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The Flash 2023

Now that was a decent DC film that was a lot of fun and loved the style of the CGI, very creative, all the easter eggs too and Ezra Miller did well in the flash role.

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TheFlashMovie  was schway!!!!
It would have been better, if we got to see Grant Gustin.

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Not going to go in depth, but I enjoyed it enough. Yeah, it's messy at times but I also enjoyed myself more than most recent Marvel film (Guardians Vol 3 aside). Whether you like Muschietti or not after the messy and disappointing It Volume 2, he juggled a film with a reported 300 million dollar budget, that has been in development hell since being announced about 8 years ago, that went through massive amounts of script rewrites and reshoots, after failed test audience screenings. But yeah, I enjoyed this - significantly better than Black Adam, Shazam: Fury of the Gods, etc.

The CGI though is very bad for a 2023 film, with this budget. Maybe the follow-on affect of visual effect studios being overworked, a post-COVID blitz, etc. I'm not sure - but I hope Gunn can ensure we get better CGI in the new DC Universe, moving forward.

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I personally wish the CW Berry plays in this movie. I get it if he was too old or something, but another different person playing the flash is such a let down.

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You should seek the services of a mental health professional. The Justice League isn't very good at that part yet. Trust me.

The Flash / Ezra Miller

Like the elephant show in the circus: The Flash a big spectacle but not all that interesting.

The story is (like what you clean up after the elephant show) kind of all over the place and it stinks.

The time travel premise has been done to death and the fact the setting of the movie is an alternate universe makes the whole show feel like a collapsed circus tent: no stakes.

There were a couple of fun cameos but the rest of The Flash wasn't enough to make me forget everything Miller has been accused of in recent years.

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This was the worst adaptation of a Flash movie I've ever seen....well, I only got half way through and then that was enough. Not sure why they just didn't use the guy that plays the role on TV....

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After extreme early praise and mixed release praise, I had no idea what to expect. I am not a huge fan of the DCEU films, and I haven't watched any of the Flash show to know more of his backstory. With this being said, I REALLY enjoyed this. It was a good time, great effects, nice humor, over the top action, and a quality story to follow. The caveat: it came out within 45 days of the even better Guardians 3 and Spider-Verse 2. Hard to compete with those, but it is a quality superhero outing nonetheless.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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I just couldn't stop myself from comparing it to the animated Flashpoint Paradox. I really liked Flashpoint Paradox and for that reason I had somewhat high expectation from this story. This was fun at times but also somewhat disappointing for me.

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out of all the good things they could've made, they made this spaghetti.

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the release has been postponed to 23rd June 2023

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The writing dissappointed me more than the awful cgi. Still was a fun watch.

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IDK why i skipped this movie till now. loved it after marvel fkup and second wonder woman movie, this is sucha relief for me. sasha killed it. ezra miller too.

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Flash playing Back to the Future.

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:heart::heart::heart: - The only part I enjoyed watching in this film was seeing WW, Keaton and Colony. Why not cast the Barry from TV season in Flash film instead of Ezra..

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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OK, that was not bad.

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Shout by Qwalter
BlockedParent2024-02-21T19:22:02Z— updated 2024-02-29T00:00:15Z

You, you're

Yeah, im Man


I love this movie for bringing us the Man meme for the aslume subreddit. But for the love of god I cant give this movie more than a 4.

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A good Batman film, with an interesting concept, but it was executed in a slightly messy way. The visual representation of Flash isn't the best, with his way of running being unappealing to watch, and the younger Flash can appear childish. However, even with these aspects, the film still manages to be exciting, especially with time travel, and it's always good to have Batman involved in the plot.

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Awful movie with the cameos being the only cool thing about it. Why does everything in the film look like an anime? No one looks real and yet people are rating this higher than Green Lantern? Awful film which I'd have given 1 star too if Michael Keston, Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot weren't in it. This whole thing was done better in the show and they should've kept Grant Gustin. I'm glad they are rebooting the DCU, I can forget this exists.

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I wholehearteldy enjoyed this one. It's fun but not too silly.
Yes, it's not too innovative, copying trends and relying on memes and cameos. But what matters is that it works.
Keaton still (or again?) is the best Batman and this was the best experience I had with a DC movie since Nolan's Batman trilogy.

