Shouts about...

Talk to Me 2023

I found it interesting. The plot is entertaining enough and performances are good. Everything was going well, but at the end I did not understand how she saved Riley. I think it is not me, but that part was unclear.

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"Talk to Me" was a decent watch, but it didn't quite hit the top spot in the horror genre for me. It surprised me in a good way, though I went in with low expectations, but it ended up being better than I thought. Some scenes were downright chilling and hard to watch, which definitely added to the suspense. However, when it comes to horror flicks, it's not a standout winner for me. Still, I'd say it's worth checking out if you're a fan of the genre!

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Very boring. It's a good movie for playing in the background. I rarely write comments, but this deserves that exception. The plot twist is okay-ish, however the plot repeats itself like 10 times and it's just boring.

This would be a nice short, but watching the same thing for 1h 30m was crazy.

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i don’t get the hype

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i don’t get the hype

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I was skeptical because I'm not a big horror fan but that was awesomely creepy, loved it.

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Really boring movie. The story was really shallow, random and poor. I had hoped for at least some scary scenes but the movie never delivered on anything.

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If you go into "Talk to Me" with concerns that it's just the next dull jump-scare horror movie, these worries should evaporate right from the effective opening sequence. Sure, the movie doesn't necessarily reinvent the wheel. But it delivers a few effective chilling moments and occasionally builds up a creepy atmosphere. The plot is also convincing on an emotional level. You just shouldn't expect overly logical actions from the characters. Of course, despite the appealing presentation, nobody really acts in a comprehensible way. But without these clichés, there would be no horror plot. And overall, "Talk to Me" is definitely one of the stronger ghost horror films of recent years.

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Good movie to have some entertaining time. Light to medium horror and suspense, which is good, it serves its purpose very well. Scary at the right times and funny at the right times, but not goophy. I liked the characters, the concept of the hand, the explanation at the final. It has 90min, which is perfect, because it is long enough to be good but not so long to become boring. It is not a masterpiece, but it worth watching, that's why it has my 8.

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This is what happens when you screw around with a petrified hand.

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I never want to watch it again. Haunted me like Hereditary. One of the best horror-movies of the last 10 years.

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The plot is driven by sheer dumbness. Nothing that happens is initially out of the dumb people's control, they are just initially dumb. It's annoying,

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For a horror movie. This was pretty solid.

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65 a a a a a

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Nothing like good ol’ Australian movies. I went into this knowing it had a reputation and that that reputation was the movie was REALLY good and boy did it impress me. There were such tense moments where I had to sit and pause the movie, which I do not often do while watching horror. Acting was just spot on and so chilling at times. Movie definitely lived up to the hype for me.

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Shout by Deleted

Realy f…. Crazy want more

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This was good. It was the first horror flick worth watching in awhile.

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Even though it's my first watch it's genuinely one of my favourite horror movies ever, simply because I feel too many of them try too hard to just scare the audience first and then add the story but this is the opposite the story came first. For most of it, it was completely horrifying with some amazing hair & makeup work.

Shout out to Danny & Michael Philippou for pulling this off considering it's their first feature film.

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At its core, this seems like a simple possession movie. But there is a rawness and bleakness to it that just makes it seem way more disturbing than most. And it is able to leverage this tried premise and spin into a parallel about grief and addiction that I think works well. It has some fairly disturbing moments. One negative is the ending feels a bit underdeveloped and could have been much sharper for how good the beginning of the movie is. The acting and camerawork are notably good.

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A24 has been killing the horror department recently! This is simply a rock solid horror film that does not get bogged down with the often metaphorical nature of A24. It will appeal to most fans of the genre. Can't wait to watch it again!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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Shout by zxki
BlockedParent2023-12-06T01:42:35Z— updated 2023-12-10T19:31:54Z

I got halfway through the movie and turned it off. Not because it was bad but because it was too good. The visual horror was just too sickening for me.

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Was not expecting it that good. Not that top notch acting but for sure good enough to support the foreseeable but solid story. Nice twist at the end. Enjoed it very much.

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Filmed really well. I was impressed.

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"Look who's talking", a reboot, only from the other side. ;)

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not bad, people are delusional if they think this was better than Hereditary

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The first half of this was really great. Cool setup, some creepy scenes, and a fun concept were let down by a slowing in the second half and a climax that was...fine, but not up to the level of the first half. For a broad horror flick, though, it was pretty good and you could do much worse.

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It's good, but something is missing The ending is fine, something similar was coming.

