Shouts about...

Superbad 2007

From all the Booksmart ripoffs I've seen, this is clearly one of the better ones.

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A raunchy and unexpected comedy where the hits don't stop coming!

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A good time, especially if you're a young white dude.

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Still a hilarious movie with so many amazing bits (McLovin being the most icon one), love Bill Hader. At some moments it loses a bit of momentum, I guess it could have been a bit shorter.

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not a bad movie, felt like some thing was missing. great cast line up for a comedic movie and i enjoyed fogells story line

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This was a classic misogynistic film
they should’ve done a film just about the cops that would’ve been so funny

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This movie was made about 100 times in the 2000s, however people always single this one out as special and better than the other ones. I’m not sure why, because while it might be 10% classier than American Pie due to the actors involved, this is still mostly lowbrow, cringe and obnoxious. Relatable and true to reality perhaps (I certainly talked like that at that age), but if your only hook is that characters can’t go a single line without using the words dick, cock, pussy, vagina, sex, or you name it; you have no movie as far as I’m concerned. Not that I’m against raunchy comedy in concept, but there’s only so much you can do with it. Most of the jokes and set-ups in this movie are very obvious and dumb. It only really comes to life when Rogen and Hader are on the screen.


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Shout by FilmHorde
BlockedParent2023-03-22T04:37:01Z— updated 2023-03-27T01:42:44Z

Superbad is a great raunchy comedy that delivers big laughs. The film's characters are hilarious, and the chemistry between Jonah Hill and Michael Cera is nothing short of fantastic. What sets this movie apart, is the way it captures the essence of high school life with a story that is both relatable and entertaining. All in all, Superbad is a true classic of modern comedy.

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Acting: 2/3
Cinematography: 2/3
Story: 2/3

Enjoy: +1

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At the middle of the movie is a little booring and predictibile.

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Absolutely hilarious and well-directed slapstick comedy, with great performances and a satisfying story

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"I just love you. I want to go to the roof top and scream 'I love my best friend Evan' ".

Man, this hold up not only on a re-watch, but 14 years later.

I've seen my fair share of American comedies, where the main goals are sex, alcohol, crazy antics, which is fine and all, but coming from someone who's an introvert who doesn't drink or like parties, it doesn't offer anything for me. But this was actually funny and clever how it was written. But what also stands out to me how depressing it eventually got.

Because at the end, they get what they wanted from the start of the movie, girls. However, by the end they lose the one thing they had the beginning, each other. After graduation, they say "you may never see each other again", which does happen. It's hard going your separate ways, but the impact you had on each other will never leave you. It's a beautiful thing.

What a bittersweet ending to a crazy movie.

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Mmm super bad is really super bad like this movie sucks and it’s super irrespecful with women I hate this movie such a stupid movie really I don’t know what kind of comedy this is I’m gonna resume the movie to you so you didn’t need to watch 3 stupid horny ass hole talking cr*p for like 1 hour and saying stupid things about women this movie sucks I’m so bad because really who the f watch this and enjoys it Seth was fricking annoying like dude stf

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Superbad was just Super Bad.

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This really is a thoroughly enjoyable and funny film. It's aging really well and was just as funny as when I watched it back in 2007.

Smart, with great turns by Jonah Hill and Michael Cera - look at Jonah in Wolf of Wall St several years later and it's a remarkable progression, well done to him.

The cops in it are fantastic. The plot is ridiculous yet heartfelt.

Really good and thankfully super popular so it has had its rightful praise.


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Michael Cera and Jonah Hill are precisely in their element as a pair of hyper-awkward high school seniors, attempting to delicately navigate their way around virginity before college. Snide, sharp and effortlessly witty, it's an absolute howl, even for folks who may not have worked through the same problems at that age.

Hill and Cera have great chemistry, bouncing insults and muttering puns at a machine-gun pace, and they get a ton of help from the supporting cast. Seth Rogen and Bill Hader damn near steal the show as a pair of irresponsible cops out for a joyride with Christopher Mintz-Plasse, who is himself unforgettable as the eccentric uber-geek "McLovin."

I just wish it could've hovered in its zone of meaningless shenanigans the whole way through, because the last twenty minutes - when the plot suddenly realizes it needs to get going - are something of a chore to push through. Still, it's great enough that I’d call it a generation-defining comedy, tremendously written and utterly unstoppable when it's in a groove. Extra kudos for introducing the world to Emma Stone.

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This would have been better simply as a cop film with Bill Harder and Seth Rogen. Their scenes were the most enjoyable, and the rest of the film felt bland

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Shout by Deleted

I thought this was an entertaining film. There were a lot of great scenes such as the party Evan and Seth go to after someone had hid Seth with his car. The scenes with McLoving and the cops were hilarious. I didn't enjoy it as much as when I watched this film for the first time, but it was still very entertaining.

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I remember first watching this, thought it was hilarious. Now I feel it is mildly entertaining.

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This film is generally good. It's not a groundbreaking film but it does exactly what I was expecting. It's good to see the younger days of some very good comedic actors. Perfect film for background entertainment once you've seen it before.

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it just.... felt unrealistic. all it took for emma stone's character to give seth a chance was for him to show some interest. and he was a total creep. i just don't get it

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Shout by Deleted

I saw this movie when it first came out, it's still just as funny now as it was back then.

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Career propelling movie... Hilarious from start to finish...I am Mclovin

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If you've seen one teen angst coming of age movie, you've seen them all. "Superbad" doesn't offer anything new to the genre, but it's kind of fun to see some early career performances from current talented comedic actors.

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Gosh, Jonah Hill is so annoying! The actor, and the character! He's yelling at everything all the time like a fucking baby!
I only watched this because of Michael Cera and Emma Stone, and it was a complete waste of time.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

I thought it was a really funny movie. I liked the cops the best.

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Grew A little tired of Jonah Hill Dropping the F-bomb, i'm no prude i have a filthy mouth myself but that shit was just excessive

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IMHO the cops weren't funny and there was too much of them, and fatboy's constant yelling at the top of his lungs got a little old after awhile, but there were some genuine laughs in here.

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It's not often I refuse to finish watching a movie, but I want my 15 minutes back!

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Fun movie. But too long.

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Haha the unrated uncut version has a lot more 'shit' in it :p (if my memory serves me well)

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