Personal Lists featuring...

The Circus 1928


Jan : 1 - 9
Feb : 9 - 28
Mar: 29 - 40
Apr : 41 - 42
May: 43 - 47
Jun: 48 - 54
Jul : 55 - 102
Aug: 103 - 126
Sep: 127 - 150
Oct: 151 - 168
Nov: 169 - 183
Dec: 184 - 200


One of the gifts a movie lover can give another is the title of a wonderful film they have not yet discovered. Here are more than 300 reconsiderations and appreciations of movies from the distant past to the recent past, all of movies that I consider worthy of being called “great.” / Roger Ebert



In his Guide for the Film Fanatic (1986), Danny Peary provides short reviews for over 1600 “Must See” films.

104 movies missing. Imported from external source.


A list of movies which famous movie critic Roger Ebert considers to be the best movies of all-time. Ebert has written extensive reviews for each and every one of these movies.

All the reviews are available online as well thanks to

Imported frome external source. 19 movies missing.


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


This is my attempt to watch at least 365 movies in the year of 2014.


The 2013 version of TSPDT’s 1,000 Greatest Films is finally here. After months of stop-start, data-building and unhealthy calculation antics, the latest group of 1,000 movie offerings has been assembled once again for your pleasure (or displeasure). Depending on your observation skills, you may have already noticed that there is a new presentation for this ongoing project.


The old 2012 edition can be found @


Films watched over the course of my ENGLISH 2263 class, "Introduction to Film"


Basically every movie I've watched in 2013. No re-watches included.


The 2013 edition can be found at

Welcome to 2012's edition of the 1,000 Greatest Films. This will be the last update prior to the publication of the 'earth-shattering' Sight & Sound poll which will be unfurled later in the year. The Sight & Sound results will no doubt have a major impact on TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films listing. It will become the most heavily weighted poll within our calculations. Anyway, that is then, and this is now."



In his Guide for the Film Fanatic (1986), Danny Peary provides short reviews for over 1600 “Must See” films.

104 movies missing. Imported from external source.


A list of movies which famous movie critic Roger Ebert considers to be the best movies of all-time. Ebert has written extensive reviews for each and every one of these movies.

All the reviews are available online as well thanks to

Imported frome external source. 19 movies missing.
