Movies and shows with swords and magic or just swords but not just magic (shove off Harry Potter).


Pulled from: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/?year=2005


revolves around the conquests and explorations of a protagonist. The purpose of the conquest can be to retrieve a person or treasure, but often the main focus is simply the pursuit of the unknown. These films generally take place in exotic locations and play on historical myths.


All Movies Disney by Wikipédia


This isn't intended to be a comprehensive list. I'm just going to be periodically updating this list with titles from the following IMDB search parameters:


UPDATED: 5/10/24

NOTE: These are all movies/shows tagged with 'christmas' on IMDB, they aren't necessarily traditional Christmas movies/shows.


The movies I have seen when a child. :)


The Chronicles of Narnia series of films is based on The Chronicles of Narnia, a series of novels by C. S. Lewis. From the seven books, three were adapted —The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), Prince Caspian (2008) and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)—which grossed over $1.5 billion worldwide, but suffered a gradually declining critical and commercial reception with each film.

The series revolves around the adventures of children in the world of Narnia, guided by Aslan, a wise and powerful lion that can speak and is the true king of Narnia. The children heavily featured in the films are the Pevensie siblings, and a prominent antagonist is the White Witch (also known as Jadis).


All the best Xmas movies from 1950 to 2024


Every Movie From Disney Studios
+ Pixar
+ Star Wars
+ Muppets
No Touchstone
No Other Studios


Os filmes que marcaram a Sessão da Tarde.
