Shouts about...

The Batman 2022

So Much Anticipation For The Batman And Tried Keeping My Expectations Low - Simply Said It Was A Good Movie But Not A Batman Movie - Loved The Dark And Gritty Feel But No Matter What Batman Is A Super Hero Even If He Is A Tragic One - Robert Pattinson Should Have Stuck To Twilight

All I Can Say Is That Christian Bale Is Still The Best Batman & Christopher Nolan Knew Had To Make A Dark And Yet True Super Hero

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Pattinson is the best Batman ever.
he is so tortured, his emotions are sincere. He's the darkest and most precise batman out there.

the visuals and the soundtrack are incredible and take you into the thoughts of the character.

For me it’s a masterpiece.

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The Worst Batman Movie of All Time

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I just want to thank the cinema gods for this absolute dream. It feels like I passed out and when I came to I could remember a very good and satisfying Batman film.

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Shout by shmosby
BlockedParent2022-10-19T02:14:21Z— updated 2023-04-17T08:15:44Z

So... I had such high hopes for this movie. The trailer looked absolutely incredible.
I was so excited I went to an early access screening in IMAX, just to see it 2 days early!

But... not to be a Nolan fanboy, but the Dark Knight movies absolutely nailed the perfect balance between making Batman a cool, mysterious superhero, while also convincingly existing in the real world.
This movie works so hard to make Batman real that he is no longer interesting at all. The one time we see Batman try to fly in this film, he fails spectacularly and crashes HARD.

Want to see a realistic, gritty crime thriller like Zodiac? Watch Zodiac.
Want to see Batman? I recommend sticking with the Dark Knight trilogy.

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I never in my life thought I’d enjoy watching a movie with that wanna be vampire punk…. But I must say, not bad! I really wanna see what the sequel will bring. But Zoe stole the show… that is the hottest Selina Kyle ever…. Wow

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Lost all interest when Catwoman made a woke comment about white privilege. Wasn't good before that and turned it off after that comment. Don't waste your time, worst Batman movie to date...

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im not a batman fan but WOW this movie its excellent i love it. battinson its just a GOD and ofc the riddler its the best villian ever !!!

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I've just finished this movie and I seriously don't get the hype. It's a painfully slow three-hour movie. And I don't mean 'slow' as in 'the action takes a little while to get started', I mean 'slow' as in 'every single character moves and speaks unnaturally slowly'. I mean 'slow' as in 'perhaps my local cinema had an issue with their projectors and they had to show the movie at 0.5 speed'.

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Why? Why? Why is there another Batman movie? At this point, studios should be paying us money to go watch another remake of a movie. I really hope this movie flops so badly that they never think about making another Batman movie ever again (unless of course it's something more original).

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Affleck left as Batman and DC fans on crack started a petition to get Zack Snyder to do it.... I will just watch Dark Knight for the 100000th time.

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So many things don't make sense in this movie. I can't believe people actually like this movie. I also can't believe people like batman at all. I feel like they're just holding onto the fact that.. he's somewhat menacing. The "big" reveal of the batmobile, you can't even see it, he uses it... Once. What action scenes? When he punches 13 guys max the whole movie. How is he even a superhero? Everyone died, city was flooded.... What did he even do? He's not even a GREAT detective. Woah he noticed blood on the floor in the MIDDLE of the crime scene. Woah he uncovered a hidden rug AFTER a cop tells him what the weapons used for. Garbage. Only good that came out watching this was more proof that he's the worst, overrated, hyped "superhero".

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I'm more an original Batman kind of guy, I think nobody has done it as well as Michael Keeton did it. I know there are a lot who would disagree, but Affleck as Batman was just so bad, Clooney as Batman was a total joke and Christian Bale himself is just an asshole and it comes out loud and clear in any movie he makes - he was the best since the original, but I still prefer the original.

I don't think they needed to shoehorn in a "white privilege" statement for the sake of being a social justice warrior, it was forced and obviously just for show and, to me, that is equally as racist as whomever says it believes white folks are. Basically, stating that white people have white privilege literally falls under the exact definition of racism.

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It's good but no like the Chritopher Nolan's Trilogy. Poor in gadget and Gotam is not very differant than a normal city. The batmobil is ridiculous. The cast is accetable but no an very excellent interpretation, like Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Liam Neeson, Heath Ledger,... And the music except the main theme is very poor. The score by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard is more a very Batman's Theme.

