Personal Lists featuring...

The Crazies 1973


Movies about rare, mysterious, or serious infectious diseases that have an OUTBREAK then grow into an EPIDEMIC and/or PANDEMIC.


Movies released during the 1970s to watch


A list of movie releases by Arrow Video. Work in progress. - Updated monthly


Clássicos Sci-Fi (Sci-Fi Classics) is a Versátil's collection that came with 6 genre films.


Filmes assistidos e reassistidos em 2020.


Films I've watched or plan on watching


Comb your porn ’stache, put on some vinyl (records or disco boots, your choice), and smell that lead in the gasoline – we’re heading back to the Me Decade with the 100 Best 1970s Horror Movies!

The ’70s were a decade of upheaval for the genre, transforming horror into a legitimate vessel for awards recognition (The Exorcist) and the birth of the blockbuster (Jaws). The reign of Hammer gothic horror had its last gasp here (Vampire Circus), giving way to the whodunit sleaze of Italian giallo (Deep Red), American realism (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), and grindhouse (Last House on the Left). Meanwhile, legends-in-the-making made their name off horror: Steven Spielberg (Duel), Ridley Scott (Alien), David Lynch (Eraserhead), and John Carpenter (Halloween) to name a few. The only stipulation for a movie to be considered for this list was a Fresh rating, before we ranked them all by Adjusted Tomatometer.

Now that you’re keyed up, get down for some boo-gie nights as we get off on the best scary movies the 1970s offered!


Some essential horror film saga/franchises.
There are a lot of horror film sagas which we don't know about. This is a place where we can find them. If some movie/saga is lacking, please look me know.


“When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.”


dys·to·pi·an; relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.

a·poc·a·lyp·tic; describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world.

post-a·poc·a·lyp·tic; denoting or relating to the time following a nuclear war or other catastrophic event.

Excluding Zombies.. see
