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The Circle 2017

Anyone else feel the movie suffered from a bit of "unfulfilled potential" in not really closing the full circle of its plot?

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Great cast, poor execution.

With genius lines like:
-Isn't it like, stored in the cloud?
-There's a physical copy TOO.


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why do people still think that privacy is open to discussion? ...

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What counts, I hope it does not happen because it is very scary, although I suppose it would be the humerous dream of those of Facebook

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This is another one that I remember vividly when it was coming out. The concept was awesome, the cast was great, the execution left me wanting. Almost a decade later, I share much of the same sentiment. The premise really carries this film, but it is interesting to see the advancement of technology since then. Everyone has doorbell cameras tracking anything and everything on your property, our phones share all of our data all the time with anyone in the world, and ultimately technology is kind of scary. This movie makes you think quite a bit, even if the movie aspect is okay at best.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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:heart::heart::heart::heart: - Made with the aim to inform, and make aware, the audience. Ending could have been better

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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This movie had potential but right at the height of the plot, it ended. They didn’t even complete the circle of it.

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I feel like there is a disconnect between the last minutes of the movie and the rest of it. Illogical ending.

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This movie is so ridiculous, naive, far-fetched, absurd and full of non-working bullsht. Like if the script was done by 12 y old kid.
In The Circle, the world around is working like that one in the Idiocracy ...

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Ok, this definitely wasn't what I expected. It was nice but it feels like there's some unfulfilled potential left :D But tbh I'm not quite sure why I don't like the story that much.

Anyway, I was super hyped for this movie since the trailer came out. I didn't knew much about it back then but as a privacy advocate and computer scientist it seemed very interesting and promising. And Emma Watson was likely also part of my excitement :D

I was actually so excited about the story that I wanted to read the book first (because I was sure that I'd be too lazy to read it after watching the movie). That didn't work out though (I noticed that I became too lazy to read books in general / had other priorities). Approximately half a year ago I finally got around to finishing it via an audio book (while I was sick for a few days - audio books are awesome!).

The book was already not as good as I hoped. And knowing it turned out to be somewhat of a mistake as this movie ignores it in many places and changes the narrative quite significantly.

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The only thing this movie is good for is prompting discussion. It raises a lot of interesting questions and presents a compelling "worst case scenario", but instead of properly exploring that, it seemingly embraces it. It's like the the writer failed to understand the moral of their own story.

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I love how Mae changes from Dorothy to Ayn Rand in the blink of an eyelid. Same as how Amy Pond changes into, err, Wendy from The Shining

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The premise of the movie is great. I'm watching this for the first time, in the year 2020. Since 2017 (the year this movie was released) there's increasing concern about the overreach these so called, "social media" companies have over people's lives, and the democratic process in general.

Although the ideal would be to regulate these companies, I also like the other extreme this movie's protagonist took. Let's make it mandatory for the Founders/CEOs and Executives of these companies to share all their personal information in the very platform they use to harvest personal information from their fellow citizens for profit. That way, the tax payers won't have to foot the bill of regulating this new tobacco industry of the 21st century.

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Epic movie. Great message. Emma is brilliant.

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This is one of those films were at the end of the year people will look back and say "Wow, that came out?". Besides feeling like a bad episode of "Black Mirror", the movie fails at being...well, a film.

With the message of 'The Internet is bad' force so down in your throat, you wish to force your message down it's throat with "I GET IT! I GET IT! I GET IT!". I thought they could've do something clever or creativity, but of course not, since it's takes effort I guess.

Emma Watson, John Boyega, Karen Gillan, and Tom Hanks not doing much in your movie is the biggest wasted opportunity. Doesn't help with the cringey dialogue and dull scenes that feels like filler.

R.I.P Bill Paxton and Glenne Headley. Both of them play Emma Watson parents in the movie. What an awful way to go out.

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What a waste. Good idea but not well executed. Or particularly interesting. Good performances throughout including Bill Paxton's last role...but just not enough to warrant a viewing.

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It's funny, Mae's biggest fear established at the beginning of this movie, about untapped potential, perfectly summarizes the core problem here. Never read the book, never going to, I think this presents some interesting points about companies like Google, and the internet's invasion of our privacy, but that does not automatically make for great cinema. Ideas, in it of itself, doesn't suffice. Execution is key. We get disastrous levels of writing, televisual direction, and cringe-inducing performances, all take center stage in The Circle.

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Not really sure what to think of this movie. Acting was quite good but somehow the ending spoils it…
I'm not satisfied at all. Was hoping for more of a revolution but not this…

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Everyone: You aren't on Facebook or Instagram?! How do you keep in touch with people? Don't you want to know what or how they are doing? Or let them know what you are up to?
Me: No.