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Fun to watch with the kids but I was yawning by the end

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Ahm this movie does not want to talk to me. Good acting and there were nice shock moments but those characters..... they were completely unlikable. I think I should stay away from movies that have a cast of annoying, loudmoth, diverse, phone addicted teenagers.

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There are many controversial comments about that movie.

I like it. I like it very much. I haven't watched such thrilling movie recently. It kept me on pins and needles to the end. I would definitely recommend it.

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"They followed us. Whoever we contacted, they followed us."

I can't believe the boys from Racka Racka have an official horror movie on their hands. Unreal! The sound design and practical effects used for possession stuff is pretty darn good.

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Horror is not my genre but I decided to check out Talk to Me after hearing about it on a few podcasts. I think I know why I usually don't go for horror films. I thought it was because I didn't like scary things, but I really enjoyed Talk to Me. I think I liked certain scenes and acts better than the whole. Usually there's an awesome premise and the landing doesn't quite stick. I feel that the ending was probably the weakest part of the movie for me. I was all-in about halfway through once Riley used the hand. That was absolutely bonkers and incredible. Then the movie felt like it was just trying to tread water. It's very competently made. Everything ties out, but after the first half, it would have been very difficult to sustain that effort for the entire film. Despite that, I definitely recommend Talk to Me.

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overhyped and only boring Teenie problems

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I loved this. It’s crazy that this came from two youtubers who beat eachother up for their videos.

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This one surprised me positively! Really Good Movie!

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I went into this with high expectations based on the press popping up in my feeds. It didn't live up to the hype, but it was also enjoyable -- if predictable. The main character was well developed and much of the film was about her: her trauma and social struggles.

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I thought it was better than most modern horror films but still follows a rather formulaic path. It is well shot and the cast for most part does well in their roles. I would be interested to see what they do with the follow up film.

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The concept is interesting but there's an over-reliance on gross self harm images.

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I think i never felt this way... this may just be one of my favorite movies.
And if you tell me this movie is sh*t, I think I can also agree with you.
It get's me so pleasantly uncomfortable. It just hits the spot for me. It probably won't hit yours.
Only problem for me would be the acting of the main character Mia, it's kinda meh.

And they say the name of the movie, A LOT! ++

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A well acted and crushing portrayal of loneliness and a person reaching out for human connection. It can feel a bit like its dragging itself to the end, but otherwise it's a stellar slow-burn.

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I thought this movie would be so good based off the comments . Nope I was wrong absolutely trash garbage stupid plot totally terrible

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A round, focused and forceful film. How the paranormal component affects the emotional component of the protagonist and leads her to do what she does is magnificent.

I have nothing bad to point out about "Talk to Me".

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Finally a horror movie that takes jumpscare lightly and scare with build-up and atmosphere, the MC is very... 10 IQ, and in the final moment you wish for the worst to her, but that adds character for sure, recommended for anyone that doesn't want jumpscares and want to have a good scary night

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Really bad acting. Could be an original argument but it's not, it's just nothing.

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A really solid horror movie. I would treat this like comfort food. It's using what you know and love about horror, but not doing anything crazy new and thats fine. The premise using a hand to channel the horror is a really fun visual. I would say the end gets a bit muddled, but still a lot of fun to watch to the very end.

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Shout by Jim222001

Maybe it will grow on me, for now I found it to be overrated. To me the movie plays out a lot like the original Candyman.

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An interesting twist on horror movies with teenagers practicing Ouija, it manages to be really creepy at times, although the third act ends up being much more conventional about overcoming the pain of loss by accessing the spirit world. But it manages to be as vibrant and tense as what should be expected from a horror film, supported above all by the difficult performance of Sophie Wilde. Although it seems like the beginning of a possible franchise that can be exhausting, the idea is good enough to prevail over predictable less inventive films.

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I really thought that I will be better, but .. No .. very predesible the script I feel no surprise although it has good effects.

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I've had enough with insufferable idiot teens who thinks summoning spirits and demons is all fun and games. I've had high expectations, this was very average and lackluster.

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If only Sophie was a good actress...

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This was a great movie. I was actually surprised by how good it turned out. It also had some really good creepy parts to it as well.

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i liked it ,it was okay atleast it had a story to tell . and honestly just watch a movie for the fun of it not to act like a critique and a professional movie watcher cuz it doesn't pay

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I was never glad like this, watching people get what they deserve but still some got off easy especially, the two walking around with the hand.


shit has no character depth and just horror for the sake of it.

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Nice and refreshing movie which was short and entertaining but nothing beyond that.I aprreciated it has nothing to do with cheap jumpscares and the story was predictable but solid though.If you are a horror fan you are going to like it probably. 7.0/10

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horror movie and full of scenes

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i do not want to

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It wasn't a bad horror movie, but the ending was very disappointing.

