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The Eternal Memory 2023

Despite the fact that 'The Eternal Memory' is well-made and sheds light on a topic that affects many people around the world, I didn't find it to be particularly engaging. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that I personally have already had to deal with Alzheimer's cases in my family, so this documentary didn't really tell me anything new. On the other hand, it would certainly have helped if I had been familiar with the work of the Chilean journalist Augusto Góngora, whose Alzheimer's disease is the subject of this film, and his wife, actress Paulina Urrutia, beforehand. If you've followed their careers in the past, 'The Eternal Memory' will likely have a completely different impact. Nevertheless, I was at least somewhat moved by the movie overall - if only because it is a very familiar topic.

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A beautiful love story that reflects on memory from the illness that leads to oblivion. This kind of approach to a patient raises certain doubts about how appropriate they may be and the degree of intrusion involved in placing a camera in front of the psychological degradation of the protagonist. But accepting that it is a respectful look that tries to be honest, it achieves a very outstanding dose of emotion. Although it loses some balance when it remains halfway in the confrontation between individual memory and the collective memory of a country, which also faces oblivion.

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