Shouts about...

The Favourite 2018

The movie features great performances, gorgeous costumes and beautiful sets. But the story is awful, the characters loathsome, it has incredibly annoying music, as well as some of the ugliest camera angles. The many sexual and nude scenes were also off-putting. Much pretentiousness, little substance.

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Shout by Brian
BlockedParent2019-01-31T09:22:16Z— updated 2019-02-23T03:10:10Z

This movie has the ugliest cinematography ever. What the hell?! The performances are extraordinary, but the story? What a mess.

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I think someone accidentally reformatted the text to justified cause there's no way someone would do that on purpose.

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A 1700's cat fight between the queen's advisor and a servant. The winner is blessed with the attention of her majesty and the royal advantages that accompany it. The story is not only filled with conspiracy, treachery, and betrayal, but also humor, incredible acting, and very odd but wonderful cinematography. 

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Great, great, let me repeat; great cinematography. But didn't catch my attention, sorry Mr. Director.

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one of the best final shots in cinema

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Fast paced, yet dense with content. Olivia Colman is having the time of her life hamming it up and it shows! Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz were a powerhouse duo together. Granted, the ending left me feeling empty, but on reflection, that was the point. While this film doesnt strike as close of a chord as Poor THings, this is still a fun romp of a period drama thats witty, brooding, and tense all at once.

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Great movie, and Olivia Colman! "Look at me! How dare you? close your eyes"

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I barely paid attention tbh

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I found it interesting that in the beginning, I was very much on Abigail’s side. Sarah was always too forceful, too manipulative for me to like her much, although I did get to peek behind her eyes as well, and I can understand her.
Toward the end however, I was much more propelled into Anne’s point of view, torn away, ans estranged from Abigail. Anne, vegetating with what seems to have been stroke after stroke. Nobody really only cares for her. She’s the puppet of her country, the parliament and the nobility.

In short: living at court only seems to have been superficially fun and satisfying.

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"You look like a badger."

First of all, this movie looks freakin amazing; the cinematography mixed with the captivating camerawork, the lighting, the beautiful costumes and the overwhelmingly detailed set is perfection, there's always something to look at. It's all so inciting that I bet the actors didn't need much to get into character. Stone, Colman and Weisz all delivered equally amazing performances. Very interesting characters and dynamics. Excellent well-placed comedy. Love the score.

The story is very slice of life and for a while there's no hook but as soon as the scheming and the backstabbing starts it's entertaining to the very end. The runtime flew right by. I'm a bit puzzled by how "normal" this movie is compared to the usual Lanthimos weirdness, I was searching/begging for that the whole runtime. Still turned out to be a great fairly normal period drama.

The ending felt like karma being rightfully served to all three characters to me. It doesn't end well for any of them. That's what you all get for being manipulative power freaks!

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Shout by Deleted

Gay period pieces are doing so much for me right now. Everyone was brilliant.

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Fans of Yorgos Lanthimos will love it

A savage morality play, a camp comedy of manners, a Baroque tragedy, an allegorical study of the corruptive nature of power – it's all of these and yet none of them. On the one hand, it's too long, the plot too threadbare, and the metaphors and allegories too ill defined. On the other, the acting is flawless, it looks amazing, the first half is very, very funny, and the end is very, very dark, with the last shot one of the most haunting/disturbing images I've seen in a long time.

For my complete review, please visit:

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A healthy amount of mindfuck.

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There was a lot I liked about this, but I didn't like how it ended. Felt quite abrupt.

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Great performances, simple and unpleasant plot. Can't claim that I felt entertained or enlightened at any given time.

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Captivatingly weird and funny. Excellent acting, makeup, cinematography and fantastic costumes. Had me intrigued from the first minute. I loved how different this movie was.

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very weird movie but amusing for some reason

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I’m not too sure what just happened but:

  1. Abigail is the baddest bitch

  2. Olivia Colman can do no wrong

  3. Rich people are fucking weird

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-05-01T13:45:13Z— updated 2024-01-23T08:35:52Z

A grotesque and visceral period drama about two ambitious, scheming women pulling the strings behind the throne. The atmosphere is just too captivating to resist. It stays away from the glamour of Hollywood's costume dramas but still manages to be visually gorgeous and fashionably extravagant, even while dragging its characters into the mud. Wide-angle lenses often move across massive rooms and hallways to deform spaces and create a surreal, almost claustrophobic mood. The power play between the two leads is spiced up by witty dialogues and a general sense of quirkiness. Although the film stays engaging throughout, the ending might feel a little lackluster.

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"You smell like a ninety-six year old French whore's vajuju."

Imagine Barry Lyndon, but more funnier and gayer.

I've seen this movie a few days ago and when reflecting back at certain scenes I still chuckle.

Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz are great as always, but Nicholas Hoult and Olivia Colman are both absolutely terrific.

Everything from a technical stand point is masterful. Yorgos Lanthimos has yet to make a bad movie or even an average one.

One of the best of 2018.