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I'm gonna quote Brenda from Scary Movie: "Lord! I'mma have a heart attack! Oh, this is some scury shit!"

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Definitely worth a watch, kept my attention to the end.

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very good - i think it benefits from the fact that it centers on a group of teenagers because lbr teenagers aren't all sorted out in their brains yet and pretty much the only ones who would think this was a fun adrenaline rush of a game. it's definitely following some standard horror stereotypes but it's not bad for doing so, it's enjoyable when a horror movie keeps the tropes that the genre's defined by but does right by them. the acting's solid too, from the whole cast.

also, god, so gross. and not even in the gory moments, very much in the "oh this is being documented this poor person" way. so glad i was a teenager when social media was just myspace bc i don't think i'd have made it to adulthood with all my horrific missteps recorded forever on the internet

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Made for GenZ intellect! Extreme bullshit! A fetishists wet dream. MASSIVE SKIP! RATING: 4/10

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This movie came so close to being great. It's good. Really good. Just a few edits and a different ending and it would've been there.

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I am glad I let them in

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The film has a unique concept and evokes a chilling vibe. The concept that a group of high schoolers spend their Friday nights summoning spirits to intentionally be possessed by them is a little farfetched but if you accept that then the film still can work. This is part of the tradition of dead mom horror movies. Found the main character very unsympathetic (risking her friends and family lives for her benefit). I felt like this was a missed opportunity that could have been a chilling and affective film with a better script and execution.

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I'll start by saying that this is a great movie. Its paced out well and developed nicely. Story is solid, nothing to far fetched that you have to stretch to get involved. Saying that this movie has a certain feel to it. Not in a bad way either. It just has this under tone for the entire length that truly adds to the experience. I don't think this is too spoilery but I'ma blur it. The ending while nothing groundbreaking kinda sneaks up on you. In the way that it sets up the executes the end without giving you time to start thinking yeah I see where this is going.
Excellent movie 7/10

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BORING ,slow-motion cliché horror movie. It made me long for the good old days of horror films. I actually fell asleep in the middle and fast-forwarded to the end. I definitely wouldn't recommend it."

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The best horror movie of the year. Original idea perfectly executed and all with a small budget shows what can be done.

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more than your typical horror movie. totally philosophical and the message is too deep. also a very well constructed makeout scene between a christian guy and a dog. a perfect movie.

that foot job scene turned me on fr.

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I  enjoyed the movie Talk To Me. After watching the trailer a few days ago, I decided to watch it and I must say that I was hooked to the screen. I was so afraid something was going to happen to the young boy and the ending left me confused. It was definitely an interesting movie and I am glad I watched it.

I am sure many of you have watched the movie and can explain the ending to me. I would really appreciate it if you could share your thoughts and explain the ending to me.

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Hell yeah, the hype is real! It was so fun until it became soul crushing. Great idea and realization. Felt modern and still classic. Could have been a little bit more scary for my taste. I wouldn't even have minded some more jump scares. Apart from that, I had a really good time and can't wait to see more of this universe!

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As usual, a highly scored horror movie that must be from people that have never watched horror before.

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A solid horror/thriller with a decent premise and nice twist at the end. I enjoyed this, just the right amount of gore/violence for those blood fiends but a great story to get you hooked too.

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bring back these vibes in movies! many modern movies feel soulless/passionless but this one feels just right :ok_hand:

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As obnoxious as those Philippou brothers are, they actually made one of the better horror films in a while.

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No matter how curious you are don't f*ckin do what they do.

Pretty decent movie, definitely worthy watching on a first date. Highly compelling and clearly the effort has been made for making this movie great. grotesque, creepy and sometimes pretty frightening, I enjoyed it.

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Very good atmosphere of dread and possession in this one. Great sound design. The hype is real imo. Very high 8.3 for the horror fan in me. Definitely has some issues w pacing in parts, but overall I was very impressed. Will be excited to see more of the brothers efforts moving forward.

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Shout by M0ssb3rg

This one surprised me, and I loved it.. I knew she was dead at the end, what I didn't expect was the hand to carry on to a new group and she finds herself on the other side of the game, so freaky! These directors know what they're doing and I hope they make more horror!

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Bro, this was insane. Maybe it's because I've been watching shit horror movies lately, but I wasn't expecting this to be actually scary.

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Honestly, this is a pretty good horror movie with some pretty unique ideas in it. I think some things could have been fleshed out better, but overall the story in the movie was pretty well told.