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Horrible! I lost my interest after 30 minutes. Since 30 years it's always the same story, over and over again. His parents died and he wants revenge. Yes, I can't stand DC but I'm still trying to find something to like, but there is nothing. Maybe one of the worst movies ever made. What an utter waste of time. Oh, and why are they whispering the whole time and turn the techno music up? Maybe to distract from the fact that there is no story? Seriously, to make a movie with no story, you have to be John Wick, then you're at least cool. Oh boy... Sooooooo bad!

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I have wathced many Batman movies/animations. But this one is the most amatuer Batman and even I felt sorry for him. In my mind Batman has to know what's he is doing. Also the Batman is always one step ahead, this one is not.

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absolute garbage, had to turn subs on the audio was so incomprehensible, pretentious nonsense, I had to turn off when he was fumbling around for a USB port. Bring back Clooney

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i'm not going to rate it, because clearly i was not the intended audience for this movie. cinematically it is gold. pattinson's batman is also the most accurate to source material i've seen -

but this movie was so damn slow. i was so bored. it just felt unnecessarily long for no reason just so they could squeeze in all of the cinematic shots, and then the plot didn't make up for the wait.

this one wasn't for me.

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What can I say about The Batman (2022)...... Watching this movie made me feel like I was 6 years old again and seeing Batman the Animated Series (1992) for the first was beautiful, visceral, intense and incredibly shot. Not only was it visually pleasing, but the soundtrack and score for this movie was fuckin mesmerizing, Michael Giacchino just wow. The thing is, this wasn't just an amazing Batman movie, it was an amazing movie in general. Gotham and all of it's desperate and fucked up inhabitants never felt this real. By the end of the movie I had the biggest smile on my face, I just wanted more... I wanted another mystery, another case....I was so sad for it to end. Matt Reeves & Greg Frasier thank you....this is the Batman we needed, this is the hope we needed. 10/10:popcorn::fire:Now excuse me while I reinstall Batman Arkham City:blush:

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A decent action flick with some nice character design (i.e. the Riddler) and great casting. Storytelling is somewhat bland and if you've seen a few tropes and some cult classics this movie might fail to grab ahold of you. The 3 hour runtime does not feel justified (however still preferable to splitting up the movie in two parts as I feel this is the lesser of two evils). Better than the crap that Marvel churns out seemingly bi-monthly but that's a really low bar to pass.

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The Dark Knight movies were so much better. The second Batman held up a thumb attached to a thumb drive and said “thumb drive” I was absolutely done with this movie. The score and cinematography are good and all, but that’s about all this film has going for it. The best thing in this film is knowing that the Riddler canonically records vertically on his phone. The acting was subpar at best.

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Better than Affleck's Batman for sure, but Nolan's remains the masterpiece by far.

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Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy was inspired by the gritty nihilism of The Long Halloween but The Batman fully captured it. The true future home of this film should be in between Thief and Manhunter in the Neo Noir Collection on The Criterion Channel instead of its inevitable dishonest placement in the DC hub on HBO Max next to Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

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Wow! I'll definitely need to rewatch this, but after my first viewing I can say that this is easily in the top 2 Batman movies ever made. I'd need to rewatch both this and The Dark Knight to decide which is better, but man was this a good movie.

Pattinson's Batman is the best version of the character to date. He is absolutely fantastic, and there's so much depth to his performance, and it was amazing to finally get the world's greatest detective on screen! Though, I will say that I found his Bruce Wayne to be lacking in comparison to Affleck or Bale. Not that he was bad as Bruce, but it felt a little odd. Perhaps because we're used to seeing Bruce Wayne as a billionaire playboy rather than a reclusive and 'emo' type.

The craft behind this movie must be praised. Every frame is stunning. Easily the best looking Batman movie ever made - Reeves truly shines here.

I'll probably update this after a rewatch, but for now, this is at least a 9/10.

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The comments here really are a fine example as to why Batman has the most toxic fanbase in existence.

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This may very well have been my favorite Batman.

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A strange twist of Batman story :thinking:

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It was good but he was the most depressed batman ever.

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The worst of the Batman. Christian Bale was "THE BATMAN". There is no Batman feeling with Robert. Dark night trilogy was the best. This one doesn't have the action, cinematography, or the story. Simply waste of time. I would rate 5/10.

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Robert Pattinson is now my favourite Batman! The movie itself, It’s such a well detailed and intense story. The visuals are amazing, the acting is incredible for the main and side characters. I love the feeling of suspense everytime Batman appeared or lurking in the shadows, the soundtrack was huge towards that also.

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Largest complaint for this one - why were they all whispering all the time? Otherwise, ho-hum addition to the verse. Nothing new here. Carry on.

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Amazing Movie. I actually liked it a lot more than any other Batman movies.

However, as it is, I still wouldn't rate it as a 10/10 and that has a pretty petty reason. Batman is weak af in this movie. He barely can take a few punks and always takes hits. Image him fighting Superman in other movies/comics/games. Its just ridiculously weak. If SUperman would look at THIS Batman, "The Batman" would mealt away within a few nanoseconds.

But damn, the sytle, Music, Actors, Grittyness and nearly everthing else was top notch

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The worst Batman ever. Pattinson just sucks.

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Like most superhero pics, The Batman lacks character development, filling the time with an overcomplicated case to solve before taking the time to make us care about solving it. If you like Marvel films, I assume you'll like this and v.v.

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A great Batman movie that actually portrays the Riddler as a legit threat to Batman. I also like how it's a different take on Batman compared to other movies.

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The story: A-
The atmosphere and mood: A+
The supporting casting: B-
Pattinson and his approach to moping/brooding: D-

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Way too long....take out all the bad stuff and it would be about an hour.

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Speak up, people! Why is everyone either whispering or talking so low? I had to crank the volume up just for the dialogue. There must've been a sleeping baby nearby in every scene..

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I was reticent on watching this one. Maybe for the actor, maybe for the trailer, but I was surprised.
It's gritty-nitty as his character should. The script/story is quite well written, and this Riddler has some moves far darker than other takes on other movies - it's refreshing and captivating.

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Dark gritty start for The Batman

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I loved the movie, but I also kept thinking about how absurd it'd be to see some dude dressed like this fighting crime in real life.

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The Netflix version only seems to run 2 hours and thank dog because I could not have handled any more of that awful script, substandard acting and randomly out of place cinematography. Pretty sure most of the shots are just there for the commercials.

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Think I prefer the Nolan films, but this was still very enjoyable.

The atmosphere of Gotham was palpable - really dreary and dark-looking.

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Shout by PaulKael
BlockedParent2023-03-04T20:07:55Z— updated 2023-03-06T01:38:22Z

The Batman relies upon a prior familiarity with the myth. This allows the viewer to jump right into the action but sacrifices an emotional connection to the characters. The story is gothic and brooding with great cinematography; however, it does feel congested and struggles to build tension due to its many sub-plots.

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Visually, it's very impressive. Although it tends towards style over substance in some scenes, making the action hard to follow and lose its tension compared to if it had been shot more conventionally.
I don't know why, but I found the story extremely hard to follow until about the halfway mark when some of the characters just spell it all out for us, which is lazy, but was definitely helpful.
The biggest selling point of this movie is the vibe of the whole thing: it's very moody, it's very noir. It makes sense for Batman, even if it doesn't really feel like it fully pays off in this rendition. Maybe they'll be a next one...

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Shout by maverick

Overall, a very nice take on Batman.
Some memorable scenes
1. Batman firing up the batmobile. Oh sweet lord!
2. The fight in darkness at 44 Below, with gunshots illuminating the scenes
3. Batman and Riddler meet at Arkham. Wonderful acting.

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The movie follows essentially a Year One Batman. Batman is still learning that he must be both Bruce and the Batman to be able effective in Gotham City.

Riddler is an amazing villain in the movie, and is always one step ahead of everyone. There are also cameos of other villains as well, so it will be amazing to see this Batman Universe expand in the future.

The movie is dark, gritty, and unapologetic. Pattinson does a fantastic adaptation of the Caped Crusader. Overall an absolute masterpiece. Can’t wait to see where things go for the second entry.

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Doesn’t push any boundaries. Sanitised violence. Adds nothing to franchise. Nolan super lite.

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Pattinson looked bored af. the movie has some great idea but a terrible execution.

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Shout by Kouji *:・゚✧
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-12-08T12:08:23Z— updated 2023-10-20T04:40:13Z

Another masterpiece, the film at the beginning is a bit confusing, but as it unfolds, it turns out to be a great plot, quite consistent.

The amazing thing about this movie is the old villains from previous ones.

