This was fun enough until it turned into a video game cut scene, which was a big thing in horror at this time.

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Thought the first half of the film was pretty good, was like Blair Witch in the snow, going through the motions of interviewing people, getting a bit of a background on what they are trying to do.

When they set of on their own and the 'strange' things start happening, it kept you intrigued, but then when you find out what is really going on.. you find out why films like Blair Witch decided not to reveal their monster, because it was truly disappointing.

Not only that, but the whole story at the end was just a bit silly, too out of context with the build up of the film. And the fact that this is meant to be an explanation to the disappearance of real people is pretty weird!

First half of the film is solid enough though, worth a watch if you like found footage horror films.

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A mixture of Blair Witch and Chernobyl Diaries, Devil’s Pass is an intense and frightening thriller. Filmed in a found footage style, a group of students retrace the steps of a famous Russian exposition that was mysteriously lost while exploring a mountain passage. The writing is especially good; particularly in how it subtly builds from a mundane mountain trek into a conspiratorial thriller. Additionally, the cast is pretty good and helps to give the footage an authentic feel. Still, the characters are a little underserved and aren’t fleshed out too much beyond what’s needed for the story. Devil’s Pass has some weak points, but overall it’s a smart and compelling horror film that does a remarkable job at using the found footage genre.

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The film is based on a real mystery and this is very interesting. It tells the story of a group of climbers who died in a mountain in Russia in 1959 and whose cause of death was never correctly explained.
A group of young researchers back to the site of the tragedy to investigate more than 50 years later.
The film is told in the style "Blair's witch" that I do not like. Let me dizzy those acquired from the camera.
But I liked the outcome and science fiction theory that uses to explain everything ...

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Shout by kinky

People rating this above 4 are being way too generous and forgiving on this appalling mashup of urban legends, unsolved mysteries and other run-of-the-mill clichés.

Now that the Russian government has officially reopened the case, I expect a few shittier sequels to come up in the next few years. Or none at all, if everyone decides to wise up.

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The film has its moments, but with too many convoluted plot twists, the experience does become more than a little wearying.

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Good first half, the second half is just like any other "horror" movie.

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Surprisingly good. But the end of the movie.. I almost cried. So bad. Wish I just turned off after 95% -.-

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Please kill the found footage format. Please! I also found the unbelievable superiority complex of the "hikers" all to familiar and wanted nothing more for than them to die a horrible death or at least to lose a few limbs. Guessing this was intentional?

The ending was not shocking and neither were the callbacks to the Philadelphia Experiment to anyone over the age of ... what 35 or 40? There's even a movie called the Philadelphia Experiment (I and II). Not original. Not by a long shot. The ending? Typical horror attempt at shocking... yawn.

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The documentary is cool until the zombies come out!!!!

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Shout by sp1ti

A found footage movie from a director Renny Harlin who already made some bigger films like Die Hard 2, Cliffhanger, Deep Blue Sea, etc. Does this mean the big name extends the medium? Not really.. but there is worse.
I found the beginning rather boring. Lots of exposition and seemingly unprepared kids going for a hike (despite them showing us their training videos). It takes a fucking long time to get going and never really takes of. We already got Trollhunter in a snow- and cave-setting so this one taking on the Russians and their secret in the mountains isn't really something new and with recent games like Singularity or Metro we still know that there could be things hidden. Needless to say the CGI later doesn't help the atmosphere and presenting us things we've seen before. Only the facepalm-worthy ending adds a nice twist to it and makes it full-circle but there are still too many plotholes and doesn't seem to be a valid theory for what happend at the Pass that night...

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