Personal Lists featuring...

The Boys 1962


An important addition to Intellect’s popular series, Directory of World Cinema: Finland provides historical and cultural overviews of the country’s cinema. Over the course of their contributions to this volume, scholars from a variety of disciplines construct a collective argument that complicates the dominant international view of Finnish cinema as small-scale industry dominated by realist art-house films.

List import based on the book. Thematic chapters:

  • Industrial Spotlight: The Economics of Finnish Cinema Part 1: 1910–1935
  • Scoring Cinema
  • Silent Cinema
  • War
  • Contemporary Film and Literature
  • Social Realism
  • Genre
  • Comedy
  • Children's Film
  • Documentary
  • Cinema and the Environment
  • Global Finland

More information on this is also aviable on!


In 2012, YLE News asked 48 critics, journalists, and bloggers to vote for the best Finnish films of all time. This list includes all films that received at least 1 vote. See the source for the vote counts.

