Personal Lists featuring...

The Departed 2006


Don't drink the Kool-Aid. A list of movies that ppl can't get enough of, even decades later.


Oscar nominated best picture of the year.


Spanning the length of Roger Ebert's career as the leading American movie critic, this book contains all of his four-star reviews written during that time. A great guide for movie watching.

Taken from external source. 64 movies missing from original.


List of Academy Award-winning since 1994 in:
- Best Picture - Best Director
- Best Actor/Actress - Best Supporting Actor/Actress
- Best Original Screenplay - Best Adapted Screenplay
- Best Animated Feature Film - Best Animated Short Film
- Best Documentary Feature - Best Documentary Short Subject
- Best Live Action Short Film - Best International Feature Film
- Best Original Score - Best Original Song
- Best Sound Editing - Best Sound Mixing
- Best Production Design - Best Cinematography
- Best Makeup and Hairstyling - Best Costume Design
- Best Film Editing - Best Visual Effects

The list includes also nominations in the same categories.


Updated Jan 2022


Cahiers du Cinéma, (Notebooks on Cinema) is a French film magazine founded in 1951. Top 10 films chosen annually by the critics of Cahiers du Cinéma.


The history of the Cahiers is related to the Cinéma history, in particular because of a generation of enthusiasts who gave birth to the Nouvelle Vague. Jean-Luc Godard, François Truffaut, Éric Rohmer, Jacques Rivette, Claude Chabrol and many others wrote their first reviews before becoming filmmakers.



Contains all Academy Award winners in Best Picture Category to date.

The list is in order of the Academy Awards Ceremony from the 1st one to the last.

The award was named "Outstanding Picture" for the first two AA. Until 1940 it was named "Outstanding Production". For 3 years between 1941 and 1943 it was named as "Outstanding Motion Picture" and from 1944 to 1961 "Best Motion Picture". Since 1962 the award is called "Best Picture".



