List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro


The Mission: To watch every episode of every show that aired on Adult Swim’s TOONAMI block.


To keep track of all the current anime I've completed, by season if possible. Most of these I recommend, are high quality, and are filled with fanservice or clever stories.


American Cinema has been on a downward trajectory for the last two decades, both in ticket sales and mass critical approval. With the rapidly decreased quality of movies in just the last few years, it's hard to find anything worth watching anymore, with the sea of lurid trash flooding Netflix, scripts being passed on for not being "diverse" enough, Disney's MCU being the staple template for blockbuster movies, and shows getting cancelled left and right. 'And if you're a White Christian, it can be hard trekking through lists to find movies that are even acceptable to watch from a moral stance.
If you're etching to watch a newer film to stay relevant, this list can maybe provide. I'm stopping top favorite lists from each year, because frankly, I don't have enough movies each year to justify. This list will just be all the films I've personally seen that I can vouch are decent or even good, but despite that, it's iffy and case by case. This still covers all genres, so it's not without faults. Still tread with caution, read the notes.


Anime Movies I have watched.


A list that contains all the animes I have watched.

The anime in the list are ranked based on my ratings


Anime I am planning to watch.


A list of animes i've watched or want to watch