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This film has lots of many interesting applications of our beloved technology, as farfetched as they seem, some of this technology isn't far off existing, if it doesn't already. However, the cult following and pyschopathic desire to own every bit of data about everything really adds a whole level of creepy and (hopefully) fiction to this situation.

It's a well thought out story with the correct amount of character development in most cases, I didn't think Hermione was working in the tech industry.

The ending was a rollercoaster, the exhilaration of Mae's braveness and the sheer look of defeat in the leaders' eyes' was looking to end the film on a high, then, it ended. There was nothing said of what became of Bailey and Stenton, or of the company.

The somewhat disappointing ending doesn't take away from the film, I enjoyed it and would recommend it to others.


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The logo of the circle looks like Pac-Man, but instead dots, now he eats our privacy. Nothing revelatory, we already accept that in our XXI century. ;>

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Wow, that was terrible, I'm tempted to compare it to Antitrust. The story was extremely heavy handed, and at the same time managed to completely miss the point. The cast is a long list of great talented people, yet somehow none of them really connected. I guess great cast really can't fix terrible script. Do yourself a favor and watch something else.

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Shout by Deleted

Not a good movie at all. Poor acting, non sense script, poor direction.

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With this cast you would think it would be good.......nahh poor execution to the max

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A movie about dangers of monopolization of all private information in one company's hands without even getting close to dangers of monopolization of all private information in one company's hands.

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what a terrible episode of black mirror

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i gotta say it "unfulfilled potential"

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Looking at the cast I was expecting so much more. I liked the idea, the execution though was rather disappointing.

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This is how the world is right now, and doesn't actually expand upon what is present.... Watch Black Mirror instead.

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Shout by PProjectTV Watch by mood
BlockedParent2017-11-30T21:02:34Z— updated 2018-07-04T20:20:50Z

Really great disillusionment and disappointment. Great theme, good time, great Tom Hanks ... and the result is an incomprehensible and naive look at the possibilities and the future of the technological concept of the world, suitable for the TV stations. A missed opportunity for me. Rating 3 Star / Bad
Opravdu velké rozčarování a zklamání. Skvělé téma, příznivá doba, skvělý Tom Hanks ..ale výsledkem je nepochopený a naivní pohled na možnosti a budoucnost technologického pojetí světa, vhodný tak max. pro TV stanici. Za mně promarněná příležitost.

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Shout by Mex5150
BlockedParent2017-11-12T17:39:49Z— updated 2018-05-29T17:16:31Z

I can't help but think that this film would have been much better if Emma Watson and Karen Gillan had swapped roles, and if Tom Hanks had swapped roles with Bill Paxton, Oh and the obvious one, the whole thing was rewritten, and refilmed by somebody who knew what the hell they were doing LOL

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Ending is terrible, but main point of the movie is to have an open social life for everyone to see without privacy to save them in their bad times or to find criminals or etc., maybe one day world can be like this, but it shouldn't be opened to everyone for the crucial and unwanted scenes that may occur, I love the cast although O feel the movie is incomplete..

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The cinematography and cast was good (despite the accents being a bit weak). But the script was dull and the speech was often poor. The overall execution was weak and unengaging. I've seen other films and shows handle ideas like this more effectively, whilst also maintaining my full attention and excitement.

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Shout by Deleted

This is one of those films were at the end of the year people will look back and say "Wow, that came out?". Besides feeling like a bad episode of "Black Mirror", the movie fails at being...well, a film.

With the message of 'The Internet is bad' force so down in your throat, you wish to force your message down it's throat with "I GET IT! I GET IT! I GET IT!". I though they could've do something clever or creativity, but of course not, since it's takes effort I guess.

Emma Watson, John Boyega, Karen Gillan, and Tom Hanks not doing much in your movie is the biggest wasted opportunity. Doesn't help with the cringey dialogue and dull scenes that feels like filler.

R.I.P Bill Paxton and Glenne Headley. Both of them play Emma Watson parents in the movie. What an awful way to go out.

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I know this movie was trying to make one or several points, but it was just not capable of conveying anything of substance in a convincing way.

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This movie felt like the editor was asleep at the wheel. So many unexplored plot devices. Could have also used a lot more Tom Hanks.

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This is one if the worst movies I have ever seen... Went in with high expectations, based on the cast, but it left me feeling totally empty and with a total loss in faith for all humanity.

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The Circle plays with some interesting and timely ideas that could have made a for a very important film for the time we live in, and it assembles a great cast, but it totally fumbles the ball and ends up as a by-the-numbers, biteless thriller. It's okay to waste some time with on a rainy afternoon I guess...

