This film is really funny, touching and understandable.

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I enjoyed it and knowing the background of the original play adds another dimension to the story. At times I thought it was something like "twelve angry (gay) men" :D

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very entertaining, the story was cute, the acting was absolutely fabulous, the script felt more like a play than a movie,it spoiled it a bit for me how the dialogue just goes on never stopping like every character already has a response to what someone just said (whish is very far from what happens in real life) but i guess it's how the producers meant for it to be and it's definitely a success

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All the familiar faces were a treat. The OG gay gang-Quinto, Bomer, Parsons. Parsons was such a neurotic character, projecting so much self-hate on his friends and it was rather alarming to watch initially but you get over and understand that its just who he is. Bomer is a godamn eyeful. He plays such a soft, sweet, anxious queer. Its almost wonderful. Bomer is my baby jesus. Emory was wonderful, a laugh riot. Worth the one watch and probably will watch again.

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Overall a good movie with solid acting. I love movies which are set in one location, and given that this was based on a play, the setting seemed perfect. I have to say though that it takes a bit of time to get into the movie in the beginning but once the party gets going, it really picks up.

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I have never seen the 1970 film or the stage play from which the film originates, so I can't compare. With regards this remake, I thought it was an interesting film overall, with strong acting all round. Was it entertaining though? Not always - it is quite miserable at times - but it is well made and not a total waste of time.

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Full of familiar faces, not bad acting, but an inconsistent script with some forced scenes that didn’t blend well altogether.
Oh, nice to see your body, Matt Bomer :drooling_face: he and Andrew Rannells had great chemistry (and raised up the hotness)

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Theatre and Film are two completely different mediums, which implies that the tools used to tell a story are different. This movie wasn´t able to release itself from the tools used in theatre to be able to become a film. It is an interesting story, yet Jim Parsons´ acting felt short to the role he was assigned. It is a one-time movie.

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Well, that was one very dysfunctional birthday party. The acting helps to make it watchable but it’s not worth a re-watch anytime soon.

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I don't understand the appeal of this play/show. The acting was fine but the story is painful to sit through. Not only is it riddled with stereotypes, but these people are all just horrible. If I were at this party I would have walked out immediately. I can't imagine anyone sitting there and just taking the garbage that happened. I would never watch this again nor would I recommend it to anyone.

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Sheldon throws a gay party and everyone gets mad...

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Abit slow but picked up

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Poorly written, over acted and boring.

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