Shouts about...

Swiss Army Man 2016

Fuck this was so real and raw. Absurd af but amazingly profound. [[dark]]

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this movie sang me a song of farts and my deep seated loneliness's responded to it.

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This movie picks the most common and silly things and make them great. This is a terrific example of the seventh art. I interpretate a lot of things as metaphors(dont think im the only). Like how hank's fear of talking to sarah is replicated by Manny's eretion. A lot of us are afraid to show our likes an dislikes afraid of judgement. We live in an era where being an anti-social young adult(as myself) is specially emotinally hard and i believe this movie is trying to tells how to win this part of our lifes. Is to find someone o something(but try to avoid corpses xD) that can get you where you wanna go no matter how many times youre tink about giving up.
At last there some great perfomances didnt think Radcliffe could do so much performing a corpse. Good work im glad this exists!

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Confusing and weird and I loved it. I basically just spent the entire second and third act crying but I still loved this movie.

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Shout by KDob

I really liked this movie, but I'm going to need to watch it again to appreciate how each scene really contributed to the story and characters. I know they did... I just need to really process it first. You'll get what I mean when you see it. Believe me.

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Hilarious, fantastic, weird, moving film. It's amazing to see something so different and still get capture by it. In my opinion the best absurd film I have ever seen

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Didn't think I would say this on a film about a farting corpse... but it was kinda beautiful. Dano was terrific and Radcliffe has never been so alive on screen. A quiet gem.

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This movie is one of a kind!
At the beginning you'll be like WTF is this?!But it truly gets better!

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"I wanna climb in your brain, devour the webbing, and know your opinions. Are you still afraid of the shame? I promise I'll fix it, it's all for a reason."

The soundtrack makes me cry, everytime. To anyone who loved this movie: You're special to me.

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Okay. Let's get something straight. This movie does have potential. It is filled to the brim with hidden messages and metaphors. However, the juvenile tone of the film, however much that was the point, really ruined it for me. I mean I get it, and I love fart jokes like everyone else, but they go above and beyond in this film. Also, there was no point for them to include the mystery after the movie ends. This was a story they could begin and end while you watched, by remaining to be a confusing mess, that just made me angry by the end. No, this will not be added to my library.

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Takes the crown for weirdest comedy I've ever seen.
I think Dano is one of the ones that constantly delivers human fragility in the most honest way, and he does it once again here. If you can look past the first layer, the movie gives a surprisingly heartwarming hymn to life

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It's many times better than you might think.

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Just watch it.
It was hilarious.

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I've watched this movie a few times now. I think the best thing to tell you all is... do not start to watch it with any preconceived ideas or expectations. Yes, some may say WTF is this, but the metaphors make you really appreciate what it's about. I don't really want to say much about it because, well... everyone will react differently. Enjoy :)

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I am glad that people have the courage and ability to make movies like this. If you want a straight-ahead hollywood story then avoid this film at all costs. If you want something that makes you work a little bit for something that is beautiful then give this a look.

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What a silly movie!
Why is Radcliffe involved in something like this, does he need money badly?

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"I think I love Swiss Army Man."

One hour into the 97 minute film I reflect on what I've watched and send that text to my brother.

He responds: "It's definitely unique."

Yes it is.

Swiss Army Man is a buddy film about a man, Paul Dano, marooned on an island who finds a corpse, Daniel Radcliffe. Given that premise, think about where a movie could take that. I guarantee that whatever you came up with is no where near what ended up on film.

The film had me in awe throughout the first hour. The story is insane. The visual style is cool. The music choice is a lot of fun. The chemistry between Dano and Radcliffe is a delight. It's kind of beautiful.

With unique movies like Swiss Army Man the concern is will the filmmakers stick the landing? The movie does drag a little bit in the third act but the ending is satisfying.

The film is best summarized by a line that Mary Elizabeth Winstead gives at the end: "What the fuck?"

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This was quite interesting and strange. Really didn’t know what to expect before watching and still a bit unsure about what I just watched but it was entertaining for the most part.

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Fucking hell, what a piece of shit. This is one of those films that gave A24 it's terrible reputation.

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Weird as hell, but so very enjoyable. Both Dano and Radcliffe were great :)

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I thought I would watch just a movie about a dead man who farts, but nooo, I was so wrong. This movie has a great reflection about life, friendship, love... what a wonderful film. Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe are amazing in this one. I've never thought I would cry for a fart.

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"If my best friend hides his farts from me, then what else is he hiding from me? And why does that make me feel so alone?"

The fart jokes and boners didn’t exactly encourage me to keep going, but I think it was worth it. It’s a rather unique combination of absurdist comedy, trash, and heartfelt psychological drama that tries to exorcise our generation’s social anxiety. In particular, I liked the way Paul taught Manny about all the obvious things in life, and how Manny subsequently re-elaborates the information.

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Radcliffe has gone into a few weird things since his big career start - and this is definitely one of them.

Lots of people have rated it highly (which is fine) but to me, this was a adolescent version of Weekend at Bernies (if that is possible).

I've got to say you should make up your own mind on this one.

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Funniest movie I've ever seen.

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A lonely, suicidal twenty-something makes friends with a waterlogged corpse and proceeds to explore his feelings while using the stiff body to chop wood, light fires and propel himself majestically through the water like a valkyrie atop a pegasus. It's like an existential Weekend at Bernie's without the supporting cast, if that makes any sense.

