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The Fury 1978

There's a great movie in here. It's just that at 2 hours, it's poorly paced.

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"The Fury" is a Brian DePalma movie? Just what in the Hell is going on here?!? I don't need movies to be categorized or "genre-ized" but in this case it would have helped. Was I supposed to be laughing while I was watching this? No, check that...was I supposed to be sitting there with my mouth hanging open at the sheer confusion this caused me?

Kirk Douglas seems just misplaced here, but maybe I haven't seen enough of his films. I thought I liked Amy Irving (thanks, "Carrie") but she's bad in this. Then just when I'd given up hope, there's THAT FINAL SHOT! And it's followed by the credits?!?! My mouth was hanging open again, but this time for the right reasons. What a crazy movie this is.

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Carrie meets a spy movie. It’s original and different. It’s just strange that some scenes are humorous. Then some are dark and creepy.

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Have a whole extra heart for the ending. Great cast great director and a good story.

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An entertaining Kirk Douglas movie when he is on screen and looking crazed. More of a chore the rest of the time and tough to follow at times. A little laughable and hokey in places and slow in the middle but satisfying action when the action kicks in. An great rousing and creepy score at the top and during the credits though.

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It's more of a Jame Bond spy type movie for 90% of it. It only gets the interesting stuff in the last 10 minutes and even that was a let down. Terribly paced movie that could have been cut down to maybe 30 minutes.

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Meh. Maybe if they had cut the entire Kirk Douglas storyline we'd have a nice little "psychic abilities" horror/thriller, and a nice companion piece to Carrie. But the movie as-is is just a mess, the tone is all over the place.

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