Personal Lists featuring...

The Abyss 1989


There’s only one place where you can get clones, time travel, simulated realities, irradiated and irritated giant lizards, and space fights and beyond. (Maybe not all at once, but we can dream.) Anything’s possible in this creative nebula known as science fiction, and with its long and historic association with cinema, we present our choices of the greatest science-fiction movies ever: The 150 Essential Sci-Fi Movies!
Number 90 is blank


Oscar Visual Effects Winners


Shows and movies released between 1980 and 1989.


A selection of talassophobic movies.

Thalassophobia is the fear of deep bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, rivers or even pools. That phobia includes just being in deep bodies of water, the fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, being trapped underwater, or aquatic creatures lurking below in murky waters.

In general it is not the fear of the ocean itself even but the vastness and emptiness of it and how small we are compared to what might be in it, which can include the fear of man-made objects or just giant things unter water in related sub-phobias.

In other words, this list consists of movies with a deep-sea horror vibe or maritime movies with a strong emphasize on isolation and survival under or above water that might trigger thalassophobia.

No genertic aquatic creature features, martime movies, submarine movies or movies with a sinking ship included that otherwise are not ocean centric. Also no shorts and documentaries.

Though not all movies set in the ocean or another body of water trigger thalassophobia. For example phobics have no problem watching "Avatar 2" (mainly because of all the clean water).

Last Update: 10/2023


Adventure, action, comedy and fantasy for all the innocent souls who still dream of being heroes.


List created and maintained by


Scary Movies! Spooky movies! Monsters, Beasts, Animals & Blood!


I started off by gathering ratings from IMDB (User/Critic Average), Rotten Tomatoes (Tomatometer, Critic Average, Audience Score, User Average), Metacritic (Critic Average, User Average) and Letterboxd (User Average). I was then able to determine a rating (out of 10) for each individual rating and therefore come up with an average rating for each site. Each site’s average rating was then weighted fairly so that no site’s ratings were favored above the rest.

The next step was to make sure that each film was treated fairly. Other top movie list’s like IMDb’s Top 1000 removes films that have under a certain viewing number (25,000 I think), but rather than ruling out films that may have been overlooked by the general audience (especially older films), I opted to alter these films score by carefully deducting points depending on how many people have seen it, and therefore voted on it. I also thought it was needed to make sure that recent films (released within the past 36 months) were also not favored, as it usually takes 3 years for the average rating to settle down. So I also added a deduction to these films that fell under this rule.

Taken from here:


Complete movies of the great directors. Starting with Quentin Tarantino and the Coen brothers.


One man's journey to watch 3650 movies of the 80s



This is a list of science fiction movies and series that I've watched or plan to watch. These movies and series contain at least one typical sci-fi element like advanced / futuristic science or technology (for the era that movie/series takes place), space exploration, time travel, parallel universes or extratrerrestial life.


Movies directed by James Cameron.


Películas de terror que he visto


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity