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As someone who is not a comic book geek, i enjoyed the movie

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Shout by John Accardo

Batman: hmmm, looks like my ship took a lil' hit. Welp.... Guess I better KILL MYSELF.

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Directed by Andy Muschietti, The Flash zips onto the screen with a burst of cinematic energy. While missing Grant Gustin, the film introduces Ezra Miller's quirky Barry Allen, delivering a visually stunning experience. Muschietti's direction propels the narrative, but emotional exploration takes a slight backseat. The Flash earns a solid 8/10 for its kinetic spectacle and superhero charm.

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Had more fun than expected with this one. An interesting story, loved the Eric Stoltz joke and all the cameos.

As the movie went on though, I started losing interest, I think it's a bit too long for my liking.

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"These scars we have make us who we are, we're not meant to go back and fix them. Don't let your tragedy define you."

I was totally expecting this to suck but it was pretty fun. I would say that while I do hate the third act and the second Barry is very annoying, there are plenty of cool and funny moments in this to make it worth a watch. Oh and Keaton totally rocks.

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This flick is a total speedster's delight, packed with action, humor, and enough Easter eggs to make even the most casual DC fan grin like the Cheshire Cat. Ezra Miller once again dons the crimson suit and brings his quirky charm to the fastest man alive.

Now, let's talk villains. We've got Michael Keaton reprising his role as Batman, and let me tell you, seeing him back in the cape and cowl is like a Bat-signal to my nostalgic heart. And don't get me started on the insane multiverse madness that goes down. It's like Barry Allen went on a time-traveling, dimension-hopping field trip and accidentally mixed up all the superhero universes in his backpack.

Sure, there are a few moments where you'll scratch your head and go, "Wait, what just happened?" But hey, that's part of the charm. It's like they grabbed a handful of comic book pages, crumpled them up, and threw them at the screen, creating a beautiful mess of epic proportions.

So, my rating for "The Flash" movie? I'm giving it a speedy 4 out of 5 stars!

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it was okay I guess, never watched Keaton batman so the whole nostalgia doesn't trigger for me though it is fun to see him as Batman

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I was very reluctant to watch due to bad criticism, but it was waaay better than I thought. Glad I watched it. I always get emotional about Barry's story with his mom. I love Batman's speech of accepting our traumas and reality without needing to go back. This movie is about it. It was fun to watch. I would give a 7/10 but as it was better than I thought, I give it a 8/10

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Horrible effects and filled with an attempt at fan service with all the throwbacks. Flashpoint as a comic was a way better way to go about this, but that was not used here.

The first few seasons of the Flash TV show on CW were way better. The Ezra Miller Flash is too much of a doof and is wholely unlikeable, and this is not even taking into account the off screen antics of the lead actor.

I watched this when it came to HBO Max, would not recommend that you spend any money on the film...just not worth it.

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What a cluster fuck of a movie that should never have been made given that the lead is a psychopath. Didn't pay a single cent to watch this movie, and I still almost didn't watch it.
Now to the actual movie.
The CGI was lacking.
Worst Barry Allen ever. Just retcon him and bring in Grant's flash.
Bringing back Michael Keatons batman is brilliant.
I hope the rewamp the whole plan.

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Many salty DC fans in the comments, enjoyable movie! Was interesting for the whole movie.

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Don't get all those negative reactions here. Was it a super good movie? no, there were a lot of things that I didn't like but still I watched it completly and did enjoy...a lot. That is what a movie has to do so ...wel done.

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Okay, when are we getting Supergirl spin-off? Sure, she died in the universe depicted here, but they can easily create a new one where it's the same actress.

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I just finished watching the movie, I find it really really fun despite watching it on TV I'm sure watching it outside on cinema it' would be a whole different fun experience
The move sometimes funny and emotional it's really catchy.

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Let me start with that i've never read a dc or marvel comic. But I just didn't feel it. I didn't feel Ezra Miller as The Flash or Barry Allen. And not because of his controversy. He was too twitchy and quirky. The story was strange... I don't know man
The thing that pissed me off the most was that they acknowledge (almost) every Batman, some Superman (and Nicolas Cage for some F*ing reason) but they can't bring Grant Gustin? Or John Wesley Shipp...? Tyler Hoechlin? Melissa Benoist? I know the last too are maybe a stretch, but Ezra's version of Flash was on the TV show.....