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it is a huge waste of time. Explains one or two interesting things about the queen. The storyline isn't interesting at all. Too many sex scenes and nudity, I'm not purist but some scenes got me thinking "what is this for?". As some others users said, the movie isn't engaging. There is a substantial lack of content, it looks like one of those movies that tries to fool the viewer by providing luxurious backgrounds and frivolous side stories.

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Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone star in the incredibly dull and ugly period drama The Favourite. The story follows two cousins in the royal court as they vie for the affections of Queen Anne, each manipulating her to their own ends. The filmmakers admit upfront that they don’t care about historical accuracy, and are re-imagining the people and events. But worse than that are the bizarre directing choices; using distorted camera angles randomly for no apparent reason. Weisz and Stone both give strong performances, but they’re playing dislikable characters (cheating, conniving bitches, though not in a fun way). Still, some of the dark humor and slapstick works, and the sets and costumes are incredibly well-done. Yet overall The Favourite is an extremely boring film that’s poorly made.

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Everything is good expect story line is bit boring... Had to leave movie half way

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The cinematography is beautiful and the performances are perfect. Rachel Weisz was amazing as always, she deserved an Oscar just for existing. However, it's a boring movie with a non-engaging story. It's a pity.

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This film about the decadent and matriarchal English court in the 18th century owes much, if not plagiarism, to the aesthetics, photography and rhythm of Peter Greenway's films.

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A terrible waste of time

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Not my favourite film from the director - The Killing Of a Sacred Deer holds that spot I think - but still a deliciously dark comedy that is as cold and dispassionate as the other films served to us by Lanthimos. Colman deserved her Oscar, but the surrounding cast all put in sterling work here.

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making is like, wow & acting, what to say, you all know it's incredible

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Finally was able to watch this movie. I have wanted to see it even before Olivia Colman got her Oscar for the role of Queen Anne. And I must say I was not disappointed but on the other hand also not that impressed by the movie. For sure it was great acting and the cinematography was very unique and interesting. The storyline was good but the ending was kinda disappointing.

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Shout by Rikja
BlockedParent2019-03-16T19:04:22Z— updated 2020-07-16T23:19:25Z

I found the first 45 minutes of dialogue very difficult to understand. The movie is entertaining, but I would not watch it again and It had one of the worst endings ever.

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Decided to watch it after Olivia Colman’s Oscar win after hearing mixed reviews and sadly I just didn’t see what all the fuss was about. Lots of weird camera angles, annoying music, Queen Anne wailing every now and again for what reason I still haven’t managed to fathom and a plot which to me was boring. Very underwhelmed given the hype during Awards season..

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This film has an awesome feel right from the start.  It borrows a bit from a lot of films - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Heathers, maybe even a little Gladiator (from the political scenes, not the violence) - but it really is unlike any of those films.  While on the surface it is a period piece it is first and foremost a dark comedy.  The three leads are fantastic and the supporting actors are also fantastic.  About two thirds through the film I thought it had surpassed Cold War as the movie of the year.  The last third was good.... just not as good as the rest of the film.  The film gets darker towards the end and the final scene is a real departure from the rest of the movie.  After chewing on the final scene for a few days I think I did not realize who (and what) the film was really about.

follow me at or facebook page IHATEBadMovies

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Shout by Deleted

Great Great Great show .. with very deeep story in Dark comedy drama ... really #OliviaColman your great pravoooo and what i can say about #EmmaStone i love u girle ... and sure no one can denie your beauty face #RachelWeisz #TheFavourite

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Olivia Colman's performance was great .. everything else was just "okay"

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Anything Lanthimos puts out is a must watch now. If all period dramas had this type of script I'd be far more inclined to watch them. There was something of 'Phantom Thread' about it. I'm a huge Olivia Colman fan but I think Emma Stone slightly upstaged her in this. Costumes great, photography great (loved the fish eye type shots), dialogue brilliant, and plot - fiendishly savage.

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An odd, amusing and captivating movie with a stellar performance from Olivia (we love you darling!) that reminds me of the films of Peter Greenaway, and that's a good thing. "Must the duck be here?" Watch and smile... 7/10

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Rachel Weisz's BDE really jumps out and dragged me

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I should probably preface this with the fact that I'm not traditionally a fan of Yorgos Lanthimos movies. Neither The Lobster nor The Killing of a Sacred Deer made much of a positive impact on me.

That having been said,y this is significantly more accessibly than his past movies - perhaps because it's not his script. The direction, cinematography, and cast are amazing.

The movie is very funny, but I ultimately walked away from it with the feeling that I was supposed to grasp some deeper meaning... and I just didn't. Perhaps that's a commentary on the frivolity of the Royal Court - or it just means I'm scoring this 7/10 because I didn't get the parts that would make it a 10/10.

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I am enchanted by the movie. Emma Stone is superlative. Interesting the proposal of 3 strong female characters as the ones in the movie and the total absence of men. I strongly raconmend the vision of the film.