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Gave up on this about 50% through. Pretty rubbish film.

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I love Watson and Hanks, but this was a huge disappointment. If you like the theme of the movie and want to watch what I would consider a far superior take on it, then watch any episode from Black Mirror season 3. This movie was like a bad remake of the theme from that entire season.

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The idea was a good one, but it felt like a 2 hour half-story. It took an hour for us to see actual storm clouds in the horizon, and there was no resolution at the end. They took so long setting up this problem of invasion of privacy, then choosing scapegoats over confronting the issue.
There is no actual conflict in this story - which is not surprising, since only like 3 or 4 people demonstrate the ability to have an independent thought. Mae seemed to have character at the beginning of the movie, and even seemed a little put off by the hive-mind culture at Circle, but by the end of the movie she was just another one of them.

Overall I didn't hate the movie, but I did think it was a waste of time, and I'm frankly surprised, given that Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, John Boyega and Patton Oswalt are involved.

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I read the book and liked it besides the weak end. The movie unfortunately failed on different levels to capture the essence and raise the proper questions. I think without the books background my rating would be even worse.

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Lots of talented actors, nice visuals, brilliant concepts. However, I think the best phrase for this movie is "Wait, what storyline?".


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A good movie with amazing performances by some great Actors like Emma Watson and Tom Hanks and the late Bill Paxton...this could so easily happen with technology these days.....

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With that kind of likable cast you expect something nice well it was a big giant mess of meh. Everything escalated so quickly and without any leading. the ending was a mess

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Hubiera sido mejor como capitulo de Black Mirror que como película.

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The potential was unlimited for The Circle with a great cast and crew but this ends up being a dull and unfocused effort. Tom Hanks is definitely the best part of the film, but he's not there as much as you would hope. Emma Watson's performance and her character are really inconsistent and I thought that Ellar Coltrane was flat out awful. Then the film ended so abruptly that it really left a bad taste in my mouth. I have been waiting a long time for this movie but it didn't do anything but disappoint.

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More 0s than 1s. A little too 'on the nose'.

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Never commented before. This movie is so bad, I felt compelled to save someone 1 hour and 50 minutes of their life. I had no idea that Tom Hanks could dial in such a sub-par and absolute disaster of a performance. I felt like wishing I was there with Tom in Cast Away, so that I could drown myself, and never actually play this movie.

And Emma Watson. I had no idea this was the Emma Watson from Harry Potter and Beauty and the Beast. Performances like this are going to sink her career faster than anything. The script was crap. The acting was crap. The filming was marginal crap. If you keep picking these choice of movies, you'll be a success female "Nicholas Cage", if that's what you're striving for.

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Great idea, very apt for today, unfortunately it's a wasted potential. Emma Watson's character was extremely weakly written, this is a large problem as the film revolves around Watson's performance. To me the character had all the insight and complexity of a 12 year old, she being shepherded from one place to another by every other person in the film, I found it very hard to empathise with someone so out of control with their own life. However, I do believe that may have been the point, just not something I could identify with.

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Shout by Deleted

good casting, bad screenplay and not sure what is the message, is it transparency?

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They had all this technology and still couldnt predict that this movie was gonna be a mess? Oh Tom..

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Great movie. Felt like a combination of "Black Mirror" and "1984"

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Ehm, wtf

So to sum up the movie: Surveilance is great as long as the leaders are surveiled too?
That's the message at the end isn't it?
A big wtf!

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With an absolutely killer cast, The Circle is let down by a totally unfulfilling plot and script that felt many times like it was scrabbling for direction or resolve. Like an episode of Black Mirror minus any of the depth or intrigue that comes with it.

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While the plotting is nonsensical, the concept behind the film isn't. In many ways this is Facebook or Google in a few short years. Do yourself a favour, put away your social media and stop being so transparent to people you barely know!

Watchable film, great actors, but the script needed work.

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Very good cast, but bad screenplay and an even worse execution. Which sucks, because i really thought this movie would be awesome.

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This raises some interesting questions about privacy and human behavior. Its a little scary that we are not to far away from something like this in real life. I can't help but think of how fake everyone acts when they know they are on camera. People are who they really are when no one is watching and if you take that away then no one is real or unique. I understand if you have nothing to hid then who cares if someone watches but its always in the back of people's minds that you private life isn't really private.

Emma Watson was great and believable character and Tom Hanks plays a great "villain" wish he would do some more "evil" roles. Ellar Coltrane is pretty awful, I know he was the boy in Boyhood who we saw grow up but hes not a very good actor. John Boyega was not in this movie enough and wish his character was explored more. Would of been interesting to see how someone who invented this technology deals with himself and the repercussions of his invention.

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