Shouts about...

The Fall 2006

This is a movie I had never heard of until this week. I can confidently say I did not appreciate this movie enough with one watch. Cinematography is bonkers, and the visuals are something you will think about for awhile. I am not sure I can recommend this movie, but it is certainly not bad. I need to watch it again after going in with clearer expectations.

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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If Salvador Dali ever directed a movie, this would be it.

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A beautiful conversation between an artist and their audience which is the essence of all art. A dark story vividly colored by a child's mind. Gorgeous in every moment.

Attempted first Sanctuary Screening movie club which is kind of perfect. Because as we come to see, the story is colored by our own experiences. What we pull out of it, what we put into it, our unique... "us" colors how we experience this moment, and together the conversation we have is in itself unique. There comes a moment during every artistic venture where you plan, maybe it turns out less than expected, maybe exactly as expected, or maybe so so much better than expected. Whichever way it ends up being there comes a moment where it grows it's own legs when you present it to others. Taking on a life all it's own, people see things and pull things from it that you might not have intended, and sometimes it's frustrating but nonetheless it is still a part of the endeavor. It's a part of the experience unique to each. So everyone has to experience this themselves and in their own way.

Brought to us by @Videotheque

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honorary 10. loved it even if it was moderately flawed. CINEMATOGRAPHY WAS GORGEOUS.

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An absolutely beautiful film with a perfect performance by the perennially overlooked Lee Pace. But its combination of fairy tales and trauma never quite come together for me. I want to love it, but just can't get there.

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Shout by Mirza
BlockedParent2022-05-13T02:36:08Z— updated 2022-09-13T00:33:06Z

Absolutely flawless. Stunning visuals, great story. Such a shame it went missing from all major streaming services. Save your copies, kids.

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damn film making me cry

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Love it i cried and i never do that

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I've gotten the reputation for liking "artsy" movies. I think this is more of a reflection on the moving-going public than it is on me. It isn't like I'm seeking out Portuguese films made in the 40s. I just want to see a good film and most of the good films are a little off the beaten path.

And this brings us to "The Fall". No, this film wasn't too far off of that path as it was a major release. Still, it was a film that received so-so reviews and it came and went without most of us noticing it. Very few films really take you to another place, as if you have escaped real life. This film did not only did that to the viewer - it also did it to the characters in the movie. I know that might not make sense if you have not seen it.

One side note - the young girl that plays one of the leads is absolutely incredible and the film might not be the same with a different actress. I highly recommend this film and it is also safe for all ages.

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"Mum, Dad, don't touch it... it's eeevill!"

For those who don't understand that; this film is very reminiscent of Time Bandits!

While this has very striking visuals, the story itself is very lack-luster.

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can't believe this movie make me cry

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Beautiful story and stunning visuals!
Great, underrated movie

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wonderful movie !

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