Simply one of the best movies I've ever seen. Incredibly relatable, funny, yet heartwrenching at the BEST moments. An absolute must watch!

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A powerfull movie with great humor and very realistic..I just loved it dont miss this one!

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cinematography: 2/3
acting: 3/3
storytelling: 3/3
enjoyment: 1/1


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I wasn't sure what to expect, but was beautifully surprised.
the movie sets the tone early with lovely dry self-depreciating humour.
there's a nice connection to the teenage years of trying to connect and find people you relate to.
the main actor Hailee has a lovely style. it is easy to warm to her character but still keep enough distance to reflect on weird decisions she makes.
there is a nice flow between the minor trivialities in her day and significant events that floor the main character or someone close to her.
a fun and emotively reflective movie

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A must watch for teens.

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I came upon this movie by a circuitive route. I'd flagged it, in passing, somewhere along the way but didn't watch it. Then, today, I saw that the lead actress, Hailee Steinfeld, was winning an online poll to play Batgirl in a new Joss Wedon project and I remembered that she had been nominated for an Oscar 17 years ago for her performance in TRUE GRIT. So, I watched the trailer of this, her latest movie, laughing all the way through it. It ended with the review "John Hughes would be proud". That sold it. And, now, here I am contentedly reviewing it, as the credits roll. I'm giving it a 8.9 (just a tad short of superb) out of 10. The casting is great, the performances are witty and poignant, all at the same time, and the story telling rang true, even if I wished, all the way through, that children didn't have to make adult decisions in our screwed up world. John Hughes, a legend of his time as the soothsayer of the teenage psyche, would, indeed, have been proud.

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The reviews I read on here weren't as positive as I was when I finished the movie. So I started thinking "am I being too positive about a movie again". Then I decided I'm not because I just really enjoyed this movie. The reactions from the characters were a bit over the top sometimes but apart from that I really liked it. It was a fun movie with quite a serious subject. Really, I found it to be very enjoyable.

Hailee Steinfeld showed us with this movie what a great actress she is. I think it's quite a challenge to play a character like Nadine because she was so "extreme". The movie built up wasn't very special or anything but worked really well. Same with the camera work. Not very special but still a lot of beautiful shots.

I think it was a good movie which I really enjoyed.

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Magnificent movie except the ending. I would have given it a higher rating if it had a better ending. I think the ending was off-putting and way too happy, too easy and too sudden. They were at a sad and depressing moment and suddenly everything changes and gets resolved in 5 seconds. She doesn't want to come back home with her brother and suddenly the same night after she returns she changes and hugs him and everything is ok and happy?

An ending like Lady Bird where it's more nuanced and subtle would have been better. At the moment it works like a very by the number and cliche happy ending. The kind you want to avoid in a good movie like this.

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Aww what a lovely film with a lot of mixed emotions, but mostly from the script, a good sense of humour. Brilliant performance from Nadine (Hailee steinfeld) that I think she should go far with and not forgetting the rest of the cast that did just as good. I specially loved Mr Bruner (woody Harrelson) performance with his nasty, sarcastic sense of humour with a twist, and with all the characters he's played in his acting life it suits him.

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Good film, with decent performances from the entire cast. I related to the story - school was a giant crapfest for many of us - but the film goes beyond simple stereotypes. The well-rounded characters make the film stand out from others of its kind.

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Teen movies are my guilty pleasure, I really enjoyed this one! 5/7 !

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Very watchable coming of age film. Only complaint is if gets too cringeworthy sometimes. Would watch again.

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This coming-of-age film could have been great - it's 80% of the way there and lands at just good, relying on some cliche moments and without enough time spent exploring relationships between characters. The middle lags and the end is too fast, but the acting and some of the dialogue is excellent. I enjoyed it once but wouldn't watch it again.

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"Life isn't fair sometimes, Nadine, okay? You gotta get over it!"

I wish I was allowed to be this dramatic as a teenager. Any sign of self pity and my mom would give me that look and I knew it was trouble before my tantrum even began (and I love her for doing that). That being said, I really liked this movie. There is a good lesson in it and Woody Harrelson plays a wholesome and loving character.

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Tries too hard to be 'edgy', succeeds in some places, but not all.

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One of the better coming-of-age films out there. The girl was a little annoying but ultimately it worked out.

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What this film is: a perfectly portrayed, scripted and executed coming of age movie, with every charm and cliché of its genre. What this film isn't: anything more. And don't even try to pretend that it has anything more to offer. It doesn't. And it does NOT have to. If you don't expect it to have any plot twists, or to be revolutionary, you're gonna leave your armchair with satisfaction at the end of it.

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well i loved Woody Harrelson he was soo funny in his bizare kind of way! very rollercoaster movie. enjoyed it and the soundtrack was really set up pretty good.

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Good. I liked it. But damn did the first maybe two thirds drop a ton of crap on this poor girl.

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I'm pist offffffff. Ughh.

Actually I will admit, movie is good, it's not great, but it's good. It's something fresh for those 'teen-life' movies.

It's all good, but the main character ir such a c***, she makes all the problems her-self, if she didn't then movie could end in 20 minutes.

But she presents teens of nowdays, selfish, annoying and with their own ego. They think about them-selfs, how they fell.
And movie shows the biger picture who we se, but not the main character.

At the end, I can give 7 lemons of ten.
As for you- you can give it a try, but don't have a big expectations.

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imagine having a teacher half as cool as woody harrelson

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Killer dialogue floats to the top every once in a while, but the film too often feels like an extended episode of The O.C. minus the slow-burn insight that a full season of television can more easily provide.

The film is crammed with misery for our heroine Nadine, but despite the numerous opportunities she's given to succeed, her relentless misfortune overwhelms any chance at a convincing resolution - and not just for her. Flashes of maturity are expected in a coming of age story, but even those together don't necessarily signal a true tectonic shift. After all the film's events it's too easy to imagine the family sliding right back to the toxic environment they started in. Not a good forecast for Nadine's psychological recovery.

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A bit of quirky but pleasant and enjoyable little film. Steinfeld is really good as a teenager with a lot of issues.

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A not below average teen film that made me miss John Hughes, who did all of this before, and better.

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Pretty low-key scenario with teaching actually nothing and not concluding any underlying problems of the female protagonist with peace of mind. If you would like to watch a good movie, look at Flipped (2010). That's the powerful one.

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I think I was supposed to want everything to work out for the main character.

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If you're actually in the edge of seventeen do not watch this movie. Or do, so you can see that you not only feel like a crap, but the other people in the world sees you like this too. Don't know how this could be helpful, but that is it.

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"The Edge of Seventeen" had all the ingredients to fail and be cliché like so many other "coming of age" movies.

However, while watching it I noticed that it was going to be different. This film portrays so well what many teenagers go through during their academic lives. We feel that the whole world is against us, nobody understands us and that everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. We hate life and everyone around us.

Also while I was seeing, here are some things I noticed with which I related to me:

  • lying on the sofa to see Futurama - checked;
  • no one understands me - checked;
  • hated by all - checked.

"The Edge of Seventeen" surprised me a lot. Hailee Steinfeld and Woody Harrelson were great. And on top is the "directorial debut" Kelly Fremon Craig. However, I feel that this movie was not seen by many people, which is a shame.

"The Edge of Seventeen" is very well acted, directed and specially very well written.

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One of very few movies about teens that has you sympathizing with them and experience it through their point of view. It kind of reminded me of Lady Bird.

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Edge of Seventeen is a great funny little coming of age comedy. I really hope this movie gets the attention it deserves when its released on DVD. Hailee Steinfeld is a star in this film.

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Good movie I recommend 7.5

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this is a good film
i like it !

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