Personal Lists featuring...

Supergirl 1984


This is a list of movies and series based on characters and stories published by DC Comics that I've watched or plan to watch.


Todos os Filmes de HQ's DC/ Marvel


Movies in the "series" can not sum up flawlessly, because contradictions of scripts makes hard to fit them in one timeline. Skip this list if don't care timelines, and bare with errors if do.

Superman Returns officially a wannabe sequel of the first two movies, but if we place it there the other two makes no sense of Lois' family. If Returns comes after Superman IV it connects better the "20 years after" line, but Clark's mother misteriously alive again.

Supergirl was made after Superman III and intended to be in "Reeves" canon. Superman is on an intergalactic peacekeeping mission which seems to better follows the fourth movie's topic and sort of fit in before Returns.

So I choose this:
- Superman The Movie
- Superman II
- Superman III
- Superman IV
- Supergirl
- Superman Returns

The Clark/Superman version of Superman Returns (Earth-96) shows up in the Arrowverse crossover "Crisis of Infinite Earths". Tv series of the Arrowverse comes with a lot of other storylines so I skipped them from this list, but if interested, than after Superman Returns you can watch at least the main crossover episodes:
- Supergirl 5×09
- Batwoman 1×09
- The Flash 6×09
- Arrow 8×08
- Legends Of Tomorrow 5×01


Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go off the rails. Throw away the plan.


Library for Kodi import


DC movie release dates calendar:

Every DCU movie in Story-Chronological Order (to the best of my knowledge), in addition to but excluding other, stand-alone DC movies and not including the Harley Quinn, Joker Origin Story, Teen Titans, Sandman, and Metal Men solo movies.


DC Comics is one of the largest and oldest American comic book publishers. It produces material featuring numerous well-known superhero characters, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, and Green Arrow. Most of this material takes place in a shared fictional universe, which also features teams such as the Justice League, the Suicide Squad, and the Teen Titans. The company has also published non-DC Universe-related material, including V for Vendetta, and many titles under their alternative imprint Vertigo Comics.


Marvel and DC films and series listed by air date. Also include are other related comic book films.


Listing if Super Heros Movies and TV Shows


Live-action Comic & Superhero films & shows not covered by the following:
