Shouts about...

The Beach Bum 2019

I am so not high enough for this movie

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This was one of the most boring movies I've ever seen and the little plot it has wasn't even that original looking at the TV show Californication. Actually, watching people react to the boring nature of this movie in the cinema by leaving the room or falling asleep was way more fun than the movie itself and the only thing about it that was even remotely interesting.

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What on earth did I just watch....

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good chemistry between matthew and snoop dogg. spring breakers was better but still enjoyable miami characters. the plot was a bit boring

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One funny scene with Martin Lawrence aside, this is a witless, stupid 'comedy' that rambles along aimlessly.

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I'm not really in the habit of commenting or writing reviews, but I have to make an exception here, as this movie is just awful. I'm genuinely flabbergasted at how something like this can get the funds,get the actors to sign, and can get to a point where it is shot and released. There is no plot, there is no humour, there are no characters - make no mistake, I'm not against completely brainless idiocies themselves, there's a good number of those out there that provide appropriate entertainment in case one just wants to switch off. Watching McConaughey giggle inanely in a nigh-constant cloud of smoke, for an hour and a half, however, just doesn't cut it. I would very much like to know what made all the well established and popular actors agree to be part of this steaming pile of cow dung, because I cannot imagine any good reason. Have they really fallen that low? There are a few decent and nicely placed songs here and there. Maybe some of the colours are pretty if you squint when you're high, I wouldn't know. But those alone are hardly worth suffering through this snoozefest.

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Another wonderful Korine film. Most similar in style to Spring Breakers, but a much more relaxed Jimmy Buffet flavored affair. Get stoned, go see.

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What a waste of time. Meh.

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This is a perfect double feature with Spring Breakers. I really like this Harmony Korine phase.

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Uh ummmm... What just happened?

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the worst movie i've ever seen in my life. i just wasted an hour and half of my time

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I had low expectations (5/10) for this movie and it hit those expectations, so I'd say that was successful. It's about a week or two in the life of a stoner/loser.
Don't expect anything more or less from the plot and you'll be ok with it. Nothing groundbreaking.
Unlike most movies/TVshows of the past few years, there's actually a bit of nudity - women - not just bare bums. Unfortunately, Isla Fisher wasn't one of them ;>( hah ha.

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a very funny movie and good acting

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Writer, Key West, yachts, a white cat, lost generation of our time - does it ring a bell to anyone else?

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This movie was bad, no plot, no story. I do have say the characters played their parts well. I guess I wasn’t stoned enough to truly enjoy this movie or see the merit in even making it.

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Oh my god, what a boring movie that was. The plot is not existent, the whole play existe just to serve the purpose of watching him wasted ALL the time. What a waste of an hour and a half of my time.

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This movie is absurd and I think I liked it. This will probably be McConaughey's most recognizable performance of his career.

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