The new actor who plays batman, married the character well. I look forward to the continuation of the plot.

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For me, this was a breath of fresh air in the superhero genre.

Both Pattison and Dano delivered masterful performances capturing a dark and gritty Batmam that DC needed in a time full of over the top and over produced superhero movies.

The cinematography and score of this film are perfection and while long I didn't tire and was always kept engaged with the story.

I can only praise this film and can't wait to see what comes next.

10/10 - Outstanding film, a must see

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Matt Reeves explores the detective side of Batman in DC’s latest relaunch of the franchise, The Batman. Batman finds himself drawn into a serial killer case when the killer leaves riddles addressed to him at the crime scenes. Starring Robert Pattinson, Jeffrey Wright, Zoë Kravitz, Colin Farrell, and Andy Serkis, the film has a strong cast; though Pattinson isn’t a particularly compelling Batman. And neither is the story for that matter. In fact, it’s needlessly convoluted. Also, the film’s near 3-hour length and slow pacing doesn’t help either. However, the fight scenes and chases are intense and exciting, and there are some interesting changes to the Batman mythology. Additionally, the score by Michael Giacchino is quite good, and helps to set a dark, noir-ish tone. The Batman is one of the weaker takes on the DC property, but is still entertaining.

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very monotonous, I know Batman is the greatest detective in DC comics, but they had to make a movie that boring and why don't they use the other villains from his gallery, like Batman has one of the best villains galleries ever Super heroes.
When are you going to use Mr Freezer, Clay Face, Human Bat, Solomon Grundy po It's high time to get over the Nolan movies and move on and do something more different that captures the spirit of the 90's Bataman animated series

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Watching it for first time. So far so good!!!

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Worst of all the batman movies, Patterson's acting like all his movies is dry and lifeless warner has resorted to making superhero movies for a mature audience that takes away the shine of super heroes that kids carry forward. These movies have no future life in them and exist purely for the money they make now. Simply not worth watching and certainly not something you would be proud to own in your dvd/bluray collection.

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I recommend the "The Batman Unmasked" fanedit.

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pure garbage... DC and Marvel both on download spiral makes me sad .. terribly slow paced and too dark cannot even see properly whats happening horrible movie.. thankfully I didnt waste my money by watching it in theatre and till date I was thinking thor love and thunder was the worst movie of 2022

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Shout by Dave McAlister
BlockedParent2022-10-11T20:40:24Z— updated 2023-09-09T11:17:43Z

WTF have I just watched? This is the worst Batman movie ever. I'd rather watch Clooney again than this garbage!

Edit: Watched again today and have increased my rating a bit. But not by much. The film is better on second viewing but the sound quality is poor. I normally have films on 25-35 on my TV. This one had to be on 85 because everyone spoke really quietly. It was worse than trying to hear Tom Hardy as Bane!

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Dark. Gritty. Action packed. Classic villains. Everything a Batman movie should be.

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Too long movie, overall okay movie .
Didn’t like the design of Bruce Wayne at all

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The best Batman movie, period.

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I didn't expect anything. But I just can't separate it from Batman feom the 1990s and Nolan's Batman. This one is less of a superheroe and more of a detective. I liked that but I just can't pretend that is Batman for me. I missed the superheroe part. Still it is a good movie. And I enjoyed it.

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HORRIBLE RENDITION OF BATMAN. The modern way they portray villains is a far stretch from the Batman's we know and love.

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just very bad writing, unnecessarily slow pacing

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An entertaining film carried by a new cast. Unfortunately, we don't learn much more in this Batman than what "The Dark Knight" trilogy has already brought. The film is too long to be catchy and carry the viewer to the end. Still, it's superior to any movie in the Marvel franchise.

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Good movie great acting, but the movie was too long. Took a long time to get to conclude the point. If you have 3hrs to spare it is a MUST-WATCH.

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Who would have thought I'd like emo rich kid Batman? But then again maybe this is how he's meant to be played?

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This is meh. Watch once and never again. Robert carries this Batman meets CSI version. This is Batman Noir, do not come for the glits and glam its not there. Its grainy and a bit slow. Danny Devito will always be Oswald Copperpot, but Colin Farrell was refreshing.

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The worst Batman to date.

