very boring, simple storyline.

A fixer killed Cages’ family and then grew a conscience, met the love of his life and then try to become a normal person. Cage seeks revenge and had the upper end till the end and failed and died.

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It was definitely a film of two half’s — started out slow but once they get to the diner it really picked up. Some moments that had me laughing out loud; you have to give it to Nic Cage for his delivery.

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In truth, not that good. But some nifty direction and a wack-a-doodle performance from Cage elevates this B-movie thriller.

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I watched this for, well, Nicolas Cage. The bonus was Joel Kinnaman. The story was much better than I thought. Predictable, yes. But both actors carried it through. And it was a perfect role for Cage.

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It was Nic Cage doing his thing again and I was hear for it. It dragged in some spots but it was fun watching Cage go nuts again.

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got hall through bored too death shut off, can't stand nic

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2023-12-30T04:46:20Z— updated 2024-01-06T02:35:18Z

Sympathy for the Devil - :heart:x6

This appears to be a movie done for paychecks by the actors. It is not great, not even good. But it is kinda watchable as long as you like either of the 2 leads, Cage & Kinnaman.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Very predictable plot, but if you like Nic Cage, you will likely enjoy it nevertheless.

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I respect this movie for knowing how to use Nicolas Cage.

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What causes everyone downright rejection is this? I'm glad (quietly!) Cage's attempts to restart his career. From a movie about a pig, already 4 times personally, I’m not ashamed of him. And so, a budget noir with an 80s vibe. Nicholas here looks like both the Fellow Traveler and Trachtenberg, with a crazy touch of Castor Troy. It’s a pity the end was merged for the sake of a spectacular twist, but:up:.

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I was expecting something along the lines of Collateral (2004 movie starring Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx). Couldn't have been more wrong. Second half of the movie is alright but all in all, movie sucks.

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nic cooking in the good way.

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Not actually the devil even tho that even in the trailer it looked like Nick was playing a representation of him. The story has nothing new to offer, tbh; and the "twist" is quite predictable; specially in the last third of the movie. Nic Cage doing Nic Cage's stuff as usual. A mere 5 for me

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Quite good. Nicholas Cage awesome

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The performances were good, I have no complaint about either Nicky or Joel, but the story was....well, predictable and lame. It basically has the depth of a kiddie pool and is about as exciting, too.

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Pretty darn shitty movie. Nicolas Cage is being Nicolas Cage on crack - nothing very impressive…

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Another of the B-movies starring Nicolas Cage, whose histrionic performance is at least well offset by the stunned face that Joel Kinnaman has all the time. The irregular script doesn't help to establish a clear narrative, despite the basics of his proposal. And as much as most of the time it takes place inside a car, the story in the end doesn't get us anywhere, it hides for the hasty denouement a revelation that is not particularly shocking, and the most surprising thing that happens in the film is that the song by The Rolling Stones is not included in the soundtrack.

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I had a good time watching Nick Cage lose his shit... again. Those scene(s) were certainly memorable. Joel Kinnaman did a good job too. Good characters and interactions. The road trip part was stale, repetitive and it went on for too long. Could have worked if the dialogue was better. Whatever followed after was entertaining but the outcome of it was so obvious to me from the start, I mean we've seen this so many times before. Cliché movie but it had it's moments. Nick Cage sure had the time of his life making this movie!

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