Shouts about...

The 355 2022

The cast and their performances weren't that bad at all, though the storyline could've been better. I don't know if it's just me, but I honestly enjoyed this more than Marvel's Eternals.

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Welp here's hoping that the 356 will be good. You would think after making this film 354 times previously they'd get better at it

The voice in my head whispers "Forget it Jake it's January town

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I think Daniel Craig correctly called it out during an interview, when he said “There should simply be better parts for women and actors of colour. Why should a woman play James Bond when there should be a part just as good as James Bond, but for a woman?"

Unfortunately, this movie isn't that movie. It's yet another failed attempt at creating a "female version" or a spin-off of James Bond, Jason Bourne or a similar male spy movie. This movie is such a waste of star talent due to incompetent and lazy writing. The same lazy incompetent writing that gave us Ocean's 8 and that all-female Ghostbusters movie.

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I so wanted to like this, I so much wanted it to be better than it was.

Seriously, the script is unfortunately very stupid and very predictable. While I very much loved the "concept" of the movie, the all-female spy team from different countries, the execution was just absolute shit. Plus all the actresses are seriously underused. But props to them to do their absolute best with this crap of a screenplay.

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i dont understand the negative rating here. i really enjoyed the action, the women did wonderfully well. the acting was great, storyline great. so i dont get it. Maybe its because they are all women. 7.5/10 for me.

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This wasn't good, and I really wanted it to be. That said, it's not worse than a lot of other male-led spy action movies. In my opinion, the main reason it's getting more hate than most is the obvious feminist slant. Well, stay mad. The cast here is A+, and though the movie was a disappointment, I want them to come back just because of all that untapped potential.

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This all-female agent team is great but deserved a much better movie.

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I don’t know why all these people are whining. I never watch spy movies for the superb writing, and this was just as good as any male-led spy movie. It was great seeing women who weren’t around just for the sale of sex or dying. It was a fun and exciting movie with wonderful lead actresses.

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Literally don't understand casting actresses of this caliber and having such trite boring predictable writing

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So you have an unique tool that gives you access to pretty much anything you might want but somehow all the people attempt to sell this for some modest amount of money?

This is just the greatest absurdity in this generally pathetic plot.

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This cast of women deserved a better script for their action movie team-up! The film contrived and empty, enlivend by the acting and occasional decent action scene.

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It's a super generic and predictable spy movie but the performances of the cast was really good.

Movie could have really good with better writers and director.

Also, why is Simon Kinberg still allowed to direct films?

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it's not bad for a spy action film—it's nothing super unique but look at the two genres. i didn't go in expecting a masterpiece and i was entertained for the whole two hours. great cast, either way, and even if the movie was kind of mediocre i still would love to see more of the characters because of the acting. i'd also like to take a moment to appreciate lupita's entire wardrobe, bless those suits and comfy sweaters.

i have one major complaint and that's that i'm tired of trailers remixing songs and then NEVER USING THEM IN THE SCORE. first the candyman sequel and now this movie. give me my orchestral epic version of rihanna's run this town please and thank you

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I was soo looking forward to this movie ever since the trailer last year. But oh my it was pretty bad. Didn't build the characters properly, didn't feel the chemistry and the storyline was very predictable. Good to pass time but you'll forget it after watching it.

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Disappointing - it could have been so much more.

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This is a movie about a bunch of girls killing a bunch of guys because one of the girls so called boyfriend left her without saying a word and she's crazy about it and after killing a bunch of guys, the group of girls kills the boyfriend. No offense but that's exactly what it felt like.

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Amazing, it's a great movie. Full of emotions, exciting. Recommended to watch.

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This movie explores the fact that NO agent of ANY secret service EVER learns to shoot a moving target, and builds on that premise to form a rudimentary plot. Luckily all the time saved training to shoot people was spent learning languages, so all players speak all languages. By a stroke of chance the women turn into pistol-marksmen/women about halfway through the movie to avoid shooting bystanders.

None of the characters are introduced, no character has an invested stake, so you need a fair amount of suspension of disbelief to get into this one. If you can get past the obvious faults, and the plethora of 'convenient she knows that' and other Checkov's guns, it's a decent movie. Standard bad guy plot number 3, multiple agencies after a MacGuffin, but fairly well put together.

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As generic as a generic spy thriller can get.