One of the strangest films I've seen in ages, which doesn't shy from its inherent weirdness - rather, it completely embraces it and digs even deeper. Wildly creative and original, it's a feature-length Instagram mixed with an Arcade Fire video. Music is interwoven with the spirit of the film, cropping up organically from the mouths of the two primary characters and gently sprawling until it bounces about the room like a cathedral.

The first two acts are absurdly fun, a great blend of cackle-worthy humor and, honest-to-god, legitimate poignancy. It gets a bit heady and loses touch with its silly side on the home stretch, which is a drawback, but I can't say I didn't expect that from the tone of its trailers. A true change of pace from the norm, it's bold and beautiful while the ride lasts.

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A movie of corpse jokes that attempts to be deep. Boring, stupid and pathetic. How this made it as a serious pretentious movie is the biggest joke.

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A movie so freaking strange that it messed up my mind. A movie so strange that it ended up being good! Movie that deals with your personal problems and how you can actually fix it and becomes better at least in your fantasy (I could be wrong, but this is what I understood from the movie!). It is not a movie for everyone and trust me if you are expecting a logical movie, stay away from this but instead if you are the person who can accept imaginative story-line, then watch this movie. The movie will surely mess up your mind towards the end and make you think! 7/10

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One of the worst movies ever created. Complete waste of time. Stay clear, absolutely no entertainment value here. You've bee warned. Don't understand the high praise at all.

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Swiss Army Man is a film that I started watching with a particular kinda expectation and ended up with mixed array of feelings.
Is it dumb fun? No, the whole point of the film is to get that we give unwanted importance to certain things like farts and spit.
Is it offensive? No, again the movie shows us that what's offensive right now shouldn't be that way. We get caught up on words and expressions forgetting the deeper meaning of life. The film addresses exactly that.
The cinematography is breathtaking. Certain scenes remain with you and the cinematographer has used certain unconventional shots too.
Also the movie is laden with quotes, epic ones at too. Listen carefully to the conversion between Dano and Radcliffe (both of whom have classy performances btw).

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This whole movie can be explained with one word. To quote Sarah at the end: "WTF"

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So much things you can do with a dead farting corpses.. What a crazy ride, but different, I liked it... great script.. great cast.. funny.. The picture was beautiful at times, other times a little disturbing.. ha I'd of love to see more on the characters.. but other than that great film..

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IMO, the very ending ruined my expectation about this whole movie. .

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This was crazy and good. It was crazy good. A magical flatulent bromance.

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Though it hides behind a veneer of ridiculous, crass humour, it appears to have a heartwarming story to tell. Though by the end it loses some of its charm with a rather odd finale that puts the whole film's message up on its head.

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Like a fart: funny, comes from deep inside and it makes you feel good.

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This is fucked up and gross!
Most silly, toxic & sick movie ever made.

The high rate for the movie from western people tells a lot about their culture and mind.. not all of them of course but the majority.

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It really disappoints me that so many people both dislike and miss the point of this.... But am I surprised? No.

Why did they even watch it? If you dont like this kind of stuff, to back to watching your Fast and the Furious #569. Or another movie with Vin Diesel and a thousand explosions and a ton of CGI. Who needs depth and fun when you've got the same people exploding things on the big screen and driving expensive cars.

Daniel Radcliffe was honestly amazing in this and if you dont understand that, it's kind of crazy. All three Daniels did a great job on this movie. Everyone did.

If you liked this movie, you should watch their short film "Interesting Ball". Look it up. It's on Youtube and Vimeo. 10 min of awesome. You won't regret.

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The first film by the directing duo Daniels is bursting with creativity. Paul Dano plays a man stranded on an island, and Daniel Radcliffe portrays what is probably the world's most useful corpse. Both performers have frequently shown good judgment in the roles they have chosen. Dano is a very odd dude who consistently manages to find unusual roles. On the other hand, Radcliffe is a fascinating actor who, after his time as Harry Potter, has focused on playing really odd characters.

"Swiss Army Man" is a significantly less accessible film than Daniels' second film, "Everything Everywhere All At Once". It impresses above all with its visual wealth of ideas and funny, absurd dialogues. Although the lack of an engaging plot may turn off some viewers, I found myself thoroughly entertained the entire time. Mary Elizabeth Winstead says it perfectly: "What the fuck?"

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Such a weird and delightful movie. It's funny where it should and deep where it should. I don't know if it's intended by the ones who idealised it, but this movie talks about the movie condition in many ways from death, to friendship, to love and to passing of our lives.

9/10 would recommend.

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A great feelgood movie with an dead farting corpse that looks like Harry Potter.

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didn't expect to like this - and it made me laugh more than once :)

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You got me, funny, beautiful what else to add?

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A very original, weird, funny, and yet moving film. Not sure what to expect from trailer but was surprised how much I enjoyed it.

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This movie is hybrid, at the time whacky and poetic. The Daniel's really managed to make a beautiful and strange movie. The edit is really nice and the decors give a really good atmosphere.

Pros :
-Well edited
-Makes you hopeful
-Really really nice production
-Very VERY innovative (like a lot)

Cons :
-You can't tell the story at your friend (Unless you want to pass for a crazy)
-The 3rd act is weird and doesn't make sense in the story

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i was thinking this movie is totally crap at the beginning but i was wrong. it's a post modern informative and conceptual movie. i like most of the dialogues although the movie has a bad ending

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I didn't have the stomach to watch all the scenes. Actually, it still upset my stomach just thinking of it. You are warned!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Radcliffe standing still and quiet?
best role ever.

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