Personal Lists featuring...

Super Mario Bros. 1993


This is a list of bad movies that are shown in the German Tele 5 show SchleFaZ.


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
Holy Man (1998)
Alaska (1996)
Army of Darkness (1992)
Balto (1995)
The Astronauts Wife (1999)
Immortal Beloved (1994)
Chaplin (1992)
Hackers (1995)
BASEketball (1998)


revolves around the conquests and explorations of a protagonist. The purpose of the conquest can be to retrieve a person or treasure, but often the main focus is simply the pursuit of the unknown. These films generally take place in exotic locations and play on historical myths.


Jim Sterling and Conrad Zimmerman are two movie boys who watch videogame-themed spin-off content and then talk about it. They have a lot of Pokemon films to watch.


Scripted Live Action Movies
