Shouts about...

Super 2010

This movie is amazing. 8/10.

So fucked up, so well made.

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I heard someone say this movie is better than Kick Ass. They should have their ass kicked for saying that. This movie is different and much worse than Kick Ass. It's worth a watch because of the actors in it but don't expect much.


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Wow this film is totally crazy but I liked it!

At first I thought that I would be seeing something like Kick Ass and it is similar in a certain way. An ordinary man, living in our ordinary world, decides to become a superhero although he has any super power. But this is the only similarity between both.

I don't know if I can define Super as a comedy, I laughed with it many times but the film definitely has a dark tone in it and many disturbing scenes.
Rainn Wilson's character Frank is a very troubled man, he was definitely marked by his childhood and that is reflected in his adulthood. In consequence of that he can't be happy at all. Frank become even more disturbed when his wife suddenly disappears. That's when he decides to become Crimson Bolt. When Libby, a girl working in a comic book store appears in his life things turn even more crazy because she is totally insane.

Both of the performances by Rainn Wilson and Ellen Page are great and Nathan Fillion is hilarious as the Holy Avenger. Kevin Bacon was good also.

At the end of it I had a great time watching this different and interesting film. I can't develop much more about it without spoiling.
Unlike all superhero films the action is not the most important thing about it but the psychological part is.

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I truly love James Gunn for his work, he never ever takes anything seriously. And you shouldn't take this movie that serious either, it's so lame it's funny. I enjoyed this movie a lot, just watch it and don't expect anything like a "normal superhero" movie if you want that watch Guardians XD.

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A Super Zero movie, love it, especially the scene during the theater queue !

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Easily the most mean-spirited movie I've ever seen. There's one good joke, and an extended r*pe scene that, because it's happening to a male character, the film-makers think is funny. Youtube Nathan Fillion's cameo (the aforementioned one good joke) and then go watch literally any other movie.

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fantastic...just fantastic.

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(also its not my 1st language)

really wanted to like this one but it sucked, felt very cheap and silly and Libby was extremely annoying (and she raped Frank like, that scene, wtf)

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No matter what you're expecting this movie to be like, you're wrong. Every ten minutes, like clockwork, it changes gears unexpectedly and flirts with bucking the audience. It truly defies categorization, taking delight in confusing its viewers. The similarities to Kick-Ass are there, with the nerdy DIY superhero learning the world's a pretty dirty place after dark, but Super also manages to be as gratuitously gory and continuously off color as a classic Troma film. Its awkward timing and confounding sense of humor, though, make comparisons to both less apt. By the climactic, explosion-filled finale, its transgressions from goofball comedy to creepy drama left a stunned theater debating whether to laugh or cry. An intensely uncomfortable experience you'll either love or hate.

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One of the best movie of all time,I had such a great time, I wish it was longer! Ellen Page is Fabulous in it! A shame people take this film a little bit too seriously, it is meant to be a crappy suit!!!
Anyway, go watch it now, it is worth it and will make you feel good for the rest of your life !

Advice: Watch also > God Bless America !!!

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A religious fanatic with geeky tendencies gets dumped by his wife and decides to become a masked vigilante who kills people around with a wrench. As fucked up and morally wrong as a Troma movie, with the difference that this time the project is backed up by a decent budget and joined by relatively well-known actors. The plot is just a big excuse for the graphic moments, but I actually enjoyed the fake TV shows and delirious visions even more. Too bad it came out alongside “Kick Ass” and got wrongly labeled as its low-budget version.

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In conclusion, it just didn't work for me.

There's a decent enough plot - bit predictable, bit clumsy - but it's workable. Rainn Wilson is very good. Ellen Page irritated me immensely and ultimately detracted from the film.

A low budget feel to this but with a good cast of 'genuinely famous' to 'recognisable' faces.

It drifted into very poor areas at times. Where the joke wasn't working but it kept getting pushed at the screen. Some bits did work, much didn't though and as the movie went on, my patience waned.


(And just to irritate a few of you, I would actually rather rewatch this than rewatch 'Joker'. At least this wasn't a terribly awkward pastiche with an entirely predictable plot thinking it was 'art house'. This knew it was irreverent.)

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It was OK. The plot was too predicable for it to be really good. It was funny at times. Too much use of music. Not keen on the end. Felt like hammy pathos to quickly wrap things up and evoke feelings. I felt the movie dealt with the characters emotions well in the start.

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I liked Libby, and the fact that Ellen Page was in it, but other than that it just seemed really... stupid.

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Afgezet na half uur, debiele film.

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Shout by Deleted

Ellen Page, will you marry me?

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Shout by Deleted

I wish Trakt used a star rating system. This movie was neither "Totally Ninja" or "Weak Sauce". 6/10

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Awesome Movie

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Undecided, unimaginative and damn unnecessary.

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Super sucked. It's like a poor man's Kick-Ass with far less impressive production values, comparable needless violence and similar abandonment of its premise in the final act. As if that's not enough, it features two entirely superfluous rape scenes that just get glossed over. While in this movie, the level of violence seemed less gratuitous, it seemed (at least from what I can remember about Kick-Ass) that a lot of the violence was inflicted on people who were less 'deserving' of it, which made it equally unnecessary and uncomfortable to watch. The role didn't seem to suit Rainn Wilson and he didn't strike me as a particularly good actor because of it, at least for the first half; while I liked him in The Office, I don't know if he has much versatility if this is anything to go by. Ellen Page was by far the best part of the movie and it seemed that because her character's so obviously deranged, her violence seemed to fit in with the tone the film was going for better. At least it comes across as being aware that its violence is needless and some of the character's do bring this up and show remorse sometimes, unlike in Kick-Ass where it's just "hurr look at all this violence what a great satire".

But eugh, those stupid unnecessary goddamn rape scenes that they just pretend never happened and which the characters gets over in a heart-beat. If you're going to attempt to tackle female-on-male rape, then at least have it mean something, don't just brush it off right away. It's like they just used it to resolve a romantic subplot rather than even treating it like rape. And then right after that happens, you're still expected to sympathise with her character? When the gender roles get reversed with another pair later on, the female character's obviously traumatised and rightly so, but noooo, if it's a male getting raped, it's okay to trivialise it, isn't it? Screw you too, movie.

Also howdonumberplatesandgunsandpolicework. I'd watch Holy Avenger if it was a real show.

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amazing? This movie is really not good at all...

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