  1. 1927/1928
    • Frank Borzage (Dramatic Picture) - 7th Heaven
    • Lewis Milestong (Comedy Picture) - Two Arabian Knights
  2. 1928/1929
    • Frank Lloyd - The Divine Lady
  3. 1929/1930
    • Lewis Mileston - All Quiet on the Western Front
  4. 1930/1931
    • Norman Taurog - Skippy
  5. 1931/1932
    • Frank Borzage - Bad Girl
  6. 1932/1933
    • Frank Lloyd - Cavalcade
  7. 1934
    • Frank Capra = It Happened One Night
  8. 1935
    • John Ford - The Informer
  9. 1936
    • Frank Capra - Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
  10. 1937
    • Leo McCarey - The Awful Truth
  11. 1938
    • Frank Capra - You Can't Take It With You
  12. 1939
    • Victor Fleming - Gone with the Wind
  13. 1940
    • John Ford - The Grapes of Wrath
  14. 1941
    • John Ford - How Green Was My Valley
  15. 1942
    • William Wyler - Mrs. Miniver
  16. 1943
    • Michael Curtiz - Casablanca
  17. 1944
    • Leo McCarey - Going My Way
  18. 1945
    • Billy Wilder - The Lost Weekend
  19. 1946
    • William Wyler - The Best Years of Our Lives
  20. 1947
    • Elia Kazan - Gentleman's Agreement
  21. 1948
    • John Huston - The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
  22. 1949
    • Joseph L. Mankiewicz - A Letter to Three Wives
  23. 1950
    • Joseph L. Mankiewicz - All About Eve
  24. 1951
    • George Stevens - A Place in the Sun
  25. 1952
    • John Ford - The Quiet Man
  26. 1953
    • Fred Zinnemann - From Here to Eternity
  27. 1954
    • Elia Kazan - On the Waterfront
  28. 1955
    • Delbert Mann - Marty
  29. 1956
    • George Stevens - Giant
  30. 1957
    • David Lean - The Bridge on the River Kwai
  31. 1958
    • Vincente Minnelli - Gigi
  32. 1959
    • William Wyler - Ben-Hur
  33. 1960
    • Billy Wilder - The Apartment
  34. 1961
    • Robert Wise & Jerome Robbins - West Side Story
  35. 1962
    • David Lean - Lawrence of Arabia
  36. 1963
    • Tony Richardson - Tom Jones
  37. 1964
    • George Cukor - My Fair Lady
  38. 1965
    • Robert Wise - The Sound of Music
  39. 1966
    • Fred Zinnemann - A Man for All Seasons
  40. 1967
    • Mike Nichols - The Graduate
  41. 1968
    • Carol Reed - Oliver!
  42. 1969
    • John Schlesinger - Midnight Cowboy
  43. 1970
    • Franklin J. Schaffner - Patton
  44. 1971
    • William Friedkin - The French Connection
  45. 1972
    • Bob Fosse - Cabaret
  46. 1973
    • George Roy Hill - The Sting
  47. 1974
    • Francis Ford Coppola - The Godfather Part II
  48. 1975
    • Milos Forman - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  49. 1976
    • John G. Aviidsen - Rocky
  50. 1977
    • Woody Allen - Annie Hall
  51. 1978
    • Michael Cimino - The Deer Hunter
  52. 1979
    • Robert Benton - Kramer vs. Kramer
  53. 1980
    • Robert Redford - Ordinary People
  54. 1981
    • Warren Beatty - Reds
  55. 1982
    • Richard Attenborough - Gandhi
  56. 1983
    • James L. Brooks - Terms of Endearment
  57. 1984
    • Milos Forman - Amadeus
  58. 1985
    • Sydney Pollack - Out of Africa
  59. 1986
    • Oliver Stone - Platoon
  60. 1987
    • Bernardo Bertolucci - The Last Emperor
  61. 1988
    • Barry Levinson - Rain Man
  62. 1989
    • Oliver Stone - Born on the Fourth of July
  63. 1990
    • Kevin Costner - Dances with Wolves
  64. 1991
    • Jonathan Demme - The Silence of the Lambs
  65. 1992
    • Clint Eastwood - Unforgiven
  66. 1993
    • Steven Spielberg - Schindler's List
  67. 1994
    • Robert Zemeckis - Forrest Gump
  68. 1995
    • Mel Gibson - Braveheart
  69. 1996
    • Anthony Minghella - The English Patient
  70. 1997
    • James Cameron - Titanic
  71. 1998
    • Steven Spielberg - Saving Private Ryan
  72. 1999
    • Sam Mendes - American Beauty
  73. 2000
    • Steven Soderbergh - Traffic
  74. 2001
    • Ron Howard - A Beautiful Mind
  75. 2002
    • Roman Polanski - The Pianist
  76. 2003
    • Peter Jackson - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  77. 2004
    • Clint Eastwood - Million Dollar Baby
  78. 2005
    • Ang Lee - Brokeback Mountain
  79. 2006
    • Martin Scorsese - The Departed
  80. 2007
    • Coen Brothers - No Country for Old Men
  81. 2008
    • Danny Boyle - Slumdog Millionaire
  82. 2009
    • Kathryn Bigelow - The Hurt Locker
  83. 2010
    • Tom Hooper - The King's Speech
  84. 2011
    • Michel Hazanavicius - The Artist
  85. 2012
    • Ang Lee - Life of Pi
  86. 2013
    • Alfonso Cuaron - Gravity
  87. 2014
    • Alejandro G. Inarritu - Birdman or (the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
  88. 2015
    • Alejandro G. Inarritu - The Revenant
  89. 2016
    • Damien Chazelle - La La Land
  90. 2017
    • Guillermo del Toro - The Shape Of Water
  91. 2018
    • Alfonso Cuaron - Roma
  92. 2019
    • Bong Joon-ho - Parasite
  93. 2020
    • Chloé Zhao - Nomadland
  94. 2021
    • Jane Campion - The Power of the Dog
  95. 2022
    • Daniel Kwan & Daniel Scheinert- Everything Everywhere All at Once

Directors only show up next to their first movie until Trakt allows the same item multiple times on a list


The 500 movies in this list have been selected by a combination of 10,000 Empire readers, 50 critics and 150 of Hollywood's finest.


The magazine has picked its top ten films of the year, most years. Top ten films were not picked in the years 1952-1954, 1969-1980, and in the year 2003. Rankings can be viewed in my source list URL, or via the link provided in the comments section. In some cases, films tie for a certain spot in the yearly top 10; for example, 2012's #4 spot is tied between three films (consequently, there is no #5 or #6). Some directors definitely appear to be heavily preferred by those responsible for selecting the list.