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Shout by Ro

“They think I am hiding in the shadows, but I am the shadows.” – Batman

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I really wanted to like this more than I did. I like the extremely gritty tone and the OST is also good, but something is missing from this. I also don't like emo Bruce Wayne, he's a bit much for my taste. The flamboyant genius is more my jam. It's fun to see a more Detective-minded Batman tho, but it bugs me that he doesn't actually solve anything. What's the point of watching Batman if he doesn't prevent or solve a crime? Riddlers' plan was executed almost perfectly and he let himself get arrested in the end. Everyone who was supposed to get killed by the Riddler got killed by him and he blew up the dam so hundreds (thousands?) more died. But hey, guess Batman got a few people to safety inside the flooded stadium. What a joke.

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Shout by DryNosedDog
BlockedParent2022-07-18T12:44:24Z— updated 2023-09-17T05:34:08Z

Okay. I've watched this again and I thought it was better. I hasten to add that I haven't changed my set-up (hardware) I may have tweaked some settings) and I could hear what was being said.
Maybe it's my lugs or my setup, this sounds fucking awful. WHY IS EVERYONE WHISPERING?
It doesn't look that much better either. Robert Pattinson looks like death warmed up as Batman. Why is he grey? The Riddler looks like Rose West.
The worst incarnation of Batman I've ever had the misfortune to watch.
Three hours is still a v-e-r-y l-o-n-g time particularly when it's slow burning.
Happy to give my score a wee bump up though.

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This movie is over rated, it so boring

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Shout by Le_Chat
BlockedParent2022-07-16T18:56:30Z— updated 2023-01-24T09:41:01Z

The Batman movie is a forgettable experience. Despite watching it, I don't remember much about the story, characters, or themes, which is a clear indication that it was not very good. Ultimately, the movie left no lasting impression, which is a sign of a subpar film.

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One of the most boring action movies I have ever seen. Slow, but noisy. Plenty of scenes with angry-whisper dialogues. Truly not a movie for me

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[HBO Max] The biggest riddler that the film poses is not the one proposed by The Riddler, but that of a Batman who questions his role as a hero, surrounded by an anti-hero's melancholy that Michael Giacchino makes too repetitive. Matt Reeves manages to update by adopting a more classic form of film noir, closer to "Chinatown" than a superhero movie, while Turturro/Farrell/Dano make up a glorious trio of antagonists.

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Shout by Sandra

This is so emo Batman lol

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Third time I’ve watched this and it’s still damn good. Is it The Dark Knight? No, but it doesn’t need to be, nor does it want to be. It’s a magnificent version of Gotham where the progression of Pattinson’s Batman has so much room to develop more over the coming movies. I love the heavy emphasis on “Detective Batman”. It was a pleasant spin from the other movie adaptions in that regard. Not to mention, Paul Dano kills it in his role. Again, very excited to see where Matt Reeves takes this adaption over the coming movies. Will surely watch this one plenty more times.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Really dull, slow-moving and pointless.

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a work of art, not the most incredibles, but still a work of art. the whole essence of batman is here, the atmosphere of gotham everything is as it should be. the story can be a little confusing and generally overly long, but it's all very well tied together. I think the movie tends to be too realistic, like the flight suit scene, hey I want to see batman opening his cape and floating around gotham, but that's ok. the setting is incredible, this old gotham mixed with a darker version of times square is what we imagine these days when we talk about gotham. the fights are amazing, I felt like I was playing the "arkham" trilogy I can't explain it very well, it looks like he's really fighting the henchmen and not just making moves and the guys falling to the ground. was too scared to become a disappointment like everything coming from heroes lately but not honestly my second favorite batman movie who complained about robert pattinson when chose him, he must be biting with rage.

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I'm sorry, but I hate this Batman installment. So little of it rang true to the character, Pattinson is easily the worst Batman ever, he's just creepy. And honestly, 2 hours too long. If they trimmed out all the drama and slow play nonsense you would have a great first episode for a series. Of course, special effects are great, costumes are great, but oh boy is the slow and tedious.
A pass for me.

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Dark, Omnious and Technically brilliant Robert Pattinson-Matt Reeves' union is a gritty & gripping noir and not your usual superhero flick.

Matt Reeves's The Batman is an excessively dark, grim mystery thriller rather being a usual superhero flick. With enormous technical prowess in Cinematography and sound design, Matt leaves no stoned unturned in those aspects. The performances of Robert, Zoe Kravitz are sharp and on point and the little showtime that Paul Dano got was the show-stealer. The film though takes time to get you involved, feels stretched at times. The action is as real as it can get and action choreography is brilliant too. The world of Batman is reinvented with Robert and opens the world to a new era of Gotham's favorite Vigilante. If you like dark, serious, no-nonsense superhero flicks then The Batman will make you happy.

