Personal Lists featuring...

The Crazies 1973


Cinema Suicide was a popular, long-running website celebrating cheap thrills and the grimy, dusty titles tucked away on video store shelves.


Movies about rare, mysterious, or serious infectious diseases that have an OUTBREAK then grow into an EPIDEMIC and/or PANDEMIC.


dys·to·pi·an; relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.

a·poc·a·lyp·tic; describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world.

post-a·poc·a·lyp·tic; denoting or relating to the time following a nuclear war or other catastrophic event.

Excluding Zombies.. see


Movies by George A Romero


Horror is one of the most readily dismissed genres from critics and film buffs, yet is, arguably, the genre with the most avid and steadfast niche following and remains popular with the general public. With horror films aiming to terrify, spook, shock, disturb, repulse, amuse, entertain and more, it's no wonder the genre is so varied, divisive and controversial.

With so many people ignoring or simply not understanding horror, many great films slip under the radar and are relatively unknown to an audience outside of hardcore horror fans. In order to counteract this and bring awareness to the greatness of the genre, this list was created.

Compiled using 2,614 lists taken from various critics/polls/magazines/books/websites/forums/horror fans, They Shoot Zombies, Don't They? is intended to be the ultimate canonical top 1000 horror list. Spanning several decades, countries and sub-genres, and using lists from a wide range of people and publications, the resulting list is quite a diverse spread and representation of the best of horror.



The U.S. film industry term "grindhouse" refers to (now mostly defunct) movie theaters specializing in B-movies, often exploitation films, shown in a multiple-feature format.


The decade of slow burners, atmosphere and maybe even a little bit of the occult.


*a sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life. ie flood, earthquake, hurricanes.


Movies released during the 1970s to watch


Nothing quite looks like some of these gritty masterpieces. Their influence is still felt throughout the years.


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Movies and TV Shows about viral outbreaks (released pre-Covid) that I have seen over the years and have a viral outbreak at their center and not as a background setting.

This list does not include movies where a viral outbreak is not in the focus or just the backstory for a dystopaian future e.g. Zombie/Vampire Plague, Last Man Standing Scenarios, Refugees, Found Footage etc.

If something is missing or something should not belong on this list, feel free to leave a comment.


There's something terrifying as hell about a viral outbreak which turns everyone around you into monsters that want to kill you, eat you, or assimilate you. The Walking Dead (which is not on this list, but is relative to our point) is the most popular show on TV for a reason, folks, and that reason is that pandemics, whether large or small, prey on our most primal of fears: that the world around us can go to hell at any minute.

Walking STDs; hordes of infected humans; killer mutant sheep; viral demons; flesh-eating bacteria; or even alien slugs that are determined to take over the world; the movies on this Best of Viral/Infected Horror list are sure to give you nightmares. Or even daymares. Some of them are really that scary.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Viral/Infected Horror flick, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For our money, [REC] and 28 Days Later are probably the best of them, but then again they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the Viral/Infected Sub-Genre.

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Viral Horror flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".



Horror featuring madness. Updated weekly.


Horror featuring viruses/pandemics. Updated monthly.