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Painfully slow and with a weird choice of casting… They all look strange which is incredibly distracting.

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Today's teenagers manage to extract insights even from the otherworldly; a timely “filmed” video is also important. It’s a pity that the “ancestors” don’t get the trick, they are addressed here directly by their name. "Talk to me". After? Clear.
If you remove the subtexts, the scare is not bad. The idea is fresh compared to others, like Fllattliners /1990/ Schumacher once had

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It's only hype, nothing more.

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this is a real good movie

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I will skip the stupid analysis. This is a MUST WATCH!

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Very nice new horror idea. Don’t miss this

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(Un)holy kangaroo! This was an absolute banger! :scream:

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hwkwp Talk to MeTalk to MeTalk to MeTalk to Me

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This was a good watch reminded of a Final Destination vibes..If you a fan of that y’all would love this one..Good.

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This was a very well written piece. The acting was on point. The plot very strong

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not a game changer movie at all but definitely worth watching. some great twits that kept you staring at the screen alongside an interesting plot.

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did i miss something? terrible movie

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About time there's a decent horror movie. The majority of horror in the past years has been cheezy or garbage. Hope this becomes a franchise.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.2

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Fuck yeah! Do NOT skip this. Insanely promising debut from the Philippou brothers. Comedy in all the right places and genuine terror in all the right places.
You can tell they wanted to subvert expectations of normal cinema-goers but still remain in the 'mainstream horror' bracket and it works a treat. The scares come from personal mania and/or trauma and never(?) through jumpscares even though sometimes it'd feel like a jumpscare was coming...but I think that was deliberate.

It's such a twisted crack at a coming-of-age story and successfully creates horror out of the teenage desire to rebel against what they are told in order to mature through independence - the intoxicating pursuit of things like drugs more than the drugs themselves and then it toys with the mind-loops that got the kid to that point of trying things they're not supposed to. Of course, literally summoning demons for fun is a blatant example of that but I think this story works in other ways too.

So glad I made sure to see this on the big screen. My audience was great too.

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Possession goes viral and ghost gets kinky. Who let Tarantino in?

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Not really all that much to say about this movie. It really just was the movie I was hoping it would be going by what I saw in the trailer.

The story is what I expected, no real surprises at all. But it was very well told so that made up for the lack of anything unexpected. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Some great scenes, good scares, and and horror that in parts brought a massive smile to my face.

If you enjoy horror, watch it.

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Talk To Me feels like A24 qualitywise but we're back to basics here with a genuinely scary classic ghost story—and a good one too, it's been a while. Very straight to the point but still refreshing and original. It looks so good, some unexpected twists and turns, impressive camerawork, great practical effects, the gore is effective and I was genuinely scared in the theater. THAT bloody brutal moment had me squirming in my seat. The mystery for the hand was engaging and they kept it surface level which is for the best if they ever intend on making another movie. I did want to know more about it though. I love what they did with the substance abuse themes tying in with the horror and that's what made it original to me. Great acting from everyone but Sophie Wilde, yeah she was wild! Overall a very respectable horror movie and the best we've had so far this year.

I had a bit of a moment when I heard the Crazy Frog ringtone!

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-07-30T19:31:47Z— updated 2023-07-31T21:24:47Z

Nice, a really solid flick. It’s normie horror done right; formulaic and familiar enough while also smartly avoiding some of the genre’s dumbest clichés. The characters are still stupid as hell, but because this is a story about addiction and peer pressure, the movie gets away with that. It’s truly an exciting start for the careers of the actors and directors. In fact, I see so much potential here that I don’t think either will look back on this project as their best work. Nevertheless, the editing, sound choices and cinematography are already good enough where the movie got a visceral reaction out of me on multiple occasions, which means it did its job.


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Saw the movie tonight.. there’s only one scene who is nice and it’s with the little boy.. after that everything is boring not scary at all … it’s a good concept but the movie is just boring …

5.5/10 for me …
I bet more on the new exorcist believer that will come out on October Friday 13 !

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Talk to Me’:

  1. It peaked with that brutal scene, when the game took a violent turn (I straight-up gasped), which was fairly early on, and the rest of the film never really reached that level of shock again.

  2. Was it just me, or was the audio pretty awful? So many conversations were unclear. I couldn’t understand how the mom died. She took too many pills, on accident, and then clawed at the door? How does that work?

  3. I really liked the concept of the hand (albeit somewhat confusing). And I think it’s interesting to see it used as some sort of party game. But when characters are dumb enough to revel in something so awful, it’s difficult to care about their fate. I wasn’t fully invested in them.

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