Personal Lists featuring...

The Adventures of Prince Achmed 1926


Watching the list from the 2017 version of the book. Started off at least one a week but slipped into just whenever. Sometimes I watch a few quite close together, other times not for awhile. Always looking out for one when it’s in a streaming site.
List in order of when watched.
Started 2018.


I'm bad about keeping up with cartoons that aren't from Japan. Here are the animated shows I want to either watch for the first time, rewatch, or finish watching.


Reddit user, StopReadinMyUsername, combined ratings from IMDb, Letterboxd, Rotten Tomatoes & Metacritic, and then fine-tuned the results with data from Letterboxd, iCheckMovies, TSPDT?, TMDb and IMDb to formulate the top 1001 movies of all time.

This list is the updated 2020 edition.



I've seen a lot of animated films, these are the most beautifully done.
