still.. I'm going to rewatch those 'dream parts', because the visuals and the music are amazing. Just don't expect a story this time :)

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Shout by MuffinTop ;)

I thought it was very good. I have to wonder if people who did not like the Movie perhaps did not like the way it made them feel. I have been captivated by Emily Browning since Lemony Snicket's (2004). What I thought was going to be an empty headed slug-fest full of cutesy girls in tiny outfits turned out to have a fair bit of depth.

I think I have a greater appreciation for this film and the situations depicted as I have faced some very dark places, and people. The situations weren't fantasy for me I was able to personally identify with the majority of the situations I saw in this film. It was very painful and yet uplifting. The more I think about this film the more I realize it is a very artistic depiction of something dreadfully awful.

I was moved by this film and the characters in it.

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Shout by Deleted

great visuals , not so great story plot =/. kinda boring to be honest

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Shout by David Ruiz Urraca

Awesome effects and girls, bad script

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I can see why so many people say that they didn't like the movie, but i thought it was a great movie.

That it was over the top is an understatement. Everything you could possibly imagine passes in this movie, from a brothel to fire breathing dragons to steam-powered undead nazi soldiers. Baby Doll sure had an vivid imagination, that's for sure.

Visually speaking this movie would have been ground breaking if not everything done wasn't already done in a number of other movies. Still, i regret not seeing this one on the big screen in the cinema.

This truly a movie you either love or hate. Either you'll love it for the action and visual spectacle or you hate it for the overall story. I give it a 7 out of 10.

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Shout by Deleted

Loved it - most think the plot failed but it needs to be understood to be appreciated.

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Abismal movie. Had great potential to create a dark history but fails for only delivering stuning visuals with a week plot. 2/10

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Plot it's a bit meh, but love visual style.

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Shout by Deleted

absolut der wahnsinn der film... also wer fan von futuristischem schieiß is ist hier genau richtig... coole optik und baby doll is so sweet!!! war traurig als der film vorbei war..

IMDB: 7,0

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Nice movie.

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Visually stunning, somewhat entertaining, but easily forgotten. 5/10

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Didn't like it at all.

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liked the soundtrack very much... the movie misses substance, zack did way better in his last movies

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Shout by Patrick

thought it was a great movie.

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Just finished the Extended Cut and still my opinion doesn't change about the movies mediocre performance.

I am a fan of Snyder and enjoyed 300 and Watchmen (Ultimate Cut). I remember the remake of Dawn of the Dead aswell (and quite enjoyed it) but disliked the Legend of the Guardians.

I really looked forward to watching SuckerPunch and hoped for a visual spectacle, perhaps even with one or two story twists or something that will make you like the movie.

Instead I got a very linear story, with NO mystery (everyone who didn't noticed the changes from reality to fiction and then madness (won't name the places due to spoiler alert)) should seriously think about the state you are watching movies.

I'd give it a 5/10 because some of the visual impressions were quite good, because even some of the action scenes lacked a proper choreography (imho).

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An interesting watch but there wasn't enough substance, it was more like a bunch of music video strung together. By the end of it I didn't really care what or who was real.

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Shout by Richard

I thought the movie was very interesting and worth the watch.

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Shout by Deleted

Watching the Director's Cut definitely improves the complete movie. A shame it eventually was meant to have a PG-13 rating. It would be even better with a R rating.

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Very weak movie, Zack Snyder can make better movies!

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Bizarre :) Performances of the girls weren't that good imo. Except Emily :3
The plot was difficult to get into but eventually the plot doesn't matter that much. It sends you a message with a lot of punch behind it and that's why this is a valid movie.

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Don't take it like your regular action flick.
Sucker Punch is way more than that.
Of course, it's made for a niche market, just like previous Zack Snyder's movies, Watchmen and 300.
Of course, you will enjoy it if you're notpart of the target audience, but you might not understand fully what's going on, nor get all the references.
The movie is the story of Babydoll, a young girl framed for the murder of her sister, which she killed by accident while trying to save her.
She gets send to a mental institution with a promised lobotomy coming in 5 days.
She'll try to escape her fate, while, at the same time, losing the grip of reality and escaping into a dark, ultra-violent world, which presents her and her camarades battle for survival in a rather unique way.

It's not a movie for everyone, but if you're part of it's target audience, you're in for a classic.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome, but don't expect something more than action!

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Awespme Movie.

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