Shouts about...

The Colony 2021

A little bit of mystery and betrayal in a Sci fi setting

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Not very good and not really a sci-fi movie. There is no futuristic tech. It’s just a below average and boring post apocalyptic film that brings absolutely nothing new to the table. It is watchable if you are like me and have nothing else left that you want to watch…

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The setup and first 30 minutes are extremely intriguing. However, it then takes a bit of a turn and dives into some unsubtle exploration of colonization and manifest destiny. What the film is trying to say is worthwhile, but it's so on the nose that it takes you out of things. There's some good world building and messaging, but I just wish there was some more depth to the plot.

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If you search for “The Colony”, a film a year has been named with this title. How does Hollywood churn out movies with the same title? Does cast and crew think whatever “The Colony” is most current wins the Queens prize? This “The Colony” movie is a 2021 Fogtopia (note how I didnt say “dys”) and can neatly be placed in the hot garbage category. Seems like a tax write off for the producer. I want to diss this harder but cant be bothered. Enjoy!

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After finishing this film, I was both understanding and a bit puzzled by the reviews. I thought this film had good cinematography, decent acting, an interesting premise, and a simple but well-executed plot that conveyed the entire narrative well. It is important to note that some events happen abruptly, but by in large the plot was steady and smooth. I did sense some undertones regarding climate change, humanity, and other important themes. But, the film seems to insert the messaging in a subtle manner, which I think was executed in a fine but not perfect manner. With these criticisms aside, this was a well-made film that has a hopeful message for humanity, with a well-crafted narrative that I was content with following. It's a good watch!

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Not bad at all. Story is good, not slow, not too fast. After decade of superheroes, battles, cgi fights… Simple story with start, culmination and end :)

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Not much depth in the storyline. A movie to pass time.

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[Sitges FF] This dystopia between "Mad Max" (1976) and "Waterworld" (1995) raises some interesting concepts that have to do with the ethics of domination, the idea of colonization from the point of view of the colonizers and of the "common good" as justification for sacrifice. But it isn't fully developed, and the script seems more comfortable finding conventional ways of survival genre than exploring new horizons.

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I wanted to like this more because it's a great twist on space colonization but the development of the story doesn't grab me the same way throughout and I can't quite put my finger on it like, on the other hand, I know that the ending bothers me because it shifts the focus completely back to the POV of the main character when the movie had been about us discovering that we shouldn't do that.

All in all, it's still far better than what I expected going in.

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Not a bad movie - but it's also nothing great. It's a Sci-fi drama all of it taking place on Earth. It deals with the standard "future" issues.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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If you keep your expectations low, you may enjoy this movie. It has a very simple plot and screening but it is not so bad at all. Rather than a sci-fi action movie, It is a kind of drama with little action. It gives messages of climate change, extinction and some discrimination.

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