Personal Lists featuring...

The Frighteners 1996






All time favourite comedies


All time favourite Horror movies


Movies to watch on Halloween


A bit less scary and more fun, but still a bit scary!


Historically low gas prices. A boy band for every block. Philips CD-i. POGS. Maybe we just had it too good during the ’90s because audiences weren’t flocking much to horror movies this decade. As a result, there are less entries here than on our ’70s and ’80s lists. Nevertheless, if you feel like getting grungy and/or jiggy with it (in whichever order, we’re fair) then check out Rotten Tomatoes’ list of the 40 Best ’90s Horror Movies!

The first half of this decade was notoriously rough for horror, as diminishing production value, lost craft, and sequel bloat buried the genre. Jason, Michael, and Freddy all got canceled, with only Wes Craven’s New Nightmare getting good enough reviews to show up on this list. Even more, New Nightmare‘s post-modern meta-story would pave the way for Craven’s own Scream, which would revive horror leading into the 21st century. Other highlights from this era in horror movies include the only one to ever win Best Picture (The Silence of the Lambs), the rise of Peter Jackson (Dead Alive, The Frighteners) and Guillermo del Toro (Cronos, Mimic), sophisticated adult fare (Jacob’s Ladder, Candyman), and winking B-movie mashups (From Dusk Till Dawn, Tremors). The only stipulation for a movie to be considered for this list was a Fresh rating from at least 10 reviews, before we ranked them all by Adjusted Tomatometer.

Like a kiss from a rose or a rotting vegetable, here comes the best scary 1990s movies…TO THE EXTREME!


As nasty and terrifying as Horror movies are in general, they can also be a bit absurd to a point. When a movie comes along and decides to play on that absurdity for laughs, the results are often a thing of beauty... when done right, of course.

In their own way, Horror Comedies can be every bit as satisfying of a watch as standard Horror flicks are, and sometimes, even more so.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Horror Comedy, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For our money, Black Sheep and What We Do in the Shadows are probably the funniest of them, but then again they all bring their own unique and humorous vision to the Horror Comedy Sub-Genre.

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Horror Comedies, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

