Personal Lists featuring...

The Beyond 1981


Neo-Expressionism in films is characterized by bold visual aesthetics, emotional intensity, and a focus on subjective reality. Drawing from the art movement of the same name, it emphasizes exaggerated forms, vivid colors, and dramatic contrasts to externalize psychological or societal conflict. This style often explores themes of alienation, identity, and inner turmoil, using surreal or dreamlike sequences to reflect characters' fractured states of mind. Influenced by German Expressionism, filmmakers like David Lynch, Werner Herzog, and Tim Burton have employed these techniques to create emotionally charged, visually striking narratives that challenge traditional perceptions of reality.


How come Angela gets to talk to the boys all day, and WE have to play volleyball?


A list of movies from Reciperr, imported using


A list of movies from Reciperr, imported using


As the leading name in the world of horror, Fangoria magazine has been the source of information for fans of fright flicks for more than twenty years—covering feature films, video games, comic books, collectibles, and all aspects of horror entertainment. Working closely with Fangoria’s experts, including Editor in Chief Anthony Timpone, Adam Lukeman has compiled a must-have guide for casual horror fans and hardcore horror junkies with Fangoria’s 101 Best Horror Films You’ve Never Seen.


This book was published in 2009 and has films ranging from 1919 to 2007. Sixty-one of the 101 cross over with the 1,001 Movies list, while 40 are unique.




A large collection of stand-alone HORROR categorised Movies & TV Shows.
*Last update 06/03/2024


A subgenre of horror films that are based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft, a writer of horror and science fiction. Lovecraftian horror is characterized by themes of cosmic horror, dread, and the fear of the unknown, as well as the idea that humanity is insignificant in the face of vast, ancient, and otherworldly powers.

Lovecraftian Cinema typically features themes and elements from Lovecraft's stories, such as ancient and malevolent gods, monsters, and cults that worship them, forbidden knowledge, and insanity-inducing horrors beyond human comprehension. The visual style often includes grotesque and unsettling imagery, as well as a sense of foreboding and existential dread.
