Shouts about...

The Final Countdown 1980

I liked it until I realised that the primary premise of the film would not occur. I am consequently unable to recommend it, because nothing substantial actually occurred.

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well in 2022, this movie doesn't age well, sadly. I remember it in 1980 as enjoyable. today, not so much. Mainly just seeing Nimitz footage in a movie that does nothing

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Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2022-01-15T16:28:52Z— updated 2022-01-23T15:18:57Z

This is a great idea for a story. An aircraft carrier from the 1980s runs into a strange storm that sends the ship and crew back in time to Dec. 6th 1941 one day before the Japanese fleet attacks Pearl Harbor. Kirk Douglas captains the USS Nimitz along with a crack lead airman played by James Farentino and a last second civilian addition Martin Sheen. For such an exciting concept the action is pretty limited but the build up to the potential clash with the Japanese attackers is well done. This movie also contained some outstanding military footage. Unfortunately when the final conflict is about to occur the movie's ending resorts to showing us the easiest possible resolution. Bummer.

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I really enjoyed this film.

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Great Scott!! A time travel movie.

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If you like time travel movies, its worth a glance but be prepared for a very weak pay-off at the end.

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Incredible sci-fi movie from the 80s. Has better F14 shots than Top Gun. The Blu-ray is great, the making of is excellent and includes many of the F14 pilots.

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Awesome movie that didn't make any sense at all with plenty of plot holes -- isn't that what the 80's were all about? =P

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Didn't really care for this movie. Granted, the 80's were pretty cheesy for movies, but, this plot was not complete and what was Martin Sheen doing on the boat, except to be an annoyance??

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