Personal Lists featuring...

The Chase 1994


Source: IMDB
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Date: 2014-08-23


List of bad, weird, cult, B movie or grindhouse double-bill themes I've watched with my pals.

  1. Rock n roll; 2. Robots; 3. Dinosaurs; 4. Brains; 5. Cavemen; 6. Dinosaurs II; 7. Slime; 8. Video games; 9. Leprechauns; 10. Halloween; 11. Strippers; 12. Christmas; 13. Pro wrestling; 14. Valentine's day; 15. Empire pictures; 16. Easter; 17. Zombies; 18. Dogs; 19. Marvel; 20. Alcohol; 21. Surfing; 22. Animation x real world; 23. Severed hands; 24. Bigfoot; 25. Winter sports; 26. Disco; 27. Cats; 28. Hip hop; 29. Halloween II; 30. Car chases; 31. Red scare; 32. Pop stars; 33. Biker chick gangs; 34. Universal monsters; 35. Dogs II; 36. Dolls; 37. Suburban cannibals; 38. Dracula; 39. Puppets; 40. Christmas II; 41. Godzilla; 42. Star Wars knock-offs; 43. Modified sea creatures; 44. Genderfuck musicals; 45. "We have ET and Gremlins at home";

Top 10 movies from the year 1994


A car chase is the vehicular overland chase of one party by another, involving at least one automobile or other wheeled motor vehicle in pursuit.


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taken from:


Movies I want to watch but don't want to download to my server
