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Take Care of Maya 2023

This is such a heartbreaking story... The healthcare system failed this beautiful family, they completely destroyed them.
This story is unforgettable, it's so haunting. Wow... It left me absolutely speechless...

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This story broke my heart like it did to so many others. So much injustice and pain was inflicted on the Kowalski family and the people responsible should be ashamed. I really hope Jack, Maya and Kyle will get through this and find closure and happiness.

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This story broke my heart... How can anyone be that inhumane to make families suffer in the worst possible way?! That system is rotten, people involved in the system are soulless and I hope that every family that suffered because of it, find peace and justice.

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As a CRPS II sufferer of over 13 years now I could tell within the first few minutes this is what Maya was suffering from. Unfortunately it is very often misdiagnosed and completely misunderstood by so called medical ‘professionals’.
My heart breaks for Maya & her family. As an adult this disease is excruciating and a very hard journey to navigate. Children should NEVER have to experience this condition. Her Mother was a protective warrior advocate! Things should never be this hard. This documentary is a sad but very real insight into a rare complex disease & condition and how sufferers & families are treated, dismissed & often worse, not just in the US, but around the world!
May this much needed documentary shed light on this condition & others and may this family find some justice. This family will forever be in my families hearts & thoughts going forward. We believe you Maya.

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Grateful I was aware of this heartbreaking story AFTER seeing their winning day in court. Still it WRECKED me.

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Insane. I hope those SOB’s pay for what they did to this poor family.

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A must see if you are a parent especially one in the Tampa Bay area. This story is truly shocking, and is an issue rarely touched on. People in positions of power are not immune bias. When child welfare is concerned parents have no power or rights. I hope the family finally has their day in court later this year.

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I can't believe Maya’s lawyer did not investigate Dr. Sally Marie Smith past. She is probably living life on a big fat pension.
This monster should rot in a cell.

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This is so completely messed up. I was nearly at tears watching this documentary. This poor family, the poor mother, the poor father and of course the daughter. This is so horrible.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9

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A good documentary that I knew nothing about! This is an easy one to feel a connection to and I’m sure many people will appreciate watching!

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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