I didn't finish the TV Show and still Grand Gustin is THE FLASH for me!

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I think people who don't like this movie just don't like fun.. This was just a comic book movie through and through. What a great send off to Snyder's universe

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Good movie. Comic is the best, Followed by the Animated movie. Not to say this didn't entertain, it was well done and had an enjoyable time watching.

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I liked the movie. While it has some issue the homage to the previous DC movies worked for me very well

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DC, however, also knows how to do the multiverse. A big plus for inserts not only from the DC universe itself, and for the linking with the Zemeckis trilogy I give +1. :)

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this movie goes as one of the worst of the year easy!

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This is definitely the big steaming pile that everyone was talking about.
Awful story (nothing really redeeming from the source material), poor acting, abysmal writing, childish CGI.

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Flash is annoying they should have made a Keaton Batman movie instead

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Shout by Phil

I enjoyed it a lot more than expected. If it weren't for Ezra's real life problems, I'd have said this could build a cult following.

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This movie's effects, disrespect of the dead, and lead actor gave me cancer.

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I think the director tried to take a complicated story and present it in an entertaining way, they failed, 6/10

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Nice Movie for DC Fans, but the CGI is crap. I have seen movies with better CGI 15 years ago.

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The humour is great. The movie is a lot better than I thought it would be. Ezra miller is very funny as the two Barry's interacting with each other. The CGI is terrible, the story is good but there are so many things that don't make sense in the realm of DC. Seeing versions of characters that we'll never Se again is saddening and cutting Caville and Affleck (more) from the film doesn't sit well with me. It doesn't have the same gravity or wow factor as other Superhero movies but it's a fun movie.

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If having the OG Batman not enough to get you jacked about this, the movie itself is really good. This is the Batman that will forever be in my books as the best. Every version got progressively worse. Affleck and Patterson are horrible.

Enough about the bat. This movie was really good through and through. Perfect mix of comedy and action.


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watched it while i was high. dosn't make Sense.

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what the hell is this movie .?

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Descent. Not a total waste of time. But the industry is going overboard with the time travel/multiverse. Its starting to get alittle weirs

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As a movie on it's own it's a 7 for me, but the nostalgia factor gives it that extra point. Absolutely loved Michael Keaton's return as Batman and for me Ezra Miller was a great fit for this Flash-story.

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what awfully bad cgi and wasted potential, could have been fun & and back to the future hommage but wasted.

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The new Supergirl is hot!

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I would say this is one of the better recent superhero movies, it's getting more hate thn it deserves.

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The best DC film since The Dark Knight. Despite all the negative press surrounding the show's star, he did an excellent job in this film. (I have a feeling that Ezra Miller might be this generation Johnny Depp.)

All the cameos were also excellent. This is the perfect film to close out this chapter of DC universe. Bring on the James Gunn DC universe.

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I don't know how can you call this a good movie after such an atrocious third act, in the least imaginative location possible. And I was finding it entertaining previous to the desert battle, by the way.

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I went in with low expectations, and was still disappointed.

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I don't get why many marvel flicks get pass over goofy writing but people expected Casablanca from flash, imo jokes landed well and I don't mind the cartoonist CGI, ending felt little uneasy maybe cause I haven't watched the

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Too many goofy dialogues, joke every time

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The CGI in this flick is 1999 computergame terrirble... How did an exec greenlight this?

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So much to love, so much to hate, but all we have to do is let it go and forget. The snider verse is over.

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this is good movie just CGI is bad but its good in story. Jokes timings are superb some of them hits you dont even expect them. better then Transformers R of the beast wich are making comparing memes after watching The flash movie i see flash move superior in story.

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Run! Run away fast from this!

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Shout by Bruno Augusto
BlockedParent2023-07-18T22:33:25Z— updated 2023-07-20T01:27:03Z

Film ain't that bad as Internet implies, honestly. Besides the bad CGI and overused central plot leading to script boredom, the real problem is Ezra's poor and quite unconvincing acting - and his suit... man, that was terrible.

But I have to admit the colliding multiverses near the end, showing Nic Cage's Superman and the controversial deepfakes of Adam West and Christopher Reeve, was, at least, interesting.

