The movie should be update as a French-Italin collaboration. Anyway, I'd love to see some behind the scene to understand the involvement of the countries, I know that French people are the best animators in Europe.
Visually the movie is stunning (especially backgrounds, and I'd love to think that are mostly supervised by Mattotti, I know for a fact that the intro is surely made by him as it reminds me of one if his book). The story is also good, seems a simple one but you can easily find deeper layers to it, which I think is a good "exercise" for children.
Kinda proud.

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An excellent story for children, one of those that can begin with "once upon a time ...". As in Farm Rebellion, some animals end up degenerating into the worst of humans.

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An excellent story for children, one of those that can begin with "once upon a time ...". As in Farm Rebellion, some animals end up degenerating into the worst of humans.

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Two simple stories for the tots accompanied by a surprisingly artistic and unique style of animation. I liked it enough it to take young children if I had any, but I didn't like it enough to create them in order to do so.

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