Personal Lists featuring...

Super Troopers 2 2018


Movies made released to US 2017


A list of movies & TV shows I watched in the year of 2018.


Movies and shows that are meant to make you laugh.


Movies with high octane, crazy car chases, shoot outs, and anything else you can imagine that'll get you on the edge of your seat!


I love going to sneak previews, i.e. you get a cheap ticket for the cinema to a movie that you don't know the title of until you see it. Those movies are shown even before the official aring date, it's a weekly program, and if possible I'll visit them every week.
People tend to think that sneak previews always only show bad or arthouse movies - this might proof them wrong.
Cinemas I visit for sneak previews:
- CinemaxX, Bremen (2014-..., regulary)
- Studio Filmtheater, Kiel (2010-2014 + occasionally)
- Kino Center, Husum (2005-2010)