This list does not include the special "best of 1990s" and "best of 2000s" decade lists, though most of those twenty films are included here. (The exceptions are David Lynch's TV show Twin Peaks on the 1990s list, and Gus Van Sant's Elephant, Abdellatif Kechiche's The Secret of the Grain, and Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds on the 2000s decade list.)

Other anomalies:
The TV show "24" tied for the #10 spot in 2002, along with Gus Van Sant's Gerry. Gerry also tied for #6 on the 2004 list.

A TV episode "Travolta et moi" (dir. Patricia Mazuy) from the show "Tous les garçons et les filles de leur âge..." was selected as #6 in 1994. Claire Denis' episode "US Go Home" from the same series rated #9 in 1994.

Raul Ruiz's Les trois couronnes du matelot (Three Crowns of the Sailor) tied for #7 in 1983 and tied for #8 in 1982.

1968's #4 spot for Histoires extraordinaires is specifically for Federico Fellini's segment "Toby Damnit."

1965's #4 spot for Paris vu par... is specifically for the Jean Rouch episode.

1959's #3 spot was claimed by Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible. Since Part II was released in 1958, it is possible that the award was for Part II, but since my sources didn't specify a part and both parts may have been shown together, I have included Parts I & II in the list.

Love it or hate it, here it is...



Mafia / Gangster Related Collection


Cosa Nostra, Bloods, Crips and Mexican Mafia Mob Movies


With its sprawling celebrity homes, the Walk of Fame, and the iconic sign on the hill, Hollywood is truly the land of stars. Glamorous and larger-than-life, many of the most memorable motion pictures of all time have emanated from its multimillion-dollar film industry, which exports more films per capita than that of any other nation.

Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood lays out the cinematic history of Tinseltown - the industry, the audiences, and, of course, the stars - highlighting important thematic and cultural elements throughout. Profiles and analyses of many of the industry’s most talented and prolific directors give insights into their impact on Hollywood and beyond. A slate of blockbuster successes - and notable flops - are here discussed, providing insight into the ever-shifting aesthetic of Hollywood’s enormous global audience. User-friendly and concise yet containing an astonishing amount of information, Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood shows how truly indispensable the Hollywood film industry is and provides a fascinating account of its cultural and artistic significance as it marks its centennial.

The list is based on the contents of the Book, sorted by chapters:

  • Directors
  • Westerns
  • Crime Film
  • Science Fiction
  • Horror
  • Comedy
  • Historical Films
  • Musicals
  • War Films
  • Dramas
  • Romance
  • Animation
  • Blockbusters
  • Recommended Reading
  • Online Resources
  • Filmography
  • Notes on Contributors

More information on this is also aviable on!


The BAFTA Award for Best Film is given annually by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts and presented at the British Academy Film Awards. It has been given since the 1st BAFTA Awards, representing the best films of 1947, but until 1969 it was called the BAFTA Award for Best Film From Any Source.


A list of movies that have been the subject of an episode of The Rewatchables podcast from Does not include spinoff episodes from their The Rewatchables 1999 podcasts, they are on a separate Trakt list. NOTE: Miami Vice episode is the first two episodes of the TV show. Heat and Titanic have multiple episodes, but can only be listed in Trakt once.


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
The Rocker (2008)
What Planet Are You From (2000)
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002)
Run Fatboy Run (2007)
RocknRolla (2008)
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
The Humain Stain (2003)
Maos Last Dancer (2009)
Thirteen (2003)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Sunshine (2007)
Things We Lost in the Fire (2007)
Chloe (2009)
Blindness (2008)
How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008)
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006)


This is a complete list of every movie that has ever been included in the various editions of 1001 movies. Given that I only own one edition of the physical book, this is a easier way to keep track of what has been (once) considered essential viewing.


Art is the principal way in which the human mind has tried to remake the world in a way that makes sense. The carefully edited, slow-motion, action replay of a rugby tackle, a car crash or a sex act has more significance than the original event. Thanks to virtual reality, we will soon be moving into a world where a heightened super-reality will consist entirely of action replays, and reality will therefore be all the more rich and meaningful.

JG Ballard: Theatre of Cruelty

I might be a nihilist except that I don’t believe in anything.
― Mitchell Heisman