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The James Gunn brand can't improve it any further any further. Doesn't need to. The movie was actually good.

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I thought Ezra was the issue with this movie, not the terrible CGI and bloated rehash of a plot. Poor Michael Keaton

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In my opinion - they took way too long to put this movie in the theaters. That's the biggest reason it's lost all of it's luster.
I was mostly annoyed by the "stupid" Barry. On the other hand the original Barry did really well leading the group of heroes. There was some decent humor, there was a lot of annoying and stupid humor.
It was incredible to see Michael Keaton as Batman again. Now I want a whole new trilogy with Keaton as the Bat. Sasha Calle portrayed Super-girl really well as well.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The movie sucks big time. 89’ Batman and the Mexican Supergirl died at the end. Stupid movie.

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I like, the effects are good, the story is probably what most people expect for a superhero movie, maybe too long, I mean 2 hours, for me it should be shorter.

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I did enjoy the movie..Good to see that they had SuperGirl in it..But would of want to see more about her little more..It was good for what it was..It’s The Flash so I don’t expect a big time fight scene and all..I liked it for what it was.

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I like this DC take on a multiverse -- very different from Marvel's. And, I thought the movie was good...very good.
Good to the last drop (Nespresso).

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There are too many things working against this film to rate this movie any higher. Ezra Miller as a human being, the DCU rebooting, Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse as a fantastic multiversal movie, and a lot of dodgy CGI in this movie sours my opinion on this movie. I think the plot of this movie is actually pretty good, and I liked the emotional ending too, but I think most people will find this movie below average.

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Well this was an unexpected little gem! From the trailer I knew it was going to be right up my street, and it did not disappoint.

The films humour is spot on, and just the right level of silly and joyful. The plot was good, if somewhat predictable at parts.
Absolutely LOVED the references in the latter part of the film.

I generally preferred marvel films, but this one really did a great job, and gave me such an enjoyable evening. :blush:

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This is easily one of the most exhilarating super hero movies I've ever seen. The storyline feels fresh and unpredictable, the action sequences have a fun and unique flare thanks to the main character's cool abilities, and the comedy was appropriate and didn't take away from the more serious tones. The only glaring issue was the movie's incessant use of uncanny CGI models for human characters. But aside from that, everything else was brilliant.

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Pretty decent movie, the CGI is a letdown though
I really tried not liking Ezra Miller in the role but he's actually a good Flash, he embodies the awkward geeky Flash from the Animated movies pretty well
The story was inconsistent at times and it felt like they could've easily fixed some issues with 5-10 extra minutes of footage that would've made this way more solid
Anyways, it was a fun one time watch

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Very entertaining with Ezra giving it all in a dual role. The story is a little rough around the edges at times though so while this is enjoyable, it needed someone to go back in time to polish up the sometimes lacklustre script.

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One of the greatest DC ever (barring Dark Knight saga ofc, whuch nothing could beat).
Smartly adapted from Flashpoint arc :blush:

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I see you DC stepping your game up. I wonder how this movie affects the rest of the dc universe. Imagine they bring George Clooney back fr :joy:

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The movie was slightly better than expected. However, the male lead acted a bit awkwardly, but the story was still good. The scene where the young Barry saved the main character was a bit sudden and emotional. Overall, it was decent, but I hope they will focus more on a storyline for Flash like the TV series rather than turning it into another Justice League mashup where Flash is just a side character.

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An entertaining and fun movie that falls apart a little in the end and almost becomes pointless. Though the movie is a bit of a letdown next to the trailers. It is way better than the mushy and corny love fest the Flash tv show turned into.
Two Ezra’s is definitely as annoying as you’d expect. The longer hair one eventually becomes tolerable but it takes half the movie.
Spoiler Warning: Michael Keaton and Sasha Calle steal the show but by the end it is a little disappointing how ether were used.
Andy Muschietti is a fine director but unfortunately it’s more of the Muschietti who did IT Chapter 2, than the one who did Chapter 1. So there’s a combination of goofiness, drama, some dark moments and back to goofy again.

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Shout by Paul

Surprisingly very good, the funny bits are funny and the action was all good, especially the opening hospital scene. Shame about what happened with Supergirl and Batman.

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