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all this hate agains this movie just because it has female main protagonists. dont know what this has to do with anything but ok.

the movie has some decent action scenes between all the story and dialogue. it could have been shorter i guess. not the best one, bot not really bad. cool idea but sloppy execution.

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Good thing fast forward is easy to use on Netflix.

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I really hope this becomes a franchise. It has the talent: five A-List women holding the fort. It has all the right bits of CHARLIE’S ANGELS, OCEANS 8 and BOND. I’m sorry it hit theatres when the theatres were still restricted by Covid because I’m sure it needed good box office success. As of the date of this review, it has grossed 12.5 million dollars but cost 40 million to make so it will depend on streaming sales to do more than pay for itself. It’s got the goods. Now, it just needs the audience. I give this film a 9 (superb) out of 10. [Spy Action]

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Here is why you know this movie isn't very good:

  • I'm not a child anymore
  • Then stop acting like one

Also the last shot that has been done for thousands of times is so poorly done.

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Chinese spy agency working with Americans & German spy agency, that’s completely unbelievable.

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The comments here made me think this would be a bad movie, but to be clear... it's not.

This is more of a man vs. women movie than a spy movie. It's fun, and more fun when you realize what it's really about.

My only complaints are subtitle scenes that go on too long, and more fighting and gun violence than I wanted.

The stakes and empact of loss of life was more realistic here than in other action movies.

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Watched it today with my wife. Overall we liked it. I'll admit that some of the pacing was a bit off but we still got the just of the movie. The fight scenes were pretty good overall. Looking back I could definitely see a 2nd movie now that they're an established crew.

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I think there's a potentially interesting film in there somewhere, but it's drowned in boredom.

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Movies that I really enjoy, I watch 2-3 times. I won't watch this again.

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I enjoyed this. It's basically an ensemble of female James Bonds. It was actiony and fun. Would love to see a sequel.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Can I just say I'm so glad I didn't pay good money to watch this predictable and cliche hot steaming garbage.

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Kind of sad, that Penelope Cruz got roped into making this movie.

And why do the obviously german actors speak such terrible german? There is no accent, but half their sentences are gramatically incorrect in ways making it obvious they were written by a non-german.

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Great actresses for a not great film, it is entertaining without more. They all girls, who they fight, all boys

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This live action version of Totally Spies is like an overnight bag full of used dildoes: it's packed full of action, but none of it is original.

Seriously, if you've seen one fight scene in a movie you've seen them all. I don't think I've watched an original fight sequence since Matrix?

That said, this is better than most male-led spy flicks and all the dog piling The 355 is experiencing sounds a lot like misogyny to me. Seriously, all of that on-screen talent and a steady stream of action? Like those dildoes, I wasn't always impressed but I was rarely bored.

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The cast do great, just a shame the rest of 'The 355' isn't up to their level.

Jessica Chastain, Diane Kruger, Lupita Nyong'o, Penélope Cruz and Fan Bingbing all produce, all of them give enjoyable performances and never became uninteresting, irritating or whatever to me. They are the film's major plus. I'm struggling for other positives, cinematography at a push?

Unfortunately, I came away from watching feeling underwhelmed. The second half really drags, not helped by an extremely lame 'twist'. The first half isn't perfect but does hold potential, once the main bunch eventually team up it's more interesting. The editing is a little iffy, too.

There are quite a few talky scenes that aren't worthwhile at all, especially early on with Chastain and Sebastian Stan. Things improve when the action sequences get underway, not that they are anything extraordinary but what we see is satisfactory; it's the bits in between that let this 2022 release down.

6/10, despite the well performing cast; who almost made me give this 7/10.

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They were so close to having a proper female-led spy thriller. Atomic Blonde, this is not. The trailer actually indirectly spoils the twist as well. And even as a leftie, I had to cringe at the 'mansplain' line at the end. Really didn't do them any favours with that one. Shame, really, because I like all the actors individually, I just wish they'd had better material.

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All the way through, I'm like, why The 355? Why the 355? Gets to the end "oh is that all?" Little tip to the writers, that twist was the straightest twist. EVER!

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great movie just to have some fun looking 5 beautiful actress's ! ! ! don't miss it ! ! !

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Shout by MarkAb

And in the end. Women always win :heart_eyes:

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Really entertaining. You could feel the high production budget but the story could have been better.

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Poorly written and directed. Such wasted potential.

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I starting to think Simon Kinbers XMen Days if Future Past was just a fluke!!! This was just meh!!!

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