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Filme bastante pretencioso que esta meramente de relleno en la categoria de Mejor Pelicula en los Oscares, actuaciones decentes de Olivia Coleman y Rachel Weisz que para mi, no son tan extraordinariamente sorprendentes como muchos apuntan. Destaco su buena producción, fotografía, maquillaje y vestido.

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Oh, this was f*cking fabulous.

  1. i love women!!!!!!! God, Olivia, Emma and Rachel are SO good in this and their characters are all so freaking iconic.
  2. the sass and personality from the first second of the film till that ending. the whole thing smelled of legendary.
  3. im not the biggest fan of period films but if they all looked like this i would be.
  4. gays make everything better, they really do


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The Favourite didn't leave me with words to feed it, it left me with the feeling I was in the right place at the right time in a way that I never wanted it to end, until the exact moment it did.

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Shout by Deleted

Hands down to Olivia Colman but I was not expecting this from Emma Stone. Terrific acting!!

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A macabre masterpiece. This is what happens when you mix a satire of perverted England, jealousy, dark humor and strong ambitious women. All three main stars deserve their current awards and nominations but the film alone deserves recognition for the sets, locations, cinematography, music, THE COSTUMES and its particular narrative style.

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Shout by mercuriorosso

Superb acting, good direction and witty dialogues.

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Pretentious, with an obnoxious track and almost unbelievably unpleasant characters. Amazing performance by the Queen, though.

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I don't even know where to start on this movie. The cinematography, the plot, the costumes, the soundtrack and the acting are all the best I've seen in a LONG time. This is one of the greatest movies I have ever watched. I could elaborate, but it would take up all day. And as a young, gay woman, thank you for making a lesbian couple that wasn't just for the male gaze, where one didn't die off and where the story wasn't just about them coming out / discrimination. Yes to more movies of people who just happen to be gay and that's not the point of the story! Cheers!

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A truly bizarre film about Queen Anne and those who served her that borders on the absurd to great comedic effect.

The cinematography is very slick, although the frequent use of panning shots with fisheye lenses is slightly dizzying.

The aesthetics are fitting for the period, with some interesting use of typography throughout.

There are some great performances of the rather larger-than-life characters.

It takes some time for the story to really get going, but that does present an opportunity to get to know the characters at the start before a multi-layered narrative kicks in with a number of twists and turns.

In short, The Favourite is an enjoyable film with a rather unique style.

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Great movie, standing proud on three great actresses.
I'm still not sure about Lanthimos's actual skills as a director: he sure has a good eye for framing, manages to find good casts (though usually everyone is kept on low energy - something that gladly doesn't happen this time), and picks interesting stories... but he never sticks a landing for me.
I found the last third of the movie much less solid, and what was even the point of that final scene?

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Superb acting by the three principals - Olivia Coleman, Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone. This is a decidedly unflattering account of Queen Anne's reign frivolously disregarding timelines (Queen Anne's husband was alive during much of this movie's fractured timeline) and embracing gossip (about Anne's lesbian predilection that is disavowed by most historians). The rise and fall of Sarah Churchill and Abigail Hills influence as favourites, although a reality, had other credible political motivations. Much of this movie paints a picture of an ineffectual culture of fops and frivolities in court life, whereas the politics and the principles of the time were a lot more serious and calculating, as was Queen Anne's legacy (the United Kingdom was birthed under Anne's reign). But, as a fanciful history, there is great humour and tragedy in this movie and the acting is truly superb. I give this film an 8 (great) out of 10. [Costume Comedic Drama]

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Great performances by Olivia Coleman, Emma Stone, and Rachel Weisz. Good storytelling and good plot with support from great talent, kept my attention. Yorgos Lanthimos is becoming one of my FAVOURITE directors.

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The funniest thing in this movie is that whenever someone of the court plays music, or dances, or sings, they are just a little bit bad at it. They all have bad timing.
Which makes sense, why would these politicians be good at such artistic endeavours?

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Let women run things! That will limit the game of politics and the conniving and the backstabbing! Or maybe it won't. I'm not much for period pieces (go ahead, make your joke), but this movie has a different energy from most and it elevates the subject matter to me. The crazy wide angle lenses and the camera whips pair a more modern style with the down and dirty look at the power struggle between the three main leads. They fight over power, love and survival and it is a fun watch. It didn't quite hold my attention the full 2 hours, but I completely understand why the movie is getting the hype. Olivia Colman is especially good as Queen Anne as a great reminder that just because someone has a position of power doesn't mean they don't constantly act like a child. Come for the queer love triangle but in the end the main lesson is be careful what you wish for...

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-12-16T02:01:10Z— updated 2019-02-20T03:47:51Z

This is just the right amount of weird with a good amount of humor. Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone all give fantastic performances. It's hard to say which one was the best because they all play so well off each other. Nicholas Hoult does a pretty good job too. The cinematography was great. I love the wide angle shots and the way the camera moves is wonderful. The score, the sets, the costumes are all top notch. This is definitely Yorgos Lanthimos's best movie so far and I think he is one of the more interesting directors working today. It's even better after a rewatch.

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