Shouts about...

Superhost 2021

This is not even close to the fear you got from the camper horror flicks like Wolf Creek, Turistas, Hostel etc. This has comic streak to it so its not all a horror flick. With no expectations you may like it. One time watch.

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Such a boring movie, I can't even call it thriller and it's a horror,also the movie looks like it been created 2011 but not in 2021. Not recommended from my side

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Like a stay in a dodgy hotel. Things begin well and everything seems fine on the surface…but then the cracks begin to show. It’s five stars on here and five stars on Trip Adviser.

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One of those predictable movies where you could figure out the ending right from the beginning. But not a bad movie overall. 6/10.

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The movie catches the eye at first, tries to entertain, but soon descends into a very predictable story with cartoonish performances that are sometimes irritating.

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Simple story and premise that's been overdone but the thrills and the characters make it worthwhile. Gracie Gillam is absolutely perfect in the role of a psychotic unpredictable maniac waiting to finally snap, she alone is a good enough reason to watch the movie. It has some genuine scares you never know what's lurking and when Rebecca smiles like the Grinch, it's scary and hilarious! As unpredictable as the character was, the third act is predictable and too simplistic. Still a really fun thriller with a few funny moments and I would love to see more of Rebecca!

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Like playing poker with a newbie, they telegraph their tells and show their cards too early, so that even if they had a good hand you knew how it was going to play out before they did.

The contemporary theme (the rancor of an Airbnb host getting a bad review) is fertile and unexplored territory for a good horror film but the overly-simple story offered few surprises.

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Shout by Cocotus

Mediocore movie about vlogging gone wrong. You watch the movie from the side of two vloggers - well I personally can't really enjoy a movie about ego-centered vloggers and their hunt for for likes and subscribers. I think its a pathetic goal and trend. Also not very realistic behaviour of the protagonists. You can watch it but you will soon forget it.

.By the way: I've seen toddlers put up more of a fight than the victims in this film. They are literally useless at defending themselves and its one of the reasons I didnt like the movie.

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go in without expectations and this is actually a pretty entertaining movie. not the least bit scary, but weirdly enough the social media/vlogging side of the plot was very convincing. not a lot of films manage to add believable youtuber type content creators but this one did, and that deserves a shoutout. also, one of the credits is "sara canning's hand double in that one scene" which made me laugh.

also there's zero political commentary from the two leads so idk what got FOX000's so triggered

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[Sitges FF] Following other titles such as "The rental" (2020), the proliferation of channels on social networks about personal experiences ends in an exercise of psychopathy that develops in a predictable way, but has an adequate pace . More interested in the antagonist character than in the protagonists, the story does not delve into the false reality of social networks and ends up being an empty proposal.

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Just call this one Soyboy the Movie. Two pathetic modern liberal bloggers get terrorized by an annoying hipster girl. The couple doesn’t match at all. The killer hipster girl makes no sense. Overall pathetic movie. Has potential but ruined by the characters and writing

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Travel vloggers find the perfect opportunity to create content that people want to see when they meet the host of their most recent trip. Slowly they start to realize that something isn’t right with her, and as they investigate it further, they unlock a horrifying truth. A mix between The Rental and Creep that's pretty watchable but far from great. Not dark enough as a comedy, not creepy enough as a horror film. No standout moments, almost no tension at all, no chemistry between two leads and the kills aren't that exciting. That being said, it has a very solid ending and the over-the-top performance from the crazy host makes this film more enjoyable. Also Barbara Crampton needs more screentime!

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