Shouts about...

The Assignment 2016

Had to stop watching it. It's incredibly boring

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This is a strange movie. Framed in the narrative styling of a graphic novel with more than a hint of film noir, the first surprise was the amazing cast: Tony Shalhoub, Sigourney Weaver, Anthony Lapaglia, Caitlin Gerard and, of course, Michelle Rodriguez. The long bouts of narrative and the voice over narration fit the genre but could have killed the pace for many. The whole soliloquy on gender identity, once again, very wordy, seemed a strange undercurrent for this type of a film. A little bit of self indulgent writing but I give the film a 6 (fair) out of 10, mainly for the performances and the interesting take on a sub-genre. And, yes, I did get the play on words of the title. [Crime Thriller]

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Love Michelle but this was terrible. Michelle still looked like Michelle as a man. Script was bad. Didn’t get what the big deal was. Plot was pointless and degrading. Didn’t find any of the roles and their plots believable, it was so simplistic and baseless I felt patronised.

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I feel like the most screwed up person is the girlfriend. Who bangs a guy once that then gets turned into a chick and then lets her/him move in? She's the real nut job.

Edit: I should have watched the last 20 min before reviewing. That explains some things.

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Big thumbs down.

I truly wanted to enjoy 'The Assignment' due to Michelle Rodriguez's involvement, but man it is unfortunately a pretty cruddy flick. Rodriguez herself is the film's only noteworthy positive, but only just to be honest - she isn't given much to work with. The premise has potential, though its execution here leaves a lot to be desired.

Everything onscreen involving the characters of Sigourney Weaver and Tony Shalhoub bored me tremendously, every time it's just the filmmakers trying to come out looking smart - the dialogue, which is poor overall, is particularly bad for those two. The editing is also awful, the phoney comic book bits are weak and the transitions a very amateur-ish.

This 2016 release also has an annoying habit of telling us every single location that a scene takes place, why I do not know - and if you are going to, choose a different font. I know that's an odd thing to mention, but they chose a TV police procedual-esque font, which doesn't fit with the aforementioned attempt at the comic book schtick.

This should've been fun. Sadly, it is anything but.

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A little bit of The Skin I Live In, a little bit of Sin City, but still not great. I really didn’t feel invested in any of the characters which makes the somewhat interesting plot feel less interesting than it should have. Side note: Michelle Rodriguez as a man was hilariously not passable, the Team America beard was a nice touch.

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I was at least hoping for a so bad it's good movie. Unfortunately, it's just an incredibly tasteless and uninteresting direct-to-video B-movie. Sure the screenplay is extremely clunky, and action is the dullest ever, but the biggest problem is that the movie fails at having you feel any kind of emotion (neither good nor bad). Images pass by with zero impact on the viewer.
Sigourney Weaver's character well represents the movie: she tries to show off her superior intellect by quoting Poe and Shakespear but ends up delivering grandiose delusional tenth grader level dialogues

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This was a slightly confusing movie. I'm still not sure what the story was trying to tell us. Also had plot-holes which normally do not bother me.

There was however 1 new element in this movie that I feel could have been explored a little more...that being the character(s) that Michelle Rodriguez plays.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love+

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I love the three lead actors, but this was a dud. The message is pretty obvious, even from the beginning, and the logic is completely backward. The periodic comic book filters were awkward and Michelle Rodriguez as a man was wholly unbelievable. It felt like the plot was an afterthought to the woke message.

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Struggled to finish this but did out of respect to Sigourney Weaver.

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What a pity, because the cast line up was impressive. I tried to watch this movie twice but lost my interest after the first thirty minutes. Sorry guys, this movie does not measure up to expectations.

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An intriguing concept, but the movie is just drab and dull. Walter Hill has always been a hit or miss director, and this falls firmly on the side of the latter.

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okay... expected a bit more from this. but damn... she's gorgeous!
To bad it was a bit predictable and rushed off to the end.

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Ridiculous little action film, with a different hook. I've that I thought was interesting enough to give it a watch. Not as satisfying or compelling as I'd hoped, but it's got moments. It's funny watching Michelle Rodriguez as a dude.

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Surprisingly very not terrible. The idea is quite brilliant and the acting is solid. If only the story had more focus...

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