Check my page

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I'm about halfway through this incarnation of the Batman character. And I've mixed feelings. I'll try to elaborate without spoilers. Concept and cinematography I like.. dark wet and gothicesque in parts. Colin Farrell was unrecognizable as the penguin, great performance. Batmobile bit too madmax dystopia for my taste .. script and editing make the pace of parts of the movie seem forced and slow in places. Riddler I don't like..comes off as too chaotic in my opinion. Pattinson makes a good batman, especially in dialogue but his walk lacks the authority and presence .. but on the whole a better movie than what's been done to the star wars franchise.. edit: one line spoiled some dialogue .. Hollywood please stop bringing race into it... if don't you want racism, stop highlighting it !! This goes BOTH ways it's not ok no matter whose mouth it spews from.

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Great batmobile.. good villain too..its better than a 7 but just not 8 great

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A very important entry in the Paul Danoverse, but the other actors are pretty good, too.

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Terrible movie. Please rewatch The Dark Knight instead of wasting time on this crap.

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The movie is so unnecessarily long. It got me bored for the most part. Background music was also either non-existent or disappointing. Robert Pattinson felt pale compared to the previous actors (i.e. Christian Bale, Ben Affleck). I had recently watched the Dark Knight trilogy and man that got me excited. Disappointed overall.

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Nope!!!... oh, yes, I mean: Nope!!!.... ok, ok, now seriously: Nope!!!... and so on.... for 3 hours.

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Overall a good Batman movie. There were times I felt like they tried too hard. Riddler was a good villain but at the end you question if he was actually a good villain for this version of the Batman films. With likes of Bane as a main villain in the past, the Riddler seems a bit pointless. Introduced another Joker…how many do we need? They have had so many reboots and ongoing characters of the same…you don’t know what’s going on. Lol

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Pattinson was good, but the storyline was bland for what he was trying to do. There was a lot of brooding ... Too much maybe, even for a Batman movie. Zoe was great as batwoman as well and they had decent chemistry, but something was off about that relationship bud. Three hours was too much, I couldn't stay concentrated on what was happening and couldn't get into the full story. It could have been done so much better for the cast and budget they had. And Collin Farrell was there? I couldn't even tell ... That's disappointing

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I though that Batman with George Clooney is the worst Batmen ever... but I was wrong, this is even worse

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Shout by Vitaliy Kulikov
BlockedParent2022-06-03T20:34:10Z— updated 2022-06-07T14:59:06Z

franchise has been demolished by this movie

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Too overhyped. Doesn't live up to my expectation. Cannot hold a candle to Nolan's movies. Not to be nitpicky, but as for a vigilante who will not use a gun to kill people, this batman sure doesn't mind a car chase that potentially would kill a dozen people.

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after 30 minutes it whas enough

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Best DV so far on OLED

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Shout by Mab

The diet version of The Dark Knight, this film has an infectiously cool, noir-esque atmosphere underscored by a moody soundtrack, but not much of the thematic grittiness is translated into action. Pattinson's Batman is introduced as a troubled, vulnerable character guided by a desire for vengeance, yet is seemingly invincible and never has to hurt the bad guys too hard. Hell, his most destructive act is purely coincidental, as he trashes a highway and probably kills a bunch of civilians just to chase a false lead because he thinks a rat with wings equals a penguin ...? Anyway, I would have liked to see that inner conflict with his desire for vengeance vs. his identity as a vigilante more, because for me that's the selling point of Batman as a character.

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I hate this version of Batman. Simple as that. Mentally ill emo boy walking in shadows and winning gunfights with his fists. This works in comic books but in movie its funny. No chemistry with Alfred. Completely retarded version of Bruce Wayne, and i could go on and on….
Bring back master Nolan please.

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Buzz around this movie are too much.
it's not a bad movie but not a great movie.

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Overall a fine movie. Begins with the hype of are we going to get another octane filled high action movie, as it settles in your realize there is very little action and it’s basically a detective movie with Batman. Performances are great but an interesting story and substance is lacking. After I realized this will no way reach the high bar for all Batman movies Nolan set, I wanted it to end and wrap
Up the last hour quickly.

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