Shouts about...

The Artifice Girl 2023

Perhaps one of the most realistic and complete looks at how AI will evolve in the coming years. Given our current state, ChatGPT and Bard are just barely comparable to the first part of this movie's AI, and it's kind of scary to see what they may become in the future, yet also very exciting. This movie isn't perfect as it has a few moments are parts that I didn't think fit, but for a dialogue-driven movie about AI, this has to be one of the best ones made.

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The Artifice Girl (2023) - :heart:x8

This is an intellectual/emotional rather than a thriller movie.

This is also a one room movie.
It is a very interesting and thought-provoking movie. The possibility of this becoming a reality is both exciting and terrifying

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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What a gem of a small indie sci-fi, small in scope but high in concept. Really well put together with a lot of new faces both on screen and behind it.

One of those small movies where I get the middling average score because it's certainly not a film for everyone and people that like a bit more action or scale I could see not enjoying something this small and slow. Dialog heavy, but well written and reminded me of a more talking Upgrade in terms of small indie sci-fi. If you're a fan of those vibes, or like small scale bottle movies (not technically a bottle movie but close) this might be for you.

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A.I. spider on the web

A low-budget conversation-driven sci-fi with a high concept. The Artifice Girl is all about artificial intelligence and the ethical questions behind creating such a thing as A.I. It's basically one big conversation about concent and ultimately what it means to be human. Not only do we learn about all that but also the whole "how the A.I. works" side too which I found very captivating and informative.

The structure is very simple, three chapters divided into three distinctive acts. The first two acts were very engaging edge-of-your-seat stuff but the third act was the least interesting to me. Not sure I like the ending. The direction changes between the three acts are bold and they change the formula a lot but I can't say I was fully on board for all of it.

The performances were great all-around, superb dialogue, simple but effective set pieces, hard to predict and quite thought provoking. This could have worked as a miniseries also. A promising directionnal debut for Franklin Ritch. Highly recommend if you like Ex Machina.

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Pleasantly surprised with the presentation of this film. A straight up dialogue driven work incorporating artificial intelligence and ethics. This is a great first effort by the director, I'm interested to see what comes next.

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Podcast-on-film is one of my favourite trends of recent years. Dialogue heavy, one room features that tackle layered topics and demand the viewer to sit up and engage with the nuanced topics they're grappling. The Artifice Girl is a great example of this format, with an exceptionally thought-provoking premise, limited characters and minimalistic sets. After a strong opening and follow-up salvo with Act 1 and 2, it stretches a little too far with the finale, falling under the weight of its own wordy dialogue and wobbly performances, but that doesn't completely diminish what The Artifice Girl manages to achieve with so little in the first hour. Really good lo-fi sci-fi stuff. 

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What an interesting movie
It's 2024 and for the past year for most, all I hear is A.I., what A.I. can do and what it will eventually become soon which all of it is crazy.
As for this, it's dialogue-driven with a lot of important questions about AI. The girl playing the AI was fine but the rest of the cast was excellent. It takes the predictable route which was ok for this movie.

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I am forever a fan of weird sci-fi films, and this is no exception. It feels very much like a lower budget version of Ex Machina. It certainly won't be for everyone and could have been much better, but if you are into conversationally driven sci-fi, this is worth checking out!

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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The movie has not a good beginning showing the annoying interogation scenes but after that quality rises! Theres one scene around the middle of the movie that was really well made and gave me goosebumps (I think you will know when you watch it). FOr that alone I cant give that movie a lower rating than 7 because I will remember this scene for a very long time. Innovative story, annoying yelling woman at the beginning. Very good for a low budget movie! And something special: This movie is very dialogue driven, only 3 different settings - but worth it!

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Superlative performance by Matthews and just okay by the rest. It was nice to see Henriksen pop in; however. I enjoyed the ideas presented here. Some of it I found frustrating but overall it was well worth a viewing. 6.5

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This had the potential to be something quite dark and disturbing. Instead, it's just boring.

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Shout by trakth

Mwah.. I watch these AI movies to get new insights, but this one has none. At the beginning they told the supercomputer could do 10 assignments at a time (nothing super about that, consumer phones can do that now), but it could have used one of that to dance and one to draw and the others to do it's work at the same time and shut down "feelings" in the work part. I can go on and on, it's almost like the writers don't know how computers work.

side note: movies starting with the "hey Siri" commercial really starts getting irritating.

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It started really good, was a good idea. But then it was just like any other movie with AI and their emotions. What a waste of an idea for a movie...

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You are telling me Gareth goes from young creepy looking to a handsome old man?. Also the movie brings nothing new to the AI films, no new existentialism question, philosophical conundrums, even the sci-fi looks so so. But the dialogues are ok.

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Look, cops are thick-headed, and I imagine office drone wannabe cops have even less going for them, but even I wouldn't have written two more incompetent investigators than Amos and Deena. Bravo.

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Had to fight to stay awake towards the end.

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Incredibly boring. Starts off good but then goes downhill until your forced to switch off.

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It's a pretty good movie. There is absolutely no action or anything else honestly. But for what it was it wasn't bad at all.

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