Shouts about...

The Feels 2017

I was a little off put about the style of storytelling. Because it was more of an improv around a theme (which included testimonials and running discussions) I found the pace was uneven. However, out of the jumble of words there did emerge some nice relational bits. I prefer scripted pieces. FIgure out what you want your piece to say, and then craft your film around it. Don't leave it to your actors to do all the heavy lifting. I give this film a 6 (fair) out of 10. [Improvisational Cinema]

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I can't believe I've never heard about this movie before seeing it on Netflix!! It deals very well of the sensitive subject that is orgasm/expectations about one's sexual life, while showing different women's relationship with sex. While doing all of that, it also depict an established lesbian relationship, which is so refreshing! Movies about homophobia are great, but it also so nice to have a subject about other aspects of a lesbian relationship.
All the different relationships between the characters felt very natural, and I loved how each character was humanized.

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The good: woman directed, there's a couple POCs, and it doesn't end in stereotypical dyke death.
The bad: the str8 male character is annoying, self-involved, saboteur and for some reason that's just fine, and the improv-style seems disjointed.

I almost turned it off the 1st time watching - then I tried again the next day and it was more palatable. Not a fav though.

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Melodramatic tripe, The Feels is a meandering indie film about relationships. During a bachelorette weekend secrets get revealed causing drama and second thoughts about the impending wedding. Constance Wu and Angela Trimbur give fairly decent performances, but the rest of the cast is pretty weak. And the bachelorette weekend is rather dull, lacking the wild antics one would expect. Also, the characters aren’t written all that well, feeling more like stereotypes. Still, there are some fun moments and some interesting fourth wall breaking with inserted documentary style interview segments with the characters throughout the film. The Feels isn’t without its moments, it just gets cluttered and lost in minutiae.

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Films that lean on improv between actors are always a bit hit and miss. They end up with dead moments and awkwardness at times. Whilst this suffered from that too it wasn't really that bad and did a good job of feeling natural overall.
Helen's character definitely brought most of the funny moments but overall it was on the more serious side of comedy. I like that it didn't wrap the problems up in a bow with a neat resolution and wow it was so refreshing to have a wlw romance film that wasnt about the usual tired tropes.

An easy Friday night watch which leaves you feeling like you just hung out with